Game 22:

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“GYM.TRAINING.NOW!” Saru sternly ordered to every Seirin member from the door as she hastily opened their classroom doors and dashed towards another member’s classroom afterwards. The whole team simply gave her a “WHAAAAT?” reply but of course, our dearest heroine never had the chance to hear it because she already teleported towards her next destination.

Saru bit her fingers violently as the memory of yesterday’s declaration of war from Akashi lingered in her brain. She’ll definitely train the team seriously. She’ll absolutely take the practices in utter seriousness now. Mischief and pranks could wait later… After victory against Rakuzan is certain.


She will definitely win against her cursed childhood friend. ‘Damn it I never wanted to be serious about this in the first place!’ She frustratingly ruffled her purple locks, making her hair look like it survived the apocalypse. A huge frown was plastered across her lips. An ominous aura emanated from her as she stomped her foot across the hallways, searching for the final members in her list to hear her extra urgent announcement—Kuroko and Taiga.

She opened the classroom door with such force that the sound of the door hitting the wall vibrated along the empty hallways of the school. Silence overtook the class. Their teacher—who was an old, grumpy man teaching Science—was about to shout and humiliate Saru in front of the class but halted, shuddering as soon as he saw Saru’s condition. He was known as one of the strictest teacher, wanting his students to suffer with piled up assignments and dreadful exams, but it was as if he wanted to jump off the window the moment Saru’s eyes landed on him.

Her eyes were the eyes of a beast.


He flinched as Saru took one step, followed by another, and another, until it was near him. At that time, his legs trembled as he could see an image of a lion with intense eyes fixated on its prey. He began to pray silently as Saru strode straight towards his direction. He was about to shriek like a girl until Saru took an abrupt turn and headed towards a certain redhead, drooling his dreams out.

Taiga was forcibly awoken when Saru slammed her hands on his desk. He was about to retort something and curse the bastard who woke him up but he ended up locking his gaze onto a pair of intense sapphire eyes, glaring towards him in such a frightening way that it immediately sent shivers in his spine. Taiga gulped, not wanting to die instantly knowing that the girl in front of him would most definitely throw him out of the window without any hesitation the moment he says something stupid.

“PRACTICE.GYM.NOW.” She menacingly said, glaring downwards to the gulping Taiga. She immediately vanishes inside the classroom in mere seconds. Taiga blinked his eyes, confusion evident in his face. ‘Was that a dream?’


“No. Kagami-kun, Saruhiko-san told us to come to the gym and it seems like she’s in a very bad mood.” Kuroko suddenly spoke behind him, surprising Taiga more than he was seconds ago. “What the hell?” Taiga said, still confused about what just happened. Everything happened so fast it seemed as if he was still in his dreaming state.

“Ow! What the hell was that for you bastard!” Kuroko appeared in front of him, flicking his index finger straight to Taiga’s temple. “What are you waiting for? I already asked for permission from sensei. It looks like he froze in front.” Kuroko monotonously spoke, pointing towards their aghast teacher in front and speaking towards him again. He took his bag and walked towards the door. But before he went out the classroom, he looked back towards Taiga, a neutral expression all over his face.

“What are you waiting for, Kagami-kun? You’ll get punishment for being late.” Kuroko steps out, leaving a puzzled Taiga still holding on his temple. “Shit! O-Oi! Don’t leave me!” Despite the confusion, Taiga snapped from his perplexity and immediately stood up, catching up to the bluehead who just left him, the word ‘punishment’ ringing in his ears.

And yes, the whole class was left with a single question in their mind:





Dashing towards the gym, the members of the basketball team worriedly thought of any possibility of what happened to their manager. It was definitely suspicious that she wasn’t in her mischievous prankster glory.

Taiga and Kuroko abruptly halted in front of the gymnasium doors as they saw their other teammates crowded in front of it. “What’s with the fuss?” The group stopped whatever they were doing and looked towards the newcomers.

“Riko wouldn’t let us in.” Hyuga grunted. Truthfully, Riko really was in front of everybody else, her arms widely stretched outward and a fierce glare on her eyes like a territorial dog who didn’t want intruders on its terrain. “Just wait! Listen to what I’m about to tell you!” Riko shouted, making everybody flinch in surprise. ‘What is with women and their drastic mood swings?!’ Hyuga thought, clicking his tongue in irritation. Nobody understood what was happening, how the hell were they supposed to calm down if their crazy manager suddenly walked inside the classroom and demanded their presence in the gymnasium at the exact moment?

“OKAY LISTEN! Saru and I have decided to train you for the upcoming tournament weeks away from now. Starting today, your training regimes would be three times more than the usual. For Saru’s case…” Riko hesitantly looked towards the door, “I’ll pray for your souls.” Riko solemnly said as if it would be the last moments of their lives. Seeing their coach’s reaction, the members of Seirin gulped.

“Kuroko…” Riko suddenly called out to him, the rest of the team looking towards the ghostly member, surprised that they were able to notice him beside Kagami, “Get inside.” She sternly said. Kuroko still had his perpetual neutral face but signs of uneasiness were apparent across his features.

The guys cheered the said member, not knowing what was supposed to happen to him but they were sure it was something bad. Kuroko slowly stepped towards the door, his hand slowly raising as he held the iron handle with cautiousness. The metal doors opened with a slight creaking, its interior slowly unveiling.

Kuroko stepped in towards the gymnasium alone, his figure slowly getting consumed by the door. As he completely stepped inside the room, the doors closed with a clicking sound from the inside, signifying that he went inside the lion’s den without anybody but himself.

“Let us pray for his soul,” Riko suddenly stated in the midst of the confusion and silence, “I hope Saru wouldn’t break him. Shadows shall be consumed by the lurking darkness. May he see the light within his dark self.” Riko added.

The whole team looked at their coach like she was crazy, completely clueless about the sudden poetic lines she blurted out, unwary of whatever danger was inside the gym at the moment.

The Basketball Saruhiko Played [Kuroko no Basket Fanfic]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin