Chapter 10:

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Leo sighed in content back in the cave, Nazo curled up beside him.

Yoshi had gone to check on a few things in the depths of the cave, promising Leo that he'd be back soon.

" ...This is the right thing to do right boy? " Leo spoke to Nazo as he watched dragons fly by. " It's not like I'm leaving forever...I'm sure Splinter and the others will understand... "

Nazo snored softly, stretching out.

Leo smiled. " Besides, its better this way, for you and for me. I get to discover more dragons, live free without any pressure, and we may even find another one of your dragon species... "

Two baby dragons suddenly ran over and leo laughed as they tried to pull at the flight piece on Nazo's wing. Nazo quickly stood, chasing them around.

Leo adjusted the flight piece once the baby dragons finished playing with it. " Well boy, we should probably get back home, I have a feeling we have a lot of explaining to do "

Nazo snorted, giving Leo a look as he smacked him with his tail. 

Leo shook his head. " Right, I mean I have a lot of explaining to do... " 

Nazo roared softly and went back to chasing the baby dragons around.

Leo sighed as he watched them. " ...What am I saying...I can't leave with least, not yet, not until Khan and Karai are stopped...we have to find them first, before they find this island and attack... " 

Nazo roared, having enough of the babies jumping all over him. The babies flew off quickly.

Leo smiled, about to walk over to Nazo, but something, grabbed him and pulled him back. " Hey! "

Nazo quickly turned and growled, but stopped when he saw it was only Splinter with Waizu and The Ancient One.

Leo quickly moved away. " Oh, what are you two doing here? How did you find us? Did you see- "

" Never mind that my son! " Splinter spoke quickly. " We must go! "

Leo followed them through the twisting tunnels. " Wait Sensei, theres something you really need to know! " 

" We will discuss when we get back to the lair Leonardo! " 

" Well, this can't really wait! Plus I really think your going to want to see this! " Leo spoke.

" Show me on the flight back Leonardo! You have been defiant enough these days! "

" Okay, true, but still you really need to stop and just listen! " Leo replied.

The Ancient One stood frozen at the entrance to another cave.

Splinter approached. " What is the matter Ancient One? "

" I don't believe it... "

Splinter pushed past him and froze at what he saw. 

Yoshi stood on a pile of rocks, looking down at them all.

" ...Is it really you...Splinter? " he spoke slowly.

Splinter approached slowly, Waizu helping him along. " ...I thought...I saw the dragon take you...Master Yoshi... "

Kumo growled as he dropped down from the ceiling, wrapping his tail around Yoshi protectively. 

" ...You...this is the dragon that "

" Took me, yes...but Splinter, he never meant to harm me...he brought me here, he helped me recover...he is not the monster you claim all dragons are... " Yoshi sighed. " I am so sorry I stayed away all these years...I thought when you attacked Hun...he had killed you... "

Splinter bowed to Yoshi, who returned the bow before walking down and hugging him, The Ancient One joining in.

Leo smiled. " I told you to stop and listen "

Splinter actually laughed along with them all.

" Come... " Yoshi spoke. " We must discuss this over a meal! There is much to catch up on! "

Splinter nodded, wiping a few tears from his eyes. " Yes...Master... "

A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and His Dragon: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now