June 18

45 5 1

"Hello?" I answered Toby's call.

"Are you going to Kayla's tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah. But I have to bring the baby." I said dressing Angie.

"The baby?" He asked in bewilderment.

"My baby sister Angie. She's six months old." I explained making faces at Angie. She giggled and tried to pull my hair.

"Oh okay. Need a ride? I can borrow aunties Maxima." He offered.

"Yeah. That'd be great. As long as it's not too much trouble." I smiled packing Angie's things in my bag.

"Okay. See you in ten?"

"Okay." I hung up and picked Angie up off of the changing table.

Ten minutes later I strapped Angie's car seat into Toby's car and buckled her. She just cooed and made faces at Toby.

"Does your mother know your taking an infant to a party?" Toby asked as we started off down the streets.

"I called Kayla and she said it's just gonna be the group. It's not like it's a real party and yes my mother knows." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. No need to get defensive." He held his hands up.

"How old are you?" I asked suddenly curious.

"Who wants to know?" He looked at me mischievously.

"I do idiot. That's why I asked." I said looking at him like he's stupid.

"All personal information comes at a price." He smirked.

"Seriously? A price?" I stared at him.

"Yep. Each answer cost a kiss." He looked at me slyly.

"Forget about it. I'll just ask Blake." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." He laughed. "I'm sixteen."

"Seriously?!" I exclaimed in disbelief. "All this stuff about me being a baby and your only a year older than me?!"

"Yep. I just enjoy messing with you." He said laughing even harder.

"I noticed that when you ate my pancakes!" I shot back.

"I saw the evil look you gave me. What is it with you and pancakes?" He asked chuckling.

"Pancakes are bits of heaven on earth!" I exclaimed.

He laughed. "Okay.. Remember you owe a kiss." He said seriously.

"I owe you nothing!" I said exasperated.

"Yes you do." He pouted.

"Nope." I shook my head.

"Yes." He did the puppy dog eyes.

He was so irresistibly cute that I began to lean in as did he. Suddenly Angie started to fuss.

I snapped back and realized that we had arrived at Kayla's house. Toby shook his head as I got out of the car.

"It's okay Angie." I pulled her out of her seat.

"Need any help?" Toby asked coming around.

"No thanks. I got it." I blushed.

We went inside to the livingroom to find the others sitting around.

"Who's the kid?" Joey asked.

"This is Angie, my baby sister." I smiled.

"Awe she's adorable!" Sandra exclaimed coming over to look at her.

Angie cooed and grabbed her finger.

"How old is she?" Nora asked joining us.

"Six months." I smiled letting Nora hold her.

"Hey Ellie." Connor came in and hugged me. "Is that your baby sister?" He nodded towards Angie who was being showered with attention from all the girls here.

"Yes." I smiled.

"I was wondering if we could go someplace privet to talk for a minute?" He asked fidgeting with his glasses.

"Yeah sure." I replied. "Take good care of Angie. I'll be right back." I called over my shoulder as I left the room.

Connor held my hand as he led me down a hallway to an empty room. He closed the door behind us as we entered.

"So.." He said starting somewhat awkwardly. "I know we haven't known each other long but I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me?"

I was taken aback by his question. I slowly studied him top to bottom.

His hair was spiked up in the front. His sea green eyes staring at me as intensely. His glasses enhanced the perfect beauty of his face. He wore a v-neck navy tee shirt that showed off his well sculpted middle. His look was finished off with skinny jeans and vans.

"I think I would like that." I blushed at the smirk on his face.

"Really?" He smiled genuinely. He hugged me. "Shall we go back to the party?"

"Yeah. I better go rescue my sister." I smiled.

We walked hand-in-hand back to the livingroom, where I found none other than Toby holding Angie. He smiled and laughed as she pulled on his nose.

He saw me and Connor come in together and his face hardened. He walked over and thrust Angie into my hands then stomped off.

"What's his problem?" Connor asked in confusion.

"I have no idea." I replied equally bewildered.

   The rest of the night passed quickly. Connor hovered close the whole night and Toby drank steadily. By the time we left I had to drive because Toby was so intoxicated.

"What did I tell you?!" Toby exclaimed in anger. "I told you to stay away from Connor! And what did you do?"

"I did nothing wrong!" I interrupted his tirade.

"You promised to go out with him! But I'm telling you he's a jacka-" I slapped my hand over his mouth.

"I have told you more than once not to cuss!" I yelled.

"Well that's what he is and he's gonna break your heart!" He yelled back.

    I was scared by the furry in his eyes. He was drunk and unpredictable and I didn't want him to hurt me or Angie.

"Toby your scaring me." I said quietly.

"Oh god I'm such an idiot." He groaned cradling his head in his hands. "Sorry." He muttered.

"It's fine. We are home." I got out and took Angie inside to aunt Liz then retuned to the car to help Toby. He staggered up to the front steps and tripped.

"Oh my!" I exclaimed hurrying over to help him up. I led him to his room where he immediately passed out on his bed. I shook my head at the sight of blood pouring from his nose.

   I went to the bathroom and found a washcloth. I scooped his head up and held the rag over his nose. Soon the bleeding stopped.

"What am I going to do?" I sighed going home.

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