Game 7:

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“Tsk. Better get myself some ice cream.” Saru was strolling amidst the blazing rays of the morning sun touching her flawless skin, headed towards a nearby convenience store. She happens to pass by a basketball court with men playing basketball. All the excitement, fun and joy could be heard from their voices. They seem to be enjoying the game. ‘How fun. I want to join them later. I’ll probably buy the ice cream first.’ She smiled at the thought. She paced herself towards the nearby convenience store so she could go back to the open basketball court and join the other guys.

As she excitingly ran towards the ice cream station, not noticing her environment for all she could see is the mouth-watering, cold, strawberry ice cream popsicle on the freezer-like machinery, tempting her into diving towards it and gobbling towards it, or maybe even living inside that freezer. Before she could even reach the freezer box, she bumped on somebody—somebody huge.

“Owww. Dammit mister!! My ice cream’s waiting! Can’t you wait some other time to bump me!?” she irritatingly said. The huge monster loomed over her, overshadowing her with his huge built. Saru was taken aback as she finally looked towards him, finally seeing all his features—including his towering built.  He had drowsy yet fierce purple eyes as if he never showed interest in anything in the world at all, a slick straight purple hair, and mouth holding one of the store’s newest chocolate bar goods, with trails of the store’s processed baumkuchen on the side of his mouth. He was wearing a huge sports jacket with ‘Yosen’ stitched on the back. ‘Purple hair like mine, cool!’ Saru thought. She noticed when he was glaring towards her, emitting a horrendous raven aura around him. She wonders why the sudden glare and as she looks below her, sees a fraction of the chocolate bar, bitten, lying wasted on the cool, tiled floor of the store.

A bright idea suddenly claims her brain and she leaves the abnormally tall monster attempting to crush her in his bare hands. She swiftly ran towards her paradise, the glorious ice cream corner and got two strawberry popsicle sticks on both hands. She dashed towards the counter to pay for it and went back in front of the tall guy, weeping for his wasted chocolate baby lying ‘lifeless’ on the floor. Saru smiles and and taps the shoulder of the grieving man. He looks at her miserably but as she offers him one strawberry ice cream to compensate for her sin, he immediately snatches it and frees it from its enclosed plastic wrapper. ‘Tokyo has a lot of interesting people living around it.’ She thought.

“Can I keep company with you for a while?” she asked him. He silently nods, licking his ice cream with pure delight. Both of them takes a seat on the available chairs on the left side of the store for customer’s dilly-dallying.

“You sure do like sweets don’t you?” she initiates the conversation.

“Sweets is justice.” Finally responding to her, still admiring the ice cream and gobbling it.

“How’d you get so tall mister?” he shrugs.

“Do you play basketball mister?” she intently asks, finally getting to her point. The man finally turns his head and looks over the dainty, small girl with purple hair like his, though with a lighter shade, beside him.

“Yes I do,” he says and Saru nods, “But I hate it.” He adds, for which she gets surprised with his unexpected answer.

“Then why do you keep playing if you hate it?” she asks out of curiosity.

“Dunno, it’s boring but can’t get myself to stop playing it.” He nonchalantly answered, finishing his popsicle with a final bite.

“Then it means you don’t hate it.” She replies, looks at him and shows him a gentle a smile. He just looks at her, maybe interested on how she could cease things confidently without even knowing the whole story.

The Basketball Saruhiko Played [Kuroko no Basket Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now