Chapter 15 - Riots

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I separated myself from Percy and Annabeth then, I was running around helping any demi-god. I went to Venus cabin first since they were the first ones I saw, I shot an arrow at a telkhine who had one of my sisters pinned down on the ground. A telkhine is a monster that lives underwater, so it is a water demon with a face of a dog and a body like a seal.

It gasped and dropped limp on the ground; I rushed over and helped Rebecca up who brushed the dirt off from her jeans. ''You ok Beck?'' I asked, she looked a little stunned but nodded, I sighed and put 6 arrows on my bow and aimed at half a dozen of dracaenaes. I shot them right in the chest and they looked surprised before they incinerated before my eyes.

I took my sword out then, and attacked a few hellhounds. I only saw their sharp teeth and claws but I managed to kill them. I saw Piper jogging to me, so I quickly beheaded another telkhine before she met up with me. ''Hey, thank you for coming. I heard about the attack. Are you ok?'' she asked in between gasps and fighting. Wow word gets around quick.

I grinned and swung my sword above my head to break a flying arrow and the one who sent it looked at me with shock. ''No problem. The attack was weaker that the first one, but it still left me on the floor'', I said and Piper stabbed a demi-god in the chest.

The fallen enemy was clenching her chest and was staring at me ''you are on the wrong side'' she muttered using her last breath;

I raised my eyebrow and said, ‘‘No, I don't think so''.

I stayed with Venus cabin for about 15 more minutes and then I left them and ran into the streets again. I found Mars cabin next, I tackled an enemy demi-god and pinned him down and one I put my hands around his face ''what the hell are you doing?'' he screamed kicking and wriggling under me.

''I'm being nice to you. I'm giving you a quick and painless death'' I answered and CRACK, with that I broke his neck in a swift motion. I know that it sounds extremely nasty, but it is the most painless way to die plus I didn't have any of my weapons in my hand.

John came up to me, killing 2 demi-gods that were in his way. ''Arya, nice to see you here'', he said and his temple was covered with beads of sweat.

I shrugged and said ''no biggie'' as I punched a demi-god in the face, making him back up covering his face. I got out my dagger which I hardly use by the way and stricked him in the chest, I heard the horrible wet noise as I pierced the skin and onto the heart.

John looked a little intimidated by me, but carried on fighting gruesomely. I saw Callum ribbon a telkhine in half, and Izzy and Morgan take down a hellhound. Mars cabin were in general are good fighters, gruesome but good. I was in the middle of assaulting an empousai when my phone buzzed from my pocket, the she-demon was trying to shake my off but I was holding onto its ears. Call me weird, and I would understand. Anyway, it was wriggled around too much for me to finish it off with my sword, so I broke its neck instead.

''Hello?'' I said answering the call, it was Mr G. Mercury cabin needed my help, I told him that I was on the way and hung up. They told me the street name and I ran away from Mars cabin and I gave John a knowing look, hoping that I would arrive there soon.

I finally found the street, but luck was not with them. I saw Sam, one of the Mercury crew get his throat ripped out by a hellhound. I got my dagger out and threw it at the beast, slicing it from head to toe. It melted into a shadow, and I went and retrieved it. ''Arya, can you get rid of the hellhounds?'' Mr G yelled he was being attacked by three enemy demi-gods.

''Sure'' I replied and I hooked 3 arrows on my bow and fired at the three demi-gods

I turned my direction and leapt straight onto a hellhound. It growled and snarled but I quickly got my dagger and stabbed it by the neck. I jumped back on the ground and fired an arrow at the next one, then a demi-god shot an arrow at me but I reflected it with my dagger. Then I saw Connor, who was in Hermes cabin being knocked over by a telkhine. I reacted quite quickly, I threw my dagger at the sea demon, and it hisses before leaving its remains behind.

I made my dagger come back to me, and then I saw the worst death yet. Mr G was exchanging blows with a demi-god when one crept behind him and slashed him from the back. My instructor looked stunned as he staggered back, and then the first demi-god finished him off. ''No!'' I screamed but it was too late Mr G was lying on the floor with a pool of blood around his neck.

It was as if if I also took the blow, I ran to him. I killed the two murders off on the way, as painfully as possible. I kneeled down beside him, he was still breathing, but it was strained. He grabbed my hand and held it tight. ''Arya you must lead our camp to victory. I know that you are capable of it. Make sure that we don't fall apart ok?'' he muttered almost too quietly. Tears were escaping my eyes now but I still nodded my head, he gave me a weak satisfied look before he let go of my hand.

His face was becoming bone white, as he grew weaker. I took his hand once more and said, ‘‘Let me give a last gift'', he looked at me with a little curiosity. I closed my eyes and concentrated, I was trying to put as much power I could into this. I opened my eyes again but this time my body was illuminating white, I heard him gasp but it was shaky. ''Astroni egubyai allonknu aero en quillet, solle Mercuna'' I said giving him a final blessing. If I translate it, it means 'let your spirit go in peace, son of Mercury'.

Mr G sighed with a smile and muttered a small ''thank you'', before he closed his eyes and moved on from this life. I hugged him one more time, and a couple of the campers bowed their heads in respect. I went back to the fighting but a while later my phone buzzed loudly.

It was Percy this time ''what's wrong?'' I asked, ‘‘we need to back by the Empire State Building'' he said and I could hear fighting going on in the background.

''I'm coming,'' I answered before ending the call.

''Connor, they need me elsewhere. Will you be ok?'' I shouted

and he nodded before saying, ''go, we can handle it now, thank you,'' Connor shouted back. I picked up my weapons again; I slung my bow and arrow onto my back and put my dagger back on my belt.

I sprinted towards the Empire State building; only stopping to heal any injured, or kills any monsters. I was at Percy's side in no time. ''Percy'' I murmured trying to catch my breath, '

'wow that was fast'' he commented.

I rolled my eyes and said, ‘‘what shall I do?'' before I shot 6 arrows at demi-gods, '

'that is so cool'' Percy said when he was striking an empousai. I sighed and continued to fight.

There were just too many of them, for us to handle. I followed Percy's gaze and I gasped. Over the enemy troop and a couple of blocks away, a brilliant light shined. I didn't realise at first, but it was Kronos riding a golden chariot towards us, a dozen of Laistrygonian giants were holding torches for him and two Hyperboreans were carrying their banner.

I cursed, he was coming to us slowly so that we could wear ourselves out and I was already tired. Annabeth sudden appeared next to us and said ''we have to fall back to the doorway. Hold it at all costs!'', I was about to agree when a hunting horn sounded. What is going on?

I turned to look at Thalia as Percy did, but she frowned and said ''not the Hunters. We are all here''.

 ''Then who?'' Percy wondered, I held my sword tighter and I tensed. The horns got louder but we didn't know which way it came from, at first, I thought it was Kronos' army but he was confused too and his bodyguards looked uneasy.

Then from my left I heard cried and monsters charged, but they didn't come for us. They went into their southern allies, new horns broke the night, and I was getting incredibly confused. ''YEAH BABY, PARTY!'' a loud voice said. A shower of arrows flied above our heads and onto the enemy troops, the arrows made a WHEEE sound as they soared through the air.

''Centaurs!'' Annabeth yelled, but I could hardly hear her by the noise outside and by my rushing thoughts.

Daughter of Neptune (Percy Jackson fan-fic) - RE-EDITING!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ