Game 21:

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Saru was on her way towards her favorite spot in the city’s famous mall, its food stores. The mall owner strategically placed a certain food floor for the people who wanted to go food shopping and gobble their way towards paradise— unfortunately, our main protagonist is one of these gluttons.

Her blue, sapphire orbs were twinkling in delight as she wildly turned her head practically everywhere since the last minute she arrived. Pizza stores, Western restaurants, Asian stalls and all of the sort scattered around the place. Saru could feel her drool rushing out from her mouth just by the sight and fragrance coming from these shops.

Skimming through the directory of the mall, she was searching for a good dessert store where she could mercilessly spend the last penny she had in her wallet. Well, being broke was worth it. She had to handle stupid jerks in the past weeks and haven’t had some quality time with herself.

‘I hope my tummy’s ready to face this battle.’ She smirked as she saw that one store and dashed off, leaving specks of dust in the run.

“WOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!” Saru exclaimed loudly as she arrived the store. Pictures and posters of their mouth-watering sweets posted on the glass windows of the store. She absolutely loved the ambience and design of the store, basically because it was mainly purple in color and intricate ornamental designs all over it, giving off some sort of elegance to the moderate establishment. It wasn’t really that huge nor small, just perfect and medium-sized.

“Welcome!” A certain waitress in a maid costume greeted her as enthusiastic as how she exclaimed a while ago when she saw the store. She immediately rushed and enjoyed the whole place, breathing in the unique scent of the shop. It had a tint of melon-like fragrance, which was very pleasant for her sensitive nose.

She followed the maid as she led her to a table for two people at the far corner of the store. “Here is our menu.” The maid beamed to her, the smile not wearing off her pretty face. Saru immediately scanned to the menu with pure haste as she desperately wanted to eat something with urgency.

“I’d have this, this, this, this aaaannnnddd this. Oh, this too! And that too!” Saru enthusiastically pointed through almost everything, lost in her own little world of bliss as she imagined herself enjoying the food. The smile from the maid’s face slowly faded, slowly turning into a look of disbelief. ‘How the hell would she finish all these orders?!’ She thought as she hastily listed everything the purple-haired girl pointed.

“U-uh, do you still need something?” The maid hesitantly asked, wondering where the hell would the girl place all her orders in that petite and frail-looking body. “Nope!” Saru happily beamed. The maid immediately rushed towards the kitchen and gave him the long list of orders.

Saru was left on the table, smiling to herself as she was still in her own sanctuary of flying desserts and talking fruit, unaware that a certain figure was walking towards her.

“May I join you?” A deep, mysterious voice said. The figure stopped in front of the imagining Saru, still unaware that somebody was talking to her. The man chuckled and immediately took the vacant chair in front Saru. This action finally snapped Saru from her imaginations and finally notice the mysterious figure looking at her with amused eyes.

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