Chapter 8:

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(Dedicated to gwencarson126 always the awesome commenter :3 Thanks!)

Even though Splinter had ordered Raph to take Donnie and Mikey back to the lair, Raph couldn't stop himself from wondering what was taking them so long to fins Leo and Nazo.

So about halfway back to New York the three had turned their dragons around and were now flying blindly, trying to find any traces of Leo and Nazo or Splinter, The Ancient One and Waizu.

" Shouldn't they have been back by now? " Mikey asked, angling Nuka next to Flame while Donnie trailed behind on Manic.

" Maybe they just haven't found Leo yet! " Donnie called back.

" Or maybe they ran in Khan and he captured them. I knew we should have gone with them! Leo could be fighting Khan right now and we're not there to help! " Raph replied, trying to keep the fear out of his voice, but failing. " We have to find them... "

Donnie and Mikey gave each other uneasy looks.

" ...If your sure thats where they are, then I have an idea " Donnie replied, circling Manic around. " Follow me! "

" Keep this boat moving! " Karai ordered the Foot ninjas. " We must continue and find more dragons quick- "

Flame suddenly swooped down over the boat, grabbing Karai and carrying her high into the air.

" You! " Karai growled. " I demand you let me go! "

" Believe me princess, theres nothing I'd rather do right now, but we need you to take us to Khan! " Raph replied.

" I will do no such thing and you cannot make me! " Karai retorted.

Raph rolled his eyes and smirked at Mikey. " Hey Mikey! Wanna play dragon catch? " he asked, not waiting for a reply before Flame threw Karai towards Nuka.

Mikey held Nuka back, letting Karai fall for a bit before allowing Nuka to chase after her, grabbing her just before she hit the water. 

" Very well turtles! " Karai spoke, her voice shaky. " I will take you to Master Khan... " 

Raph smirked. " Works every time... "

Back with Leo and Yoshi, Nazo followed behind Kumo as they flew out to the middle of a few glaciers. Leo looked back and saw that the whole herd of dragons from the sanctuary.

" Didn't you say we were going to eat? " Leo called to Yoshi.

" Don't worry Leonardo! We are! " Yoshi called back as Kumo turned to face him. Yoshi held out his hand and Nazo and the other dragons stopped.

Thats when Leo heard a rumbling coming from the water below. He glanced at Yoshi uncertainly, but Yoshi only smiled back.

The Alpha suddenly shot up from the water and spit thousands of fish into the air.

Leo watched with amazement as the fish fell all around him, allowing the herd of dragons to eat. He looked at Yoshi, who laughed.

Nazo glanced around at all the dragons eating then looked at Leo.

Leo smiled and nodded. " Go ahead boy! "

Nazo didn't wait another second, quickly diving down so sharply Leo thought he would have fallen off his back. Nazo gathered as much fish as he could into his mouth happily. 

After the dragons finished their feast, Leo had shown the map he had been creating to Yoshi, who then proceeded to draw a bigger version of the map in the snow on a glacier. " That's where you'll find most of the dragons " he explained, pointing to a few islands.

" Wow, you've been all over the world... " leo commented, before they were almost run over by Nazo, who was excitedly burrowing himself into the snow. Yoshi and Leo laughed when Nazo popped up in front of Kumo, the larger dragon watching him with fascination. 

Then Yoshi led Leo and Nazo to an air geyser, where the dragons could let the wind keep them flying instead of flapping their wings.

Leo laughed, hanging onto Nazo as he watched Yoshi climb from dragon to dragon before gently landing on Nazo's outstretched wing. He hopped over Leo and jumped off Nazo's other wing. Leo got worried, not seeing Yoshi until Kumo flew up with Yoshi on his back. Leo let Nazo follow him until he and Yoshi were high above the other dragons.

" It's strange, when I'm up here with Kumo, nobody knowing I'm alive, I don't feel the pressure of being a Ninjutsu Master, I don't even feel alone, I'm just so- "

" Free " Leo finished his sentence. " I feel the same way...Splinter wants me to take over as Master since he's...older, but...I don't know, I just don't think I'm ready, since I met Nazo...things have changed, I'm not so focused on one thing anymore. I want to travel, I want to see what more is out there, like you have, rescuing these's amazing... " 

Yoshi smiled, nodding in understanding as he stretched his arms out. " Your closer to dragons then I thought Leonardo. You remind me much of myself....a dragon at heart! " 

Leo smirked, glancing down at Nazo. " You may have the heart of a dragon, but I can fly like one! " he replied before jumping off Nazo's back.

Yoshi gasped as he looked down from Kumo's back as Leo dove down, then in an instant, his own flight suit opened and he glided back up in front of them.

Kumo glanced at Nazo, snorting. Nazo lost the cocky look he had given Kumo and quickly flew after Leo.

Leo laughed as her flipped, gliding on his back. Kumo suddenly appeared beside him and Yoshi smiled. " Incredible! "

Leo smiled as he turned back around, but his eyes widened when he saw he was heading straight for a rock pillar covered in snow.

Nazo roared as he struggled to catch up to Leo, but caught him just before he hit the snow. Leo adjusted himself on Nazo's back. " Turn Nazo! " he yelled, but Nazo was unable to and instead crashed into a snow pile, sliding down the rock. 

Nazo snorted, sneezing as Leo shook the snow from his back. " We almost had it that time boy " 

Nazo gave Leo a look and suddenly jerked sideways, dumping Leo in the snow. 

" Hey! " Leo yelped, throwing a snowball at Nazo just as Yoshi and Kumo landed.

Yoshi rushed over to Leo. " What a marvellous invention! Did your brother Donatello build that for you as well? "

Leo nodded, repacking the flight suit after he shook the snow out of it. 

Yoshi smiled. " Leonardo, your wishes of dragons and travels can be fulfilled, here, with me and the herd! I can teach you all that I have learned about these wonderful creatures " he told him before walking over to Nazo. Yoshi pressed two fingers into the top of Nazo's back and tiny spikes shot up all along Nazo's spine all the way to his tail.

" Now he will be able to maneuver much better " Yoshi explained as Nazo roared happily, jumping around Leo to show off his spikes. He then jumped over to Kumo, who simply kicked up snow to cover him.

Leo and Yoshi laughed before Yoshi turned to Leo. " What do you say Leonardo? Will you help me save the dragons? "

For a moment, Leo's mind flashed back to his brothers, the lair, New York, April and Casey, The Ancient One and Splinter, but then he watched Nazo interacting with Kumo and he smiled.

" ...I will " 

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