Chapter 1 - Eva DeLuise

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I had been awake for about 10 minutes now and I was just staring at the ceiling. I reluctantly got out of bed and got ready for school.

''Arya you're gonna be late and breakfast is ready!'' Jeez mother, why are you shouting this early.

''I'm coming!'' I yelled back and I grabbed my bag and dashed down the stairs. I sat down once I was in the kitchen and took a bite out of my toast.

''Hmm not bad, that was fast,'' Mum smiled. She had chestnut brown hair and warm brown eyes, I on the other hand, had long dark hair with deep, sea green eyes, I was a little tanned too, basically I looked like my dad but with my mum's (as in Venus') bone structure.

Ok I know what you're thinking...huh? Venus as in the goddess of love and beauty? And you have another mum? Ok so listen up. Well technically, I was not just any demi-god; both of my parents are in fact Gods. Neptune, God of the sea is my dad, and Venus, Goddess of love and beauty is my mum. However, I was born through a mortal, which still makes me a godling and not a minor god which is what was expected. It is all a bit messy .. no, it is actually really messed up. Oh well, you can't help how you were born, might as well accept it.

I rolled my eyes. "Hey mum are you dropping me off at camp today?''

She sat down beside me and spooned a mouthful of cereal into her mouth. She nodded her head and swallowed, ''Of course I am." I grinned and put my plate in the sink; I quickly washed it and sat down again. ''Come home first and then we'll go."

I shook my head and replied, ''I have a better plan, I already packed my things so I'll put it in the car and you come around and pick me up from school and then we'll go."

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow before saying, "fine".

So I went back up to my bedroom, got my bag for the summer and handed it to her. ''Ok I've got to go, bye Mum," I said as I walked towards the door.

''Bye honey'' she replied with a warm smile.

I walked to my bus stop slowly, I was thinking about camp of course but I had this strange dream yesterday about this boy. No, not like those kind of dreams but it was telling me that something unusual is gonna happen in camp this summer, and that a lot of decisions that I would make would have this huge effect too. No pressure, I know right.

Daughter of Neptune (Percy Jackson fan-fic) - RE-EDITING!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora