Chapter 4

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I walked out of December High and started walking toward my shuttle bus. Today was pretty great, having all A's on my report card and probably getting a job.

I sat down in the middle of the bus today, and Olive came and plopped down next to me.

"So," she asked. "When are you going to call that place and ask for the job?"

Hmm...I thought. When am I? I never thought of that.

"Well," I replied after a minute of thinking. "I could try now. They didn't list the hours they were open."

I pulled out my camouflage Samsung S5 and dialed the number.

"Hello," I heard a human voice on the other line. "And thanks for calling Fazbear Entertainment. This is Greg speaking. Can I help you with anything?"

"Yes," I replied. "I would like to apply for the nightguard at Fazbear's Fright."

"Ok. I'll need to asked you a few questions. Is that ok?" I told him yes. "Alright then.

"First, what is your name?"

"Zackery Quimby." I even spelled my name for him.

"Second, well, your a boy, right?" Greg sounded a little embarrassed, but I said yes. "Ok. Third, have you ever had any experience with being a nightguard?"

I had to think on that for a couple seconds.

My mom had to work late sometimes, and when nobody could watch me, she took me to her office and I pretended to be a nightguard.

"Yes," I told him.

"Fourth, how old are you?"


"Ok, so you can drive?"


"Alright then. That's all. You sound perfect for the job. You can begin your first shift on Monday at 12:00. The phone there will ring and all you have to do is listen to the tutorial tapes. Other than that, just watch over the place."

"Great, thanks!" I hung up.

"So," Olive wondered. "How did it go? It took a while, so you must've had your interview over the phone."

"I got the job!" I replied excitedly.

"Well, that's weird. Just giving you the job after not even seeing your face. But at least you can pay for your truck. When do you start?"

"He said on Monday at 12."


"I guess so."

"Well that's late. Thank goodness it's summer vacation."

"I know right." We both laughed.

We talked some more until the bus got to the elementary school. We got onto our other bus and sat near the others. We talked even more and they even asked if I got my job yet. I told them yes and even asked if they have any jobs yet.

"Well," Des started. "I could be working at the local hospital as either a receptionist or a training nurse! It could be a great experience if I was to become a nurse."

"I gonna start helping a mechanic." Noah added.

"I'm working at the local pizza place as a delivery boy." Quin stated.

"I couldn't find a job." Olive said. "But, I might be going to my grandma's house and she owns that great big inn. I may work there."

We talked even more about what our jobs would be like, until one by one, we got off the bus until I was the last of us left. I got out my phone to see my mom had texted me.

Mom: Hey sweetheart! Both ur father and I won't be at home, so u'll have to fix ur own lunch. I'll see u soon!

I smiled and told her that was ok.

The bus stopped and I got off at my house. I walked up the steps and unlocked the door. I walked in and took off my sneakers. I sat down on the brown couch and turned on the TV. I started channel surfing until I saw that my favorite movie, The Maze Runner, was on, so I started watching it.

It was a little while later, so I made a grilled cheese sandwich. I sat back on the comfy brown couch and ate my sandwich. Mom and dad came home at the same time and I greeted them both.

"So," my mom started. "Did you find a job?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"What is it?" My dad asked.

"I'm a new nightguard at a local horror attraction." I told him.

For some reason, the look on his face did look great. He didn't look sick, he just seemed like he didn't like the sound of my job.

"Do you already have the job?" Mom asked me.

"Yes," I told her. "I did the interview over the phone, and the guy said I would be perfect for the job."

"When do you start?"

"Monday at 12."


I laughed. "Yes. Olive had the same reaction when I told her I got the job."

Mom smiled. "I always liked that girl. She's really nice." I smiled back.

I used to have my friends over when I was little and Olive was the number one person I always wanted over. Even our parents get along. Really, she's the best person ever.

That reminded me of the events that happened earlier. Olive in the nurse's office. Me evsdropping on the conversation before she got beat. I still feel bad about not stopping Faith and Starla from hurting Olive.

"Why don't you go online and find out more about your job's background?" Mom recommened. I kind of forgot she was there.

"Sure." I got up and went to my room upstairs. I sat down at desk and powered on my Mac.

I search Fazbear's Fright on Google and something came up.

Fazbear's Fright, a new horror attraction in December County, Kentucky, is starting to get many fans, even though it hasn't opened just yet.

There have been sightings of a tall, torn apart sort of robot walking in front of the attraction doors, sometimes causing a crowd. Some aren't sure what to make of this, but most have thought it's apart of the attraction.

There have been flyers around the town asking for a nightguard to work from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. There has been one excepter, so the job is no longer available.

The attraction is said to open in two weeks on Monday, November 17, 2024. People in December County are very excited for the place to open its doors to start scaring teens.

I closed out of the tab and shut my lid. Well, at least I know how long I work for on one shift. I went down stairs and told mom. She said that was good that I was learning things and told me I could watch some TV. I continued watching the Maze Runner, until I told mom I was tired and went up to bed.

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