Chapter 24 - Heroes

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Hello readers :) I am SO SORRY for not uploading any sooner, I've been too busy with my latest story Living in Forks (which you should definatly check out) lol :)

Here's the chapter.....

It's been more than 10 minutes, since the darkness has engulfed me. Was I dead? Probably not.....but I know for a fact that I am not....exactly....alive either. If I was gonna die, please make it quick. I just want to get it done and over with. I tried to move my body, but like I had body was just not responding. I couldn't even move a muscle.

That's when I felt a new sensation...a good one, not pain. I felt my life essence returning back to me very slowly, someone must be healing me. About time. Soon the massive headache that I had was silenced and my body was radiating warmth from the inside and probably the out too. My mind cleared making it easier to think and my limbs were energised too.

After a couple of minutes like this, the power that was healing me, came to a stop. Wait....was Percy, Grover and Annabeth alright? Did they manage to save Luke? Gosh I had so many questions, I made an attempt of opening my eyes but failed. What the hell? I tryed again but got the same result, that's when I started to panic.

Come on Arya, you can do this. After a couple of more attempts, I gave up. I guess I had to wait. Then slowly my senses came back, I could taste blood in my mouth, I could feel the cold, hard marble under my limp arms and I could also smell blood. ''Come on Arya, wake up'' a voice said. Yes my hearing is back! Now who's voice was that? Apollo's I think.

I groaned in response for I couldn't talk yet. ''Oh about time, now open your eyes kiddo'' Apollo said. I sighed and muttered ''don't call me that''. I heard him and a couple of other people laugh. I forced my eyes open, only to be blinded by the sudden light. I brought my hands to shield my face, then when my eyes had adjusted I moved them.

I was laying on the floor with Apollo kneeling next to me, and Percy, Grover, Annabeth, Neptune, Venus, and a handful of more demi-gods towering over me. ''Arya are you ok?'' Percy asked. I sighed and said ''I think so, can you help me up? The floor is not the most comfiest of places''.

They laughed and dad said ''I was so worried. I thought we were too late''. I chuckled lightly and replied ''you can't get rid of me that easily''. Percy helped me up and pulled me into a hug. ''It took several attempts for Apollo's healing to take action. So we assumed the worst, I guess'' he said. I rolled my eyes and patted his shoulder, ''glad to know that you all believe in me so much'' I said.

''So what happened to Luke? Did he....'' I started. Percy, Grover and Annabeth looked at me with sad eyes and Annabeth said ''he died a hero. The Fates carried his body away not too long ago''. I lowered my head and muttered ''I'm so sorry''. ''Don't be'' Annabeth said. I smiled and pulled them into a hug, ''I really missed up guys'' I whispered.

The next couple of hours went fast. The Gods were rustling around trying to fix the throne room, which was a huge mess. Thalia was fine but was on crutched, it took lots of Cyclops to move the statue off of her, I was greeted by a handful of demi-gods and I had met Tyson officially, he was really sweet. I also had a chance to talk to all of the gods....well most of them anyway. Jupiter said that I had done a ''good job'', Diana said ''great job. Thank you'', dad said ''I'm so proud of you Arya'' and Ceres said that I made her proud.

''Hey Arya, come over here'' Percy called after I was done talking to Minerva. ''Excuse me, my lady'' I smiled, she glance at Percy and then at me...her intellengent eyes were calculating something, I was so sure. ''Sure. You did well today Arya. You played your part right in the prophecy. And now you are a High Priestess, you should be very happy'' she said. I grinned but it was weak. She's right. I should be happy...but I wasn't. I took a deep breath before answering her by saying, ''I should be.....but I'm not''. Minerva tilted her head to a side and said ''I understand. But purhaps you can strike a deal with Jupiter. You deserve it''. I smiled and said ''I'll think about it'', then I bowed and walked away from her and towards Percy.

''Arya this is Nico di Angelo...son of Hades'' Percy said pointing to the dark haired boy that was standing next to him. I beamed showing all of my teeth and offered my hand, ''it's nice to meet you Nico''. He blushed and shook my hand ''you too'' he said but his voice was high. How adorable. I talked to them for a while but was interupted by Venus who said ''Arya, sweetheart. Can you come here for a minute?''.

I moaned mentally and sighed. What does she want now? ''I got to go guys. I'll talk to you later'' I said in a bored and tired tone. They nodded understandingly so I walked towards Venus, who was fixing her hair, although it was perfect all ready. ''Hello Venus'' I said formally with a bow. She smirked and said ''hey honey. Why haven't you come to talk to me yet? You talked to everyone else''. Because I don't want to....I shrugged and said ''I was busy you know.....fighting Kronos, dieing, being stuck in some kind of limbo and being brought back to life again''. She laughed and rubbed my arm, ''you're so funny darling'' she said. I scrunched my face up and said ''I wasn't being funny''.

Venus stiffened and looked around us to see if we had an audience, and when she saw that we didn't she hissed ''you can drop your act now Arya. You don't have to pretend to be some big hero''. My mouth swung opened and I stared at her in disbelief. Did she just say that to me? ''What act?'' I said in a hard tone. ''You know exactly what. Percy saved Olympius not you, so stop acting like if you did'', she said. I couldn't stop my anger from that point on. ''I know Percy saved Olympius but he had help from me and his friends. I fought the Titan Lord in a one-on-one combat, you didn't. You were probably a waste of space when Typhon was attacking, I bet you were too busy fixing your hair and make-up'', I growled with venom.

She glared at me with rage, shock and surprise. ''Yes mother...I just said that'' I said, crossing my arms. ''How dare you'' she said angrily, and she started to glow. Oh boy she was revealing her true form. I sighed and whirled around and strided away from her. Gosh she makes me so mad. After the events that has happened...I thought she would say something nice....but I guess she'll never change.

''Arya, are you ok?'' Diana asked with consern, when she saw me walking away from Venus. I nodded but I guess it didn't work because she raised an eyebrow and said ''we'll talk about this later''. I smiled and nodded, that's when I noticed that everyone (as in the Gods) were sitting in their thrones. So I dragged myself to mine and collapsed onto it.

''Poseidon!'' Jupiter boomed. I flinched at the unexpected loudness and tryed to control my heart. ''Why does he do that?'' I muttered quietly and a few of the gods laughed. ''Well, Poseidon? Are you too proud to join us in council, my brother?'' he continued. Dad was talking to Percy and he said to Jupiter ''I would be honoured, Lord Zeus''. Dad walked up to his throne and sat down, then the council began.

While Zeus was talking, I couldn't help but think about mum. She was murdered by Kronos, and I didn't even get a chance to save her..... ''As for my brothers. We are thankful...erm...thankful for the aid of Hades'' Jupiter said. Pluto nodded with a smug look on his face and patted Nico on the shoulder, I shrugged I guess he earned it. ''And of course. We Poseidon'' Jupiter said, but it was choked it really.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. ''I'm sorry, brother. What was that?'' Dad asked. ''We must thank Poseidon. Without would've been difficult-'' Jupiter growled but was interupted by dad who said innocently ''difficult?''. ''Impossible. Impossible to defeat Typhon'' Jupiter sighed. I snickered and pounded my fists against the arm of my chair in agreement like the rest of the God (but they done it with their weapons).

''Which leaves us...only the matter of thanking our young demi-god heroes, who defended Olympus so well....even if there were a few dents in my throne'' he carried on. I beamed and said ''and High Preistess'', the gods murmured ''yes'' and ''well done Arya''. ''Of course, and Arya our High Priestess'', Jupiter added. Percy and Annabeth sent me a huge grin and thumbs up signs. Then he called me forward...oh boy....

Hello guys, I know it's short :( I'm so sorry, I promise I'll update again soon :)

So what did you think? I know it was a boring chapter, so be honest :P

Anyways I'll need 9 votes, 10 comments and 60 reads to update :) so VOTE&COMMENT!

Love you all :) :D it....or hate it.....


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