June 16

35 4 1

Eliana's P.O.V.

I woke up suddenly from a nightmare. It was only two a.m. and I was wide awake. I was walking past Anthony's door on the way to the kitchen when I heard a scream.

   I threw open the door to find Anthony shaking and crying in the middle of his bed.

"Hey. What's wrong buddy?" I picked him up and held him close.

"The shark was tryin to get me!" He sobbed.

"It was just a dream. Don't cry." I soothed him rubbing his back.

"Can I sleep with you Ellie? He asked.

"Yes." I carried him to my room and we crawled into bed. "You know I had a bad dream too."

"You did?" He snuggled up next to me.

"Yeah." I held him close.

"What was your dream bout?"

"I was falling a really long way. All the way down a mountain." I whispered.

"Can we listen to music on your phone?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah sure." I pulled my iPhone off the charger and plugged in some headphones. I started my classical playlist.

   Soon Anthony was fast asleep but I was still wide awake. I eased myself out of bed and tiptoed out onto the balcony.

   Soft piano music floated on the air. I looked for the source and saw a light in an open window next door. I closed my eyes and let the music wash over me. Suddenly I recognized the melody. Someone was playing Moonlight Sonata.

   I silently enjoyed my privet concert. When the song ended I quietly thanked the musician, whoever they might be, and returned to bed with the sound of music in my ears.


   When I woke up Anthony was no longer in my bed. The smell of pancakes drove me down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen to find Toby's aunt talking to aunt Liz.

"Good morning aunt Liz, mrs. Roth." I greeted them.

"Oh please. Call me Janessa." She smiled.

   I nodded and helped myself to the pancakes. Pancakes are my favorite food. Especially chocolate chip ones.

"Got a few pancakes Eliana?" Toby smirked from the doorway.

I dropped my fork in surprise.

"Good morning Liz."

"Good morning Toby." Aunt Liz smiled brightly. "Help yourself to the pancakes."

   How dare aunt Liz feed him my pancakes!! He grabbed a plate and stacked it with pancakes.

"So Eliana," Janessa said. "I hear your a musician."

"Yes ma'am." I stuffed more pancake in my mouth.

"My husband used to teach at Juilliard." She smiled.

"Juilliard?!" I nearly chocked on pancake. "I've always wanted to go there."

"I'm sure my husband could tell you if your good enough. What do you play?"

"Piano, violin, guitar, and flute." I smiled at her look of surprise.

"I'm quite impressed. How long have you been playing?" She asked leaning forward in interest.

"I started piano when I was three, violin at eight, and the others more recently" I said smiling at the memories of my first piano lessons.

"Wow! Toby was a child prodigy as well. He's barely played since his-"

"Auntie." Toby interrupted. The pain in his eyes almost killed me. His aunt understood his silent message.

"Well he hasn't played in a while." She amended sadly. "Until he met you."

I looked at him in surprise.

"Anyway. If you ever want any pointers just come right next door. Samuel would be more than happy to help you." She smiled.

I glanced at Toby who was staring at his plate. "Um I was wondering If you would mind if I came over and played on your grand piano." I asked. "Ours is out of tune and I haven't been able to practice properly in a few weeks.."

"Oh that would be wonderful!" Janessa exclaimed in delight. "Come over any time!"

"Thank you!" I grinned widely. Aunt Liz had been quiet during the exchange but she too was grinning.


   After breakfast I returned to my room. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and gasped.

  My hair was in a messy ponytail and I was wearing a guys tee-shirt with leggings. Great..

   I flopped down on my bed and began to draw a picture in my sketchbook. I didn't even know what I was drawing at first but in the end Toby's pain filled face stared back at me.

   The picture barely did him justice but it wasn't terrible.

   I sighed putting aside my pencils and headed up to the attic. A few years back I had turned the attic into my personal hideout.

   My instruments lined the left wall. Pictures I have drawn or painted hung on the back wall. Bookshelves filled the right wall. A soft couch sat in the middle of the room under a skylight.

   I spent the rest of the day practicing violin and working on the picture of Toby until it was perfect.

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