Chapter 3:

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It only took a few minutes for Leo, Raph and Mikey to be back on their dragons, flying towards the black smoke piling into the sky. They flew over the water, approaching another, smaller island. The dragons only flew for a few feet before the fresh tree's were replaced with black, burnt ones.

" What the shell...? " Leo mumbled as he sat up and looked around. A thin layer of fog covered the ground.

Nazo snorted uneasily, shaking his head. 

" It's okay boy... " Leo soothed him as Raph and Mikey caught up.

" What happened around here? " Mikey commented as they flew around a few rock formations.

" The whole island looks like it was set on fire... " Raph replied.

Leo continued to look around, until the brothers moved around a few more tall rocks and came face to face with a giant ice formation.

The smaller island beside the one they had just flown over was completely covered in ice. The ice spiked up at the top and bits of what looked like steel and wood were trapped inside the solid ice.

Leo, Raph and Mikey pulled their dragons to a stop, letting them just fly in place. The three looked at the ice with wide eyes.

" Whoa... " Leo whispered as he looked over at Mikey and Raph. They both shrugged.

" Stay close together " He ordered them as he and Nazo took the lead once again, Raph and Flame behind them and Mikey and Nuka bringing up the rear. They flew closer to the ice formation, dodging the various spikes that stuck out like arms.

As they turned the corner, they saw a small patch of the island that hadn't been frozen. A tall tower stood there and the remains of wha looked like a wrecked ship was half stuck in the ice on the ground.

' What happened here...? ' Leo thought.

" The whole place is frozen! " Raph called.

" Thanks for the info captain obvious! " Mikey replied.

Giant footprints were left in the muddy ground where the ice had yet to reach. 

The dragons growled, shaking their heads.

" Whats up with them? " Mikey asked as he circled Nuka, who flew unsteadily when he saw the footprints.

" Whatever created those, must have been what froze the place " Raph replied. 

" What is it boy? " Leo asked Nazo, putting a hand on his head. Nazo shook his head, looking back at Leo with uncertainty in his eyes.

" Leo! " Raph suddenly shouted as they approached the half frozen ship.

" Fire! " A voice called. A net was suddenly shot out at Leo and Nazo. Leo turned Nazo sharply to the left, dodging the net, but more were fired with it.

One of the nets tangled around Nuka, causing him to fall and Mikey to fly off his back.

" Mikey! " Leo and Raph shouted in unison, both diving for him.

Nazo caught Mikey just before he hit an ice shard.

" Nuka! " Mikey shouted as they watched Nuka hit the ground, Foot soldiers immediately moving in to tied him up.

" The Foot!? " Raph called, shocked.

Leo was shocked as well. How could the Foot be back? Shredder was dead! 

Mikey climbed up onto Nazo's back as Leo and Raph circled around.

Nuka fought the Foot ninjas, shooting fire balls at them.

A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and His Dragon: Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora