Chapter 15:

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Tiny blurs sped over the ocean, their small roared reverberating out into the sky.

Leo struggled to balance aboard a tiny baby dragon, which still managed to be bigger than him even if it was just a baby.

The other were also riding baby dragons.

" We can't battle on these things! " Raph shouted to Leo.

" Ya dude! The Alpha will just take control of them like it did for our dragons! " Mikey replied, almost falling as his baby dragon zig-zagged across the sky.

Leo laughed as he looked back. " Their babies Mikey! They won't listen to anyone! " 

" Ya! I can see that! : Donnie replied as he struggled to steer his dragon to keep up with Leo.

" I still agree with Raphael Leonardo! " Yoshi spoke as he easily guided his baby dragon beside Leo's. " They babies will not last in battle long! "

" They just need to last us long enough for me to get to Nazo! " Leo replied.

" This seems like a very reckless plan Leonardo! " Th Ancient One spoke.

" Then its a good thing I have a backup plan! " Leo replied, turning to Donnie. 

" You and Mikey go get April and Casey! Then join us in the fight! " He ordered.

Mikey and Donnie nodded as they broke away from the group.

Nightfall had come over the city, and Khans army was almost there.

" We can cut them off before they reach New York! Stop anyone from seeing it and lead the dragons back to the island! " Leo explained.

Soon enough the group had caught up to Khan's army, which were passing another island.

Khan was still riding Nazo, directing the Alpha to continue moving.

" There they are! " Leo shouted. " Distract them while I get to Nazo! "

Leo broke away from the group, circling around the island while the others charged right at Khan.

Khan growled in frustration when the Alpha was unable to control the babies.

The others made noises and flew around in the Alphas line of vision, distracting him while also trying to dodge ice that it shot.

Leo flew over to Khan, stopping the baby when he was right in front of them, the Alpha watching behind them.

Leo took a breath as Khan rolled his eyes. 

" You are determined, I will give you that, even with your Masters death, you come back for the monster that killed him... " Khan spoke.

Leo ignored him, looking at Nazo, who flew mindlessly with sliced pupils.

" ...Nazo... " He called quietly as he flew the baby closer.

Nazo stared at him without recognition. 

Khan laughed. " He is not your to command anymore...he is the Alphas...and mine...but please, continue, this is quite entertaining... " 

" It's me boy, its just me...its Leo... " Leo stretched his hand out slowly. " I'm so sorry boy...none of this was your fault...I know you didn't mean it, I know you would never hurt him, or wasn't your were forced... "

Nazo twitched, baring his teeth.

Khan smirked as the Alpha moved below them. " I assure you, none of them will miss you again... "

" Your not a monster... " Leo continued. " Your not just a dragon...your my best family...and I'm here to take you please boy...come back to me...come back... "

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