Chapter 11:

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Back on the ship. The boats were all being towed by whatever was under the water, bringing them closer and closer tot he dragon island.

Some Foot ninjas were leading Karai and the three brothers to the end of the boat.

" How could this get any worse? " Mikey complained.

" Being thrown overboard into freezing water and drowning Mikey, I don't think it will get any worse... " Donnie replied.

Raph glanced down into the water. " Terrific... " he mumbled sarcastically. 

Karai was the first to be forced forward. She turned to Raph. " You still claim I am a princess? "

Raph rolled his eyes. " Yes, now go ahead and jump... "

Karai suddenly narrowed her eyes. " Duck! " she whispered.

Raph quickly did as she ordered, watching as she kicked away the Foot ninjas holding him.

She rolled, grabbing the katana that was dropped on the ground and cutting through the tied around her wrists. While she fought off the rest of the ninjas holding them, Raph quickly untied himself and Donnie and Mikey.

" I know where your dragons are being held, we must remain stealthy, quickly! " Karai spoke as she led them across a few boats, sneaking by unsuspecting ninjas while Khan was busy on the main ship.

Once they made it to a bigger boat, Karai stopped them. " Check every cage, they will be here somewhere " she whispered as they split off.

Donnie found Manic near the back of the ship and jumped down into his cage. " You okay Manic? " he asked worriedly.

Manic purred softly, nudging Donnie. He was tied down with chains. 

" Don't worry Manic, we have a plan...we just have to sit tight for a bit... " Donnie spoke quietly as he started picking the locks attached to the chains.

Mikey ran over to Nuka's cage, squeezing through the bars. " Hey buddy! " he whispered as he hugged Nuka. 

Nuka growled softly, but Mikey quickly shushed him. " Just sit tight dude...we still have a long way to go... "

" ...Is he okay? " Karai spoke as she entered the cage. She and Mikey quickly hid behind Nuka when two ninjas passed by.

Nuka nudged Karai, who flinched.

Mikey shrugged. " He's fine, he's totally tough " he replied, noticing her flinch. " Hey, have you even ridden on a dragon before? "

Karai shook her head. " No, I only captured them, but now I feel ashamed and guilty for doing so...this dragon...he saved me from Khan...I am in his debt... "

Mikey chuckled. " Leo told me dragons don't hold grudges, all you have to do is earn their trust and they'll do anything for you, but earn their trust the right way "

" How do I do that? " Karai asked.

" Go see Raph, he can show you better than I ever could... " Mikey replied.

Karai nodded and made her way to Raph, who was reunited with Flame in a cage under the ship.

" Michelangelo claims you can help me earn a dragons trust... " She spoke softly.

Raph glanced at her. " ...Since you helped us, I'll help you, come here... "

Karai nodded and walked over to him.

Flame growled at her, but stopped when Raph told him to. " She's with us now Flame "

Flame looked uneasily at Karai.

" Just talk to him, and hold your hand out, slowly " Raph instructed.

Karai did as he said, holding her hand out to Flame. " ...I am sorry I trapped you and the other dragons, I know now that what Khan is doing is wrong. I am sorry and I will fight with you to free them all... "

Flame growled softly and stretched his nose out to Karai, letting her pet him.

Karai smiled and bowed to him. " Thank you... " she replied before turning to Raph. " What do we do now? "

Ralph quickly broke the chains off Flame. " We wait... " 

A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and His Dragon: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now