Game 10:

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“Uhm, are you guys really sure about this?” Riko repeatedly asked her team, while Hyuga enthusiastically leading and giving the players enough motivation to give their 101% best in this match against Saru, who was currently on the side of the gym, rolling on the floor and playing with Tetsuya No. 2.

“Of course, we’re more than sure! WE’LL BEAT THIS IMPUDENT SASS AND GET HER OFF THIS SCHOOL.” Hyuga laughing evilly as he imagined the best things he could do without the presence of Saru around the school. The players just followed their captain. But the players are wary of Saru’s unknown abilities so they must definitely not let their guard down in the whole match.

“Okay, now for the players against the witch, I’ll be having Hyuga, Taiga, Kuroko, Izuki and Tep—“

“Another thing, YOU MUST NOT PUT MY DEAREST TEI-KUN IN THE MATCH THANK YOU!” Saru screamed, her voice echoing inside the corners of the huge gymnasium, making sure the other side would hear her. She was still lying leisurely on the gymnasium floor, feeling the cool rubbery floor as she began rolling again, with Tetsuya No. 2 following her.

“Okay damn it, we’ll have you Mitobe. You’ll be in the center.” Hyuga irritatingly announced with gritted teeth as he threw daggers on the poor lonely girl on the other side of the court rolling like a burrito in the making while playing cheerfully with a dog. Riko managed to let out a sigh as she wondered what might happen now in their situation. ‘This is hopeless…’ She sighed again.

“Okay can we start noooowwww???” Saru, still lying on the floor, spoke with a bored tone which made Hyuga more irritated than ever. “Sure you little piss, make sure you don’t cry to your mommy later.” He threateningly replied to her, glaring at her as she lazily sat on the floor and stretched her body as if she had just woke up from bed. “Don’t worry, mommy would never show up when I cry for joy after telling her I beat you up.” She replies with a creepily confident smirk on her face. Tension rises in the air as team and Saru goes to their posts. Hyuga goes on with their plan formulated by their coach, with the newbie duo to simply crush her defense with a pass and an easy dunk from Taiga. If plan A fails, Taiga passes it to Izuki and passes the ball to Hyuga, and makes an easy three-pointer that’ll crush Saru’s overconfidence and makes her realize that she’s wrong in underestimating the Seirin Basketball Team into a match with an obvious victor. He smirks at the thought of Saru bowing before him and running away from the gym towards the mountains, never to be seen again by the team.

Saru glances on the team and finds it satisfying that her hunch about the line-up of players correct. She quietly meditates and brings composure, remembering what she know about this whole thing of basketball stuff. Seeing Hyuga, she can conclude that he’s very confident of their victory against her. ‘Not so fast, captain. It’s too early to judge things just because it’s a 5-on-1 match.’ She thought. She stands in the middle of the inside court, braces herself and puts on the defense stance. She inhales, letting her body feel her control, heightening her senses and stabilizing her breathing. She focuses on the ball held by Taiga at the current moment, dribbling it continuously as Taiga awaits for the whistle signifying that the match has started. He noticed an oblivious Taiga, a relaxed and overconfident Hyuga who was definitely distracted from daydreaming what happiness it would provide him with her disappearance from their lives, a forever poker-faced Kuroko, a nervous Izuki, and a calm and silent Mitobe at the back, guarding their post. Saru’s lips curves up in delight.

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