June 23

29 5 2

"Are you ready for the best girls night ever?!" Erin squealed.

"Omg! Yes!" I said making my voice really annoying.

"I am totes loving that outfit! It's so adorbs!" Erin twirled her hair around her finger.

"Omg thanks!" We both started laughing. "Your impression of a stupid teenage girl is hilarious!" I laughed falling on my bed.

"I know right?" Erin fell on the bed beside me.

"So," I said propping myself up on my elbows. "How are things going with Joey?"

"He won't stop stalking me!" She exclaimed. "He just says 'Stalking is such a strong word. I prefer intense research of an individual'. I mean seriously! I've blocked him on all social media but he still texts me! I can't seem to convince him that he doesn't stand a chance!"

I rolled on the bed laughing.

"It's not funny!" She fumed crossing her arms.

"It is. It really is." I laughed.

Suddenly a pillow hit me in the face. Erin stood over me on the bed laughing. I grabbed a pillow an hit her back, knocking her over. I continued to beat her until she conceded.

"Ha! I win!" I said hitting her once more.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." She rolled her eyes picking up her phone. She read a message then started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked looking over her shoulder. Joey had sent her a picture of him with a text that said 'I'm bringing back sexy'. I started laughing too.

Please. Your the reason sexy left! -Erin

While Erin and Joey messaged back and forth I checked my own phone for text. I read one from Connor and my jaw dropped.

"What?" Erin asked taking my phone. Her eyes widened. "Are you freaking kidding me?!" She exclaimed. "Connors a model?!"

"Apparently." I said swooning at the thought.

"This guy is way too perfect." Erin said suspiciously. "He has to have at least one problem."

"He doesn't." I smiled.

"Are you sure he isn't guy?" Erin asked seriously.

"That's what I said!!" Bethany exclaimed throwing my door open.

"Seriously people?! He is not gay!!" I exclaimed in exasperation.

Bethany and Erin fell into a fit of laughter. I just glared at them.

"What are you even doing in here?" I asked Bethany.

"I don't know. I was gonna get something but then I forgot." She shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "Then leave."

"Okay." She walked out and closed the door.

"Seriously." Erin said. "Connor has to have at least one flaw."

"Umm." I thought hard. "Well he's a really picky eater and he's kinda lazy." I said hoping to pacify Erin.

"That's it?" She said. "Here I am talking to a stalker and you get a perfect model and a hot musician."

"Hot musician?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah. Toby." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Wh-what? No. I just have Connor. He's my boyfriend remember?" I shot her a look.

Teenage DreamWhere stories live. Discover now