Chapter 4:

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" Your brothers have been gone for a long time Donatello " 

Donnie sighed quietly as he helped his aging Sensei to the couch so he could watch his 'Stories'. " They'll be back any minute now Master Splinter, it couldn't have taken Raph and Mikey that long to find Leo and Nazo "

April and Casey had gone to get pizza for dinner and The Ancient One was already sipping tea on the reclining chair beside the couch, a cup set for Splinter.

The Ancient One scoffed, waving his hand at the turtle. " Leonardo could have made it all the way to Japan by now for all we know, are you sure you want him to take over as Master? "

Donnie rolled his eyes and handed Splinter his tea.

" Leonardo is prepared, I can sense it. The problem is...does he believe in himself? " Splinter replied, letting the tea warm his hands as Waizu laid down behind the couch.

Donnie stumbled when Manic nudged him forward. He smiled, petting the dragons feathered head just as Leo, Raph and Mikey came flying into the lair. They quickly landed and dismounted their dragons.

" Welcome back my sons " Splinter greeted.

Leo bowed first, followed by Raph and then Mikey.

" Nice of you to finally join us Leonardo " The Ancient One scolded.

" Sorry Sensei's, I got...held up " Leo replied, walking over to Splinter. " Master Splinter, may we talk for a moment, privately? "

Splinter nodded. " Yes my son, as soon as my stories conclude " 

" Yo! What up! " Casey called as he and April entered the lair with a few pizza boxes piled in their arms. " Hey Leo! Where you been? "

" Nazo and I took a fly around, discovered a new patch of islands... " Leo replied quickly before turning back to Splinter. " Sensei, I think this requires more immediate discussion "

" Ah, have you finally accepted your new title Leonardo? " The Ancient One asked.

" Not exactly...Sensei when we flew around we saw- "

" Dinner time! " Donnie's shouting interrupted Leo.

The dragons all roared excitedly, running over to where Donnie was standing by five freezers, one filled with fish for each dragon. " Guys, why am I the one that always has to feed them? "

" Sensei- "

" Because your the only one that distributes the fish evenly Donnie " April replied, giggling as she placed the pizza on the table for the turtles. " This place is getting a bit cramped, we may need to find you guys a bigger home "

Mikey was the first to the pizza, grabbing a few slices for himself and tossing a few to Nuka, who jumped up to grab them, landing on Flame. The red horned dragon growled warningly, irritated as Nuka climbed over him.

Manic snorted when Nuka stepped on his head and Nazo jumped out of the way, letting the faint orange dragon land on the ground with a thud.

Leo sighed in frustration. " Sensei, we discovered- "

" Hey Raph! Cool Flame off! " Mikey yelled as Flame bit Nuka's tail, causing the dragon to yelp and jumped over to Mikey, almost knocking everyone over in the process.

" Me? Nuka's the one hogging all the fish! " Raph defended his dragon. " Same with Manic! "

" Is not! " Donnie retorted.

Leo ran a hand down his face, getting more irritated. 

" They may be older, but maturity is something still needing to be worked on " The Ancient One commented.

Splinter chuckled and nodded, eyes still glued to the soap opera on the tv.

" The Foot are back! "

Leo's yell was loud enough to silence everyone. Splinter shut off the tv and looked at his eldest son. Donnie eyes widened and Raph and Mikey stopped their arguing and looked down.

Leo sighed, putting a hand on Nazo's back when the dragon walked over to him. " On the new island...we ran into Karai....she and some guy are kidnapping dragons "

" You should have seen the island, it was covered in ice! Giant spikes! And their lair was in pieces " Mikey added.

" Karai thought we did it " Raph commented.

" Which means that there are others out there that know about dragons, and ride them just like us.... " Leo concluded. " Karai and this guy are building a dragon army " 

" What 'guy' do you speak of Leonardo? " Splinter asked quickly, brows furrowed together.

" Some old apprentice of the Shredder...Master...Can or something like that "

The Ancient One immediately put down his cup of tea, nearly dropping it. " Master...Khan? "

" Ya, why? Did you know him? "

The Ancient One looked at Splinter and nodded. Without replying to Leo, Splinter turned to Donnie. " Donatello, we must conceal ourselves, put our security up to the maximum, lock our surface entrances, we must disappear quickly! " he ordered.

" What? Why? " Leo asked as Donnie nodded, rushing over to his lab. He pressed a few buttons on his computer, starting to lock down the lair.

" Nobody will be leaving the lair until we are prepared, no flying, no surface activity, only training! " Splinter told the others.

" All because I said Karai and some guy are taking dragons? " Leo questioned as the entrances to the lair started to close.

Splinter got up slowly, turning to Leo. " Because Khan is no ordinary threat Leonardo! He was trained by the Shredder, already a Master of Ninjutsu and if he and Karai are creating an army, it will mean the destruction of all of us! "

Leo was taken back. If Khan was such a threat, why wasn't he hearing about him until now?

" My sons, to the dojo! Now! The dragons will wait out here! " Splinter ordered.

" Sensei, we could just ride back out there and talk to Karai. With Shredder gone, I don't think she really wants to be doing this! We could talk her out of it, get her to take us to Khan. We could plan an attack and- "

" No my son! " Splinter quickly cut Leo off. " Khan is too similar to the Shredder to be defeated. You and your brothers are not ready! You will stay down here and train until I say you are ready to fight! "

" But Sensei! If Khan is coming for our dragons, we can't just sit around and wait for him to come to us! We should go to him! Finish this quick and early with as little violence as possible! " Leo retorted. 

" That is exactly what Khan expects Leonardo! We are not prepared, not skilled enough! "

" Sensei! If we wait too long, he could take more dragons! Including our own! " 

" Leonardo! You must be more concerned with the safety of your brothers! Your family! That is what a Master of his clan does! "

" The dragons are our family! " Leo yelled.

Before Splinter could react, Leo jumped on Nazo, readying the flight piece. Nazo flew into the air towards a door that was closing.

" Leonardo! " Splinter yelled.

Nazo turned tightly, unable to make it out one door as it closed. Leo quickly steered him towards the main exit and entrance of the lair, managing to squeeze through as the door closed.

Raph quickly hopped on Flame, following Leo, making it out the door just as it closed.

Mikey and Donnie glanced at Splinter, who sighed. 

" Miss O'Neil, Mr. Jones, I suggest you get yourselves home, my sons and I must go after them... "

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