Game 16: TBSP Summer Special Part 2

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The early rays of the dazzling sun shone upon the windows of the huge vehicle bringing Seirin Basketball Team to their destined location: the beach. Everybody on the bus kept silent, some looking outside the bus windows and thinking about something in their life, reflecting; some snoring soundly, continuing their interrupted slumber towards their dreamland; some listening to their preferred music in their mp3 players and some—pigging themselves out at the back of the bus.

“Oi Taiga! Give some of those burgers to the members!!” A high pitched screech echoed around the bus, but since they were quite used to these kinds of situations, nobody seemed to bother. Saru had her hair ponytailed in this trip since she thought that it would be a hassle if she had her usual twin-pigtailed hairstyle. Saru was stuck in the backside of the bus since Riko wouldn’t let her sit by her side because she’s still mad at her for not sleeping in the house last night and making her worry sick. Now, she’s sitting at the other end of the bus, in between the sleeping Kuroko and the eating Kagami.

“Why are you even sitting here?! Go get a seat there in the middle!” Kagami said, frantically trying to suppress his loud voice. He knows that if he wakes everybody up, doom is upon his destiny and he’ll get a glimpse of hell in this trip. He glares at Saru, the whole mastermind of this vacation that perhaps, really have nothing to do with basketball. ‘I can’t believe we’re going to vacation and a competition is a month away from us.’ He thought, gritting his teeth towards this ridiculously easy-going manager of theirs.

Such kind of procrastination shouldn’t be tolerated, so why the hell did their Coach agreed on doing this. He was snapped back to reality when Saru pleads again. “Come on Taiga, gimme some of those burgers T____T” Saru was begging for Taiga’s mountain of burgers, still thinking where the hell he got those.

“A big man needs to eat lots.” He briefly replied, seeing Saru pout at his statement. ‘What a child.’ He thought, making a ‘tsk’ sound. Saru was really hungry since she didn’t get to have any dinner nor breakfast from the place she stayed, rather, she had to do all those cleaning for the stupid bus the whole night.

“Where did you get this bus anyways?” Taiga said while joyfully munching a burger in his mouth. Saru pouts again, and a sudden grumble could be heard from her stomach. “Food T____T” Saru said, grabbing Taiga’s shirt and shaking him desperately from his seat, making some of his burgers fall on the floor. She quickly grabbed one and guarded it against Taiga, who was definitely on the verge of going berserk with what she’d done.

“I believe that is MY burger.” He sternly said, emphasizing ‘my’ in that sentence. “Come on it’s JUST a burger!” She grumpily said to him, refusing on giving up her only chance to feed the hungry snakes inside her tummy. Taiga glared towards her while she made a peace sign towards him, annoying the shit out of Taiga. ‘This mischievous demon annoys the hell out of me.’ Taiga thought. “Now tell me where’d you get this transportation.” Taiga asked again.

“Well you see, I got it from a lecherous old pervert but he’s outrageously rich so I thought I might borrow one of his stupid wheels…” Saru started. Taiga was shocked to hear that from her. “Don’t tell that you’re actually THAT kind of person!” He said in disbelief. How come he never actually thought of that possibility? “WHAT? EW!! Hell no! I’m not and will NEVER be someone low as that!” Saru replied defensively. She facepalmed at Taiga’s crazy imagination. “Will you please let me finish first before any commentary?!” Saru frustratingly said towards him, Taiga silently nodded obediently.

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