Chapter 2 - On the Bus

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I didn't have to wait long in the bus stop. As the bus was bending around the corner, I saw one of my friends running towards me. His name was Josh, we were the same age, and he was also a demi-god. He was a son of Apollo, you know; God of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, medicine, healing, plague, music, poetry, arts and more. Apollo was actually one of my favourite gods, he was laid back, cool, and fun, he was great to hang around with too.

Oh, I should have probably told you that the gods appointed me as a Priestess of Olympus; it meant that I get my own shroud though it was not as impressive as any of the gods. I was also allowed to attend the council meetings and I have a say in it ... even though my words had little weighing. Because of the meetings, I had gotten to know most of the gods pretty well and sometimes ... just sometimes, we hang out.

Josh had short sandy blond hair and clear blue eyes and he had a lean yet muscular body, he played a little bit of sports and he was an amazing singer. Being the son of the God of Medicine leaves him with healing powers as well as an amazing eye for archery.

Just as the bus stopped in front of me, he made it to my side. ''Hey Arya'' he said in between gasps of air and then he done the most embarrassing thing. He bowed down to me when our bus was there.

I sighed and said, ‘‘rise'', and he did and gave me a smirk.

Yup, demi-gods have to bow down to me as a sign of respect. It was, in my opinion, unnecessary but in a way being part of the Olympians, it was customary. It was incredibly annoying. And because of it, I had authority in the camp as well; they seem to forget that I was there to learn as well.

''How was your morning run?'' I teased as we loaded onto the bus; he rolled his eyes on sat next to me. Our bus was crowded and it contained some of the biggest jerks you can imagine.

''Hey babe'', a voice behind me purred. I sighed and slowly turned around to face him. It was Nathan, if you ask me he is like the head jerk and he had tried to get with me for a while now. I stared at him unimpressed. ''Why the long face?'' he asked with a lousy concern.

I let my head fall back and I laughed. ''Well I was having an alright day so far until about 30 seconds ago when you had to ruin it,'' I said with a little venom.

He glared at me and said, ''watch it Green Eyes. You don't want to make me upset, do you?"

I felt myself slowly getting angry and you do not want to see me angry. I felt my eyes go hot and I was about to say something when Josh nudged me a warning. I sighed and calmed down a little, ''Awh! I'm soo scared Nathan'' I yelled putting a girly-girl voice on. The bus went silent but I did hear a few chuckles. Josh laughed beside me and got an evil look from Nathan, who glared at me just before he went back to his own seat.

''You have to be careful Arya, control your anger. Your eyes were starting to glow'' Josh whispered once we were off the bus.

I sighed and muttered ''yeah I know.'' We were in the same class so we had the same lessons. Time was flowing better than I expected, finally when the bell rang for lunch I was eager to get out of my Spanish class.

I gathered my food and sat down at my table. Josh was there of course along with Alan, Jeremy, Sasha, and Kim. ''Is it me or is this day going really fast?'' Sasha asked,

I nodded my head and said, ''I think it's good.''

She looked at me confused and said ''why? Are you doing anything this afternoon?''

I grinned and said ''I'm going to my summer camp today''. Then I turned to Josh and asked ''you are coming this year aren't you?'' Of course he was coming, but I had to say it just to keep up the front.

He smiled his goofy smile and said, ''well duh''.

''Are any of you not going anywhere this summer?'' Alan asked looking around the table.

Kim put her hand up and said, ''I'm not doing anything'', which caused Alan to blush. You see there was something going on between them; I can sense those kinds of things because of who my mum was.

I winked at Alan, he flashed brighter, all the boys laughed, and Jeremy said ''dude, I don't know which is more red ... your face or a tomato".

I smiled and went to put my rubbish in the bin and as I turned to go back to my seat, someone put their arm around my waist. I looked and it was Nathan who grinned, ''hey beautiful''.

I sighed and complained, ''get off me''. I pushed his hand off and I walked back to my seat. I saw Nathan coming to my table, and it was starting to irritate me so I kind of used my power on him. I glared at the tank of water that was nearest him, and when he was close, I made it spill on him. He screamed like a little girl as the cold water touched him and the whole cafeteria erupted into laughter.

I couldn't help but to laugh too. Nathan looked like a wet cat, he was completely soaked. Josh and Jeremy were on the floor with tears in their eyes from laughing hard. You see, Nathan had also just went for ... a mini flying session before landing on the floor with a loud "thud".  It took a couple of minutes for the whole room to calm down, but when Josh and Jeremy had recovered, Josh whispered in my ear, ''that was hilarious what you did'' and I laughed.

''Did you see how that tank just fell on him?'' Kim giggled.

''Yeah and he was just like...'' Alan said doing an imitation of Nathan. Lunch time was about 10 minutes to end when I sensed a strange feeling.

I stiffened and Josh looked at me carefully and whispered ''what's wrong?''.

I looked around the room; I think I sensed a monster or something. That was when I saw it; this new supply teacher was staring at me hungrily. She had blond hair and green eyes but they were turning coal black at a rapid rate. ''Monster,'' I said in a low voice to Josh who seemed caught off.

''Where?'' he asked as he looked around.

''Follow me'', I said quietly.

I excused myself from the table and went into the hallway, and no surprise the teacher followed. Josh followed her and soon we were all in the hallway. Josh 'casually' walked up to me and we went into an empty classroom. We didn't have to wait long but we shut the windows and blinds, in case I was right. She walked into the classroom hissing ''demi-gods''.

I smiled smugly and said, ''not just any demi-god, a priestess'' and Josh smirked.

She raised an eyebrow then said ''I thought you were honey''.

I scowled at her and through gritted teeth; I said ''you are incredibly stupid if you think you can beat us''.

She screeched an ear piercing noise and exploded into her true form.

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