Chapter 14:

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They had a funeral for Splinter once the ninjas had gone. They cemented him and put his ashes in a homemade pot from the remains of the traps and ships, then they had tied a sail to the pot and watched it fly off into the sky, carried by the wind, until it eventually was out of sight.

Leo stood out from the group, watching the waves crash onto shore. The events that had just unfolded replayed in his mind over and over and besides Splinters death, what he had said to Nazo stood out the most. He had called Nazo the one thing he fought Splinter over, a monster.

" The death of someone we love and care about is like the death of part of us. No one else will ever call out from within us quite the same responses, the same feelings or actions or ideas. His death is an ending of one part of a story. As we look back over Splinter's life, we think about what he has left behind for us, wisdom, lessons, sons, and though it will be difficult, we continue on in our own lives and what must be laid to rest. Our love for him reminds us that our sharing, in one another's lives brings both support and pain. Being parted from him reminds us of our own mortality, and that nothing truly lasts forever, but even so, our love for Splinter draws us together, and gives us a new appreciation of one another and of the beauty and fragility of relationships... " The Ancient One spoke.

Raph, Donnie and Mikey approached Leo, and the brothers shared a sad family hug, but Nazo remained on Leo's mind.

" So...What now? " Raph asked.

Leo remained silent.

" We have no master... " Donnie spoke.

" No Dragons.... " Mikey added.

Leo looked back out to the ocean. " ...I'm sorry...father...I'm not the master, or leader that you thought I could be...and I'm not a good dragon trainer like I thought I could I...don't know what I'm going to do... "

Yoshi approached Leo. " I have only known you for a short time Leonardo...but I know that Splinter saw great things for you...your heart, is the heart of a leader...your brain, as keen as any ninjutsu master and your with a dragon... "

Leo sighed as approached the water, watching the sun start to set on the horizon. " ...I was always afraid of letting him down...I thought I could never live up to what he was, a great teacher a great leader...a great father...but in the end, I guess all you can really do is try... " he turned back to the others, looking determined.

" A good leader looks out for his own...but a great leader protects them all...all who deserve it...and as a clan, we protect those who we know will protect us...the dragons, April and Casey...which is why... " He unsheathed his katanas. 

" We're going back...and we're bringing our family home... " 

They all smiled, but Karai stepped forward. " I agree Leonardo, but we do not have any dragons to ride back to New York... "

" She's right Leo, and if we use a ship, we won't catch up to Khan in time " Donnie added.

Leo suddenly smirked. " We don't need a ship...and we do have dragons... " he replied before walking back into the cave.

The others all looked at each other before following him.

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