Chapter 6:

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Nazo flew high above the clouds, further and further away from the city, the boat, everything.

Once they were high enough, Leo sighed, then yelled out at the sky before leaning back on Nazo's back.

Nazo craned his neck, trying to look up at Leo. He sighed, continuing to look ahead as he glided through the air.

Leo sighed, staring up at the clear sky above him. " ...Don't worry Nazo, your not a monster to me...and I won't let anything happen to you... " he told the dragon, running his hand along Nazo's outstretched wing, the one with the flight piece on it. " I promise... "

Nazo purred softly, but suddenly perked and looked underneath himself. The cloud beside him were moving quicker than normal, breaking apart. 

" Whats wrong boy? " Leo asked as he sat up, reaching back to grab his Katanas, but then remembered Raph still had them.

Nazo growled and jerked sideways as a figure rose from the clouds. Dressed in full body armour and armed with a curled staff and shield.

Leo's eyes widened as he watched the figure disappear back into the clouds.

Nazo growled and Leo lowered himself down in the saddle. " Okay boy, no sudden moves... " he whispered.

A huge dragon, much bigger than Nazo, suddenly shot up right in front of them. The same armoured figure was standing calmly on its back.

Nazo quickly stopped, flying on the spot as the dragon circled him and Leo, leaving a trail of clouds behind it. The dragon was a pale green colour, with tinges of red on the spikes on its face and back.

Nazo glared at the dragon, shaking away the clouds around him with his tail.

The figure on the bigger dragons back pointed the staff it was holding at Leo.

Leo stared wide eyed at the figure, unsure of what to do. He hadn't seen a lot of dragons on his travels with Nazo, he even doubted if there was really more out there, but the bigger dragon was something to marvel at, especially when it revealed it had an extra set of wings, making 4 wings in total.

Leo continued to stare at the figure as the big dragon stopped in front of him and Nazo.

Nazo shook his head, growling.

" Hold on boy " Leo told him.

The two dragons glared at each other, and when Nazo snarled and showed his teeth, the bigger dragon roared at him. 

Nazo's eyes suddenly widened and he turned quickly, but too late. Another dragon snatched Leo right off his back. Without Leo to control the flight piece, Nazo started to fall towards the water.

" Nazo! No! " Leo screamed as the new dragon carried him away.

Nazo slammed down into the water, desperately trying to fly out of it, but he couldn't get more than a few feet out of the water, and the weight of the whole flight suit he had on made him sink down deeper into the water. Nazo roared up as he watched a huge group of dragons fly away from him, with Leo in tow. He was so distracted trying to struggle that he didn't notice the shapes under the water, heading straight towards him. The shapes swam over him, dragging him down with them went they went under the water.

The only thing that surfaced was Leo's holder for his katanas.

Leo struggled in the new dragons hold, eyes still on the armoured figure that rode the big dragon, leading the large herd of dragons behind it.

" Stop! You left my dragon back there! He can't fly on his own! He'll drown! Please! " Leo called to the figure, but was ignored.

A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and His Dragon: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now