Chapter 12:

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Yoshi, Leo, Splinter and The Ancient One were happily sitting on stones in a cave inside the sanctuary. The cave had been Yoshi's living quarters and stocked fish and fruits and vegetables that the dragons had gathered.

" I'm telling you, the guys are going to be shocked to find out that your alive! " Leo told Yoshi excitedly as he shooed Nazo away from a basket full of fish. " And April and Casey! We'll have to bring them here! We can get them dragons of their own! They'll love it! "

Yoshi laughed along with Splinter and The Ancient One.

" Yes, Leonardo is correct, but we can't be expected to just leave our home and come lie here " Splinter spoke. " Master Yoshi, you must return with us to New York "

Yoshi suddenly dropped a basket of fish and Nazo and Kumo ate them greedily.

" Splinter, I have not returned to civilization for a very long time. The dragons have become my family, I can't just leave them... "

Splinter frowned and looked down.

" ...What if we came to live with you then? " Leo suddenly spoke.

" Leonardo, I have said- "

" But think about it Sensei, on this island, we don't have to hide during the day. Theres more space for the dragons to roam around and be with their own kind, and it would be better for you to finish our training " Leo interrupted. " We could even bring April and Casey here, they wouldn't have to worry about making money or paying taxes or any of that old stuff. We could all be free here " he looked at Yoshi. " As a family "

Yoshi smiled, turning to Splinter, who still looked uncertain.

The Ancient One cleared his throat. " I believe Leonardo has a point Splinter San. This would be a fulfilling life for all of us, even on my return to Japan "

Splinter sighed, but when he looked back up, a smile was across his face. " That sounds like a wonderful idea Leonardo. We will fly back and inform your brothers of our decision "

Leo smiled as Nazo nudged him. He turned to his dragon, petting his head. " You hear that boy? No more hiding for us! "

Nazo roared happily and Kumo and Waizu joined him while Leo, Splinter, Yoshi and The Ancient One laughed together.

Suddenly, more roaring could be heard, and it didn't sound happy. 

Nazo turned to look out at the sanctuary and growled, narrowing his eyes.

Leo turned and saw all the dragons starting to fly up and away.

" ...Yoshi, whats going on? " Leo asked.

Yoshi and Splinter turned. 

" ...I do not know... " Yoshi replied, quickly running through the caves. Leo, Splinter and The Ancient One quickly followed, along with Nazo and Kumo.

Yoshi emerged from the cave and stood on an outstretched ice cliff. His eyes widened at what he saw.

Khan's army of ships were stopped on shore, with thousands of Foot ninjas and dragons alike on the beach. The dragons fired at the ice spikes, knocking them down to try to expose the dragon sanctuary.

Yoshi glared down at the army as Leo and Splinter caught up.

" Oh no...Khan... " Leo mumbled under his breath.

Splinter looked at Yoshi. " Master Yoshi, we are going to help, what will we do? "

Yoshi turned and whistled.Kumo was by his side in seconds.

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