June 16, Part 2

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Toby's P.O.V.

I walked into Eliana's kitchen to find her stuffing her face with pancake. I couldn't resist the opportunity to tease her.

"Got a few pancakes Eliana?" I smirked from the doorway. Her expression was priceless.

"Good morning Liz." I greeted her aunt

"Good morning Toby." Liz smiled brightly. "Help yourself to the pancakes."

I grabbed a plate and stacked it with a few pancakes. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Eliana glowering. Auntie must have noticed it too because she started a conversation.

"So Eliana," Auntie said. "I hear your a musician."

"Yes ma'am." Eliana answered before stuffing more pancake in her mouth.

"My husband used to teach at Juilliard." Auntie smiled.

"Juilliard?!" Eliana nearly chocked on pancake. "I've always wanted to go there."

I didn't know that...

"I'm sure my husband could tell you if your good enough. What do you play?"

"Piano, violin, guitar, and flute." Eliana smiled at aunties look of surprise.

"I'm quite impressed. How long have you been playing?" Auntie asked leaning forward in interest.

"I started piano when I was three, violin at eight, and the others more recently" Eliana said smiling.

I suddenly relished how much I didn't know about her.

"Wow! Toby was a child prodigy as well. He's barely played since his-"

"Auntie." I interrupted. My deepest, darkest, most painful memory had almost just been spilt. I sent a silent message to auntie with my eyes.

"Well he hasn't played in a while." She amended sadly. "Until he met you."

Eliana looked at me in surprise.

"Anyway. If you ever want any pointers just come right next door. Samuel would be more than happy to help you." Auntie smiled.

I could feel Eliana's glance as I stared at my plate.

"Um I was wondering If you would mind if I came over and played on your grand piano." Eliana asked. "Ours is out of tune and I haven't been able to practice properly in a few weeks.."

"Oh that would be wonderful!" Auntie exclaimed in delight. "Come over any time!"

"Thank you!" Eliana and Liz both grinned widely.


"I am so sorry Toby!" Auntie said with tears in her eyes.

"It's okay." I said numbly.

"Please don't distance yourself Toby." Auntie cried softly.

"Auntie don't cry." I held her frail body close to mine.

"It's just that you always distance yourself when I say stuff like that and I just got you back!"

"I'm not going anywhere." I tilted her head so our eyes met. "It was an accident. You didn't mean to hurt me."

"I'll make it up to you." She said wiping away her tears. "Is there anything you want?"

"No auntie it's fine." I smiled.

She nodded and went to straighten her makeup. I sighed. I loved me aunt and didn't want to hurt her but the memories she brought back were like salt in a wound..


I was two. My mother was sitting at the piano playing a piece she had been writing.

"Mama." I tapped her knee. "My turn!"

"Your turn?" She smiled. Her brown eyes glowing. Everyone always said we had the same eyes.

"Yeah!" I climbed up beside her on the stool.

"Toby your to little to play." She tried to put my on the floor.

"No mama!" I protested. "Teach me the music."

She laughed. "Okay son." She placed me on her lap and taught me a simple four note melody.

I played it over and over all afternoon. The front door opened and I ran to my dad.

"Daddy! Come see what mama teached me!" I pulled him into the livingroom. I sat down at the piano and played the little song.

"That's wonderful son!" Dad threw me in the air and caught me amidst squeals and laughter.

*end of flashback*

I snapped out of my thoughts and went to my room. I fell across my bed and went to sleep...


"Tobias what are you doing in bed?!" My uncle demanded.

"Don't call me that." I gritted my teeth. I hated my given name. Always have.

"You didn't answer my question." Uncle Samuel said stubbornly.

"I didn't sleep last night." I shrugged.

"That is no excuse! Get out of bed this instant and go do something productive!" He yelled.

I glared at him and left my room. I stomped downstairs to the music room and slammed the door.

"How many times have I told you to stop slamming doors?!" Uncle Samuel yelled.

I ignored him and started playing the piano. The door flew open to reveal my surprised uncle.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Something productive." I replied sarcastically. Me and my uncle don't have the best relationship..

"Janessa!" He yelled.

"What is it Samuel?" Auntie hurried in.

"What's going on with Toby?" He demanded.

I rolled my eyes. The man still treated me like a child.

"I don't know." Auntie replied. "It may have something to do with the girl he met."

I groaned. I hate when they talk like I can't hear them.

"What girl? Would I approve of her?" Uncle Samuel asked suspiciously.

"The girl from next door. She's a musician." Auntie smiled. "Plays all kinds of instruments."

"Ahh. A musician." Uncle Samuel looked intrigued.

"That girls name is Eliana and I don't care what you think of her." I snapped.

"Toby!" Auntie looked at me sternly.

"I hate it when y'all pretend I'm not in the room. If you have a question just ask me for Gods sake." I crossed my arms defiantly.

"Fine." Uncle snapped. "What's got you playing again?"

"I don't know." I looked at my feet. "The other day I just felt like it. Since then I've been trying to get back in the habit."

Auntie smiled and whispered something to uncle.

"Let me know if you need any help. I'll be available anytime." Uncle Samuel said before leaving.

   I spent the rest of the afternoon playing piano. I got so lost in the music that even the worst memories couldn't bother me.

   After a surprisingly enjoyable dinner, I went to my room and crashed again. Until the dreams began to mock me..

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