Chapter 12

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I stood there in shock. "I-I thought he was dead." I stuttered.

"No. He is alive and breathing just like you and Olivia."

"You know my real name." Olive said, confused. "What are you?"

"Like Zackery has said before, I'm a spirit. Your father did try and 'kill' me Zack, but only sent my being into a sort of state of slumber, then I awoke, hearing of evil starting to arise once more."

"Loads of fancy words, I see." Olive added.

Fredbear smiled down at her. "I've watched over you to Olive. You are a very hilarious and intelligent girl." He ruffled her blue hair. She smiled up at him. I looked at him now.

"But, what do you mean I have to kill him?" I asked.

"He is planing to kill once again, but I need you to stop him."


"Calm down Zack. I can help. If you haven't noticed, there are still restless spirits waiting for revenge. They want you to lead them." Fredbear outstretched his hands, then four little white kids lined up on either side of him, one boy and girl on each side.

"Why not you?" I asked, not fazed at all. I was starting to get used to the paranormal going on here. "You've know these kids longer than I have."

"That is true, but" He then started to shrink, turning into one of the small white kids on both his left and right. "I'm one of them." Fredbear finished in a child's voice.

"Fredbear..." I started, looking at him and all the other kids. "I can't do this."

"You can call me Peter. That was my human name. I could morph into other beings, and I chose to be Fredbear, the very face of Fazbear's Diner."

"You chose to walk around as the costume the man who killed you dressed up in to gain your trust?" I summed up. Peter nodded. "But why though?"

"Because, it shows how much, for one, I wanted to protect others from the same man's evil, and two, to show off the best/worst thing that happened to me."

"Why though?" Olive jumped in.

"Well, the worst because I've never seen my parents, and that's really sad for me. And the best, because now, I make that Vincent sorry for what he's done to people like us." Peter jestured to all of the kids.

"Are there more?" I asked.

"You will soon find out, but now, we must go to him."

Olive looked up at me. "Do you really want to do this?" She asked.

I looked from her to the five kids. It would be great for these kids to get the revenge they've waited so long for, I thought. But then again, do I really want to lead an army of blood thirsty ghost children?

I thought for what felt like forever, but Peter spoke up, breaking the silence. "Zack, it's now or never. Vincent can go on a killing spree if we don't stop him here and now. I know he's here, we have to end this, NOW!" Peter seemed upset, worried and a little angry. "Please..."

I thought for a couple seconds longer.

"Sure," I responded. "Let's teach this man a lesson in death."

Peter smiled and so did the other kids. "Follow me everyone. I know where he is, but we must be quiet.

"Oh wait!" He added. "We forgot him!"

"What do you mean Peter?" Olive asked.

"Timmy." A little girl to Peter's left informed us. "Vincent's first victim."

"Thank you Sally for telling them." Peter thank her. He looked back up at us. "Timmy WAS Vincent's first victim and has wanted revenge on him for the longest time."

"Why isn't he here?" I asked.

"He gave up looking for Vincent a while back, but we promised Timmy once we found a leader, we would call for him. Now, it's time for him to come."

All five of the kids gathered in a circle around me, Olive standing outside the circle. They all grabbed hands.

"We will do this internally Zack." Peter informed me. "You may feel a little pain, but it won't last long if we don't get interupted. Olive," He looked at her now. "Tell us if something goes wrong. Yell or scream, but if Zack starts doubling over, don't break the circle, got it?" Olive nodded. "Ok then, let's bring in the big guns."

They all closed their eyes and started moving their mouths. I couldn't read their lips, but it didn't matter to me. I felt a little headache coming on, but thought nothing of it. It started to get stronger, then I felt some pain in my chest near my heart.

I started to double over from the pain. I could see Olive coming closer to the circle, but quickly backed off, scared to break the circle.

The pain continued for a little longer, then all five kids opened their eyes. The pain stopped and I stood back on my feet. I moved over to my right, since I suddenly felt very cold standing in that spot. Another kid then appeared out of thin air, just like the others had done ealier. This was Timmy.

"Why have you called me?" Timmy asked Peter.

"We found him."


"I wouldn't call you for no reason, Tim."

"Where is your leader?"

"He's right next to you." Timmy looked up and saw me. "Timmy, this is Zackery, our new leader."

Timmy looked me up and down. "He looks great. Let's go teach Vincent a lesson, right now!"

Everyone nodded. We all started walking down the winding hallways, waiting for Vincent to either pop out, or for us to find him.

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