Chapter 2:

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A black and white dragon soared over the sea surrounding the island of Manhattan.

His rider, dressed in armour, sat on the dragons saddle as they spun in a spiral.

This duo are none other then Leonardo, a teenage mutant ninja turtle and Nazo, a dragon that Leo found in the alleys of New York 5 years ago.

" Ya! " Leo shouted as he moved one of the gear shifts on the handles of the saddle. Nazo's artificial wing tip moved in the direction that Leo wanted it to go.

They moved up, high above the clouds until they were out of sight.

Leo moved the gear shift again and they glided, moving straight forward.

Leo sat up. " What do you say boy? Wanna give this a shot? " he asked Nazo.

Nazo snorted, his way of telling Leo ' No way! '

Leo laughed. " Nazo, it'll be fine " he said as he moved a lever that was beside him.

A click and lock sound came from Nazo's wing tip.

Leo took his feet out of the stirrups, sat up straight and slid off Nazo.

He started diving down towards the water. Nazo dived after in and spiralled.

Leo laughed and shouted through his helmet. He looked at Nazo who gave him a toothy grin.

The two dived further down getting closer to the water.

Leo suddenly tugged on a line near his foot. A wing suit opened up and Leo glided up with Nazo following close behind.

Leo flew around, doing spirals and flips. He pulled another line on his armour and a sail fin stood up on his shell armour.

" Whoo! " he shouted as he looked back at Nazo.

Nazo snorted and flew under Leo as the two glided into the clouds up ahead.

Leo glanced back at Nazo and the dragon gave him questioning look.

Leo yelled happily, glad to be free with his dragon and Nazo kept him gliding by shooting a spark ball of lighting underneath him occasionally.

" This is amazing! " Leo yelled as he flew through some clouds, but when he could see again, he saw he was headed straight for rocky islands that stood out tall from the water.

" No longer amazing! " He shouted, looking down at Nazo flying behind him. " Nazo! " he called.

Nazo roared and tried to fly up higher, but he was still slower even with the fake wing tip staying open and he couldn't turn as well still without Leo's help. Nazo desperately kept shooting the lighting ball of energy to try to keep Leo in the air before flying up behind him and wrapping his wings around him, protecting him as they crashed through the trees on top of the rocks and finally rolling to the ground of the island.

Nazo unfolded his wings to let Leo get up. Leo breathed heavily as he stood up, undoing his wing suit and stuffing it back into his place in his armour.

" Wow, we really came out of nowhere... " He said, just as one of the rock formations behind the island they had landed on crumbled apart and landed in the water.

Nazo nickered at Leo, speaking his own weird dragon language that Leo never understood, but somehow did understand, if that makes sense.

" We need to work on your solo flying there boy " Leo replied to Nazo as he turned a small winch on his armour that put down the fin on his shell. " That locked up wing tip makes for some sloppy rescue attempts " he removed his helmet, shaking out the tips of his mask, which had faded over the years, but still retained its blue colour. 

A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and His Dragon: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now