Chapter 1:

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For the city of New York, quietness, even at night, was rare, although every so often, the loud cars, night clubs and groups of people walking along the street died down to almost nothing and the city slept, which made it the perfect time for the dragon riding teenage mutant ninja turtles to come up to the surface from their sewer home, and play a game they liked to call ' Dragon racing '.

Their human friends, April and Casey, along with their rat Sensei and father, Master Splinter and his friend from Japan, the Ancient One, were watching the four brothers game from a rooftop.

Splinters dragon-an older, grey dragon whom Splinters eldest son, Leonardo and his dragon Nazo had found by the docks one night a few months back, was laying by his side. The old dragon seemed wise to Splinter and the aging rat became very fond of him very quickly, naming him Waizu, which was a Japanese word for Wise.

Casey Jones stood next to his wife April O'Neil, smirking at the white bandana hanging from a water tower on the next roof over. " Its gonna be Raph and Flame, no doubt about it " he told April.

April rolled her eyes. " No way, its Donnie this time for sure, he and Manic have the stealth and Raph always goes straight for the bandana first, its predictable " she replied.

Casey leaned closer. " Is that a bet? Whoever loses has to buy dinner? " he challenged.

April smirked. " Alright, deal, get your wallet ready "

" If I may intervene " The Ancient One said, sitting on Splinters left. " I believe Michelangelo will win this time, his dragon has the speed and skill to navigate...even when Michelangelo is not, well, paying close attention " he told them.

Casey chuckled. " Nuka may have the speed and skill, but he's not the, eh...brightest of the dragons, remember when he got his nose stuck in the bucket "

" After Mikey got his head stuck in a different bucket " April cut in, making them all laugh, everyone but Splinter.

Splinter had his eyes closed and he sighed, putting a hand on Waizus' head. The dragon let out a content breath. " And Leonardo is not here " he said.

Ancient One turned to face his friend. " appears you have scared him off with that ' I'm getting older and will not be around for much longer ' talk " he replied.

" That may be so Ancient One " Splinter replied. " But it is a topic that needs to be talked about, I am not as young as I once was "

Everyone looked down, knowing that was true. 5 years ago, Splinter would say the same thing, but it didn't seem to bother everyone as much back then.

" ...Hey, lets forget about this whole ' Getting older ' nonsense and just focus on the games " Casey told everyone, refacing on the bandana wavering in the wind.


Raphael stared at the bandana cautiously from an alleyway. He was sitting on a fire escape while his dragon Flamethrower, or just Flame, waited impatiently below on the ground. The fire red dragon with horns matched Raph's personality to a T. He was impatient, hot tempered, fiery and always got into fights with the other dragons-especially Nazo, but he was also fiercely loyal to his new family and would protect them no matter what.

Flame snorted, flapping his wings together. He was ready to go, but Raph had a plan in mind, something his other brothers would never see coming.

" Pipe down Flame! " He whispered, looking down at his dragon for a brief moment before a flash of purple caught his eye. He looked back up and spotted his younger brother Donnie and his white and purple feathered dragon Manic trying to sneak over to the bandana. He knew that his youngest brother Mikey was just waiting to snatch the bandana or chase whoever got to it first, so he had to be ready.

A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and His Dragon: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now