Game 5:

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“Nice catch Captain.” She still had the smirk on her face. “Oh, I have another twist to those who were able to catch the ball. You will be granted the freedom to remove the blindfolds and watch or join the little game, passing the ball together with us.” She said. “Congratulations Hyuga Junpei, you can now take yo—“

“I am not taking orders from impudent, disrespectful juniors such as yourself. I’LL HELP.” He said, turning his back towards the gleeful lady. “Oookaayyy, if you say so…” Saru shrugs and continues the whole training until everyone was able to catch the ball. After their little ‘child’s play’, the whole team had a very gloomy aura surrounding them. “Uhm so how’s my game?” Saru asked, full of energy and eagerness, with her eyes shimmering against the luminous lights from the gym.

“Tiring.” – Taiga

“Weird.” -- Izuki

“Stupid.” -- Hyuga

“Strenuous.” – Tsuchida

“Cool!!” – Koganei

“Oh my gosh! I like you very much Koga-san!! And because of that, I’ll let you have my chocolates!!!” and she throws them towards Koganei, who was currently wiping the sweat off his head. “I hope you had fun!!” she enthusiastically said as she looked towards the busy team preparing their things to leave the gym. The team just looked at her with the ‘are-you-serious’ look on their faces. “Though I didn’t expect that you’ll take more than an hour to finish…” she added, causing the whole team to emit a very ominous aura with a scary murderous intent as they glared towards her. She made a peace sign and stuck her tongue out, apologizing for her incapability to restrain her thoughts.

Riko was silent the whole time, observing how Saru was able to handle her team and socialize with them. She may be mischievous and full of surprises but still, she could bring the team’s inner potential even for a short period of time. She may piss off her team but she was able to lead them. She may be childish but she could definitely turn into some strict coach when the situation needs her to. She may have given them peculiar trainings, but her kind of upbringing was able to fill the gaps in skills due to her lack of knowledge and abilities as a rightful coach. She found the perfect coach that would assist every one of them, including herself.

“The main purpose of the practice was to improve one’s senses and strengthen one’s focus on the match.” Riko suddenly blurting out. She got the attention of everybody, including her cousin who was still arguing with some members on how pathetic her training could be. Saru flashed a big smile and proudly held her chin up, knowing that Riko has sided with her. She stuck her tongue out on the team and ran towards Riko, hiding behind her back. Riko sighs, yet shows another smile after. She has already decided and she’ll say her decision now to the team, loud and clear. She coughs again and gets the team’s attention. She gives them a bright, assuring smile.

“Seirin high school basketball club, I want to formally introduce our team’s official manager, Saruhiko Reimei.” She said, locking her gaze upon each players observing their reactions.

“SAY WHAT?!” – Saru and the team

“Hey isn’t that a bit soon?!” -- Taiga

“Is soon soon enough to come? That’s another original line! Better write it down!” -- Izuki

“I’ll be the one to write you down if you don’t shut up.” -- Hyuga

“Hey cousin!! Are you out of your freaking mind?!” Saru protested, overwhelming the chattering and noise by her loud voice. “I’m very serious here, Saru.” Riko sternly said. “But I don’t wanna manage these kids!!” she objected. Upon hearing her comment, Hyuga pops a vein and started mumbling, planning how her death should be. Taiga started cussing, reciting a ritual of summoning demons that would pull Saru from underground and bring her to a place where she could pester nobody else. Riko, seeing the situation, instead of worrying, just giggled and laughed wholeheartedly, making the rest of the team look towards her.

“Rikoooo!! Noooo!! Don’t leave your sanity!!! Don’t leave me to these stupid people!!!” Saru shouted.

“Will you shut up!! You’re the kid here!! Impudent witch!” Hyuga shouted. He can’t keep his temper anymore whenever she’s with her. Riko laughed harder, holding her guts and restraining herself from rolling on the floor while cackling the whole night inside the gym. The team finally settles down after some time and simply smiles, others giggling together with Riko.

“Uhh, too many events for today.” Hyuga sighed.

“I can’t believe we already have a manager.” Tsuchida spoke softly.

“Guys, let’s call it a day. Pack up and let’s go. It’s already night time.” Riko, wiping a tear from her eyes, finally said something serious. Everyone agreed and went home together, bidding farewell from each other as they parted their ways along the road.


As the two girls reach their home, they talked about lots of stuff, RIko instructing and introducing Saru to the duties of being a manager and stuff. “Uhh Riko, what’s a manager again?” Saru innocently asked. “Ughh, here we go again…” Riko replied. Riko factually and knowingly explained everything to Saru.

“Ohh so that is what a manager is all about!! Interesting.” Saru said.

“That’s right, to sum it up, you help me in training and preparation of particular props needed for the training, you could also train with them if it’s necessary and the situation needs it to, you also take note of everybody’s game play, their points, assists, turnovers and the like. You’ll help me make routines for the improvement and development of their skills, and it’s up to us releasing their inner potentials.” Riko factually explained. ‘Inner potentials huh…’ Saru thought, placing her thumb and forefinger on her chin seemingly thinking about something. Riko wonders what runs around her cousin’s peculiar mind. After some time of thinking, she was surprised when Saru suddenly go yelling inside the house saying “I got it!!”

“Uhh, you got what?” Riko asked.

“Inner potential!!!” She briefly replied, still with that stupid face and an excited tone as if she won from a contest.

“HAAA??” Riko confusingly replied.

“Just stop asking. You see I have a favour for you..” she said.

“What is it.” Riko asked and Saru whispers on her ear. Riko’s expression suddenly turned from calm to miserable, constipated face, and then an indescribable face, with her feelings probably too extreme for her to express it facially.

“SERIOUSLY?!” Riko exasperatedly asked the currently smiling Saru, and she vigorously nodded in agreement. Riko sighs. She noticed she sighs too much since her cousin went here especially when she introduced her to Seirin. Her actions are too unreadable.

“Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and finally dashes outside Riko’s room and slams the door.

“What are you planning Saru…” Riko with a worried and stressful face, slowly lay on her bed and closed her eyes, putting her into a deep peaceful slumber.

The Basketball Saruhiko Played [Kuroko no Basket Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now