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"At that time, I.... I didn't die back then.. I could save my life. Seiji's sister asked me if I wanted Seiji to love me although Seiji almost killed me, I still love him then the doctor came he said, with a little plastic surgery, he can make me look like that head. Then he said from now on, my name would be Celty since thats the name of the head so I became Celty..."

She stopped talking taking big gulps of air. Seiji grabbed her by the shoulder and started to shake her. I looked at Celty she looks like she was shaking, she went to her bike and left the place.

"But Namie said its not enough... she told me to get rid off my memories... But the fact that I like Seiji... I can't forget that!"

I hear a footsteps behind me when I look it was Izaya 'why he leave and then come back..'

"Meh... You cant even tell the truth apart from the lies anymore... Its clear."
He went to were Seiji laid on the ground. He leaned down to Seiji ear.
"That head of yours doesn't deserve any love at all! How hard it is! Hahahahaha haha haha" he walked away from us once again he left.

Mikado walked closer to Seiji and Mika.
"Seiji, although you didn't notice that she's a fake. I think its great thing that stood up to protected her! And mika I had misunderstanding before I listened to your story, at first I thought you had some problems with your personality, but your not just stalking. I thought you were just stalking him, but Seiji she risked her life for you. That's not something a person who just cling to you will do that... I think a person who just stand between life and death for his love is great so, I can tell... I think... I think Mika and Seiji resembles each other"

'Who knew he could be such a wise kid' I smiled for his words.
They stayed quiet processing what Mikado just said to them. Seiji stood up grabbed Mika and left.
I stayed where I was standing everyone who were around us left. Mikado started to walk away from me. Leaving me here on my own with a wound on my shoulder. I sigh and decide to leave too. As I walked by saw Izaya and the trio of the van.
Dotachi looked at me and pointed at me saying something. Izaya glanced at me smiling like always. I passed by them and stopped at front of Izaya, I looked at him with an annoying look while holding my wounded shoulder. "Doesn't your face hurt from smiling that much?"
He just laughed at me, and flicked me at my forehead. "Oww! What's that for!?" I screamed back.
"Hey!! Haven't i seen you around somewhere??" The girl said while looking at me up and down.
I stepped back from her and let go of my shoulder revealing my bloodie hand.

"Ah!~~~~ your bleeding!"
"Oh yeah that Seiji kid stabbed you right! Do you think you will be okay?" Said the girl.
"Mmm I think I will. I mean I bet he was aiming for my throat but sadly he missed. Such a disappointment." I said while laughing and started to leave the group. But someone took a hold of my wounded shoulder. I hissed out of pain when I looked who was the idiot. It was just Izaya.

"Mmm need something?" I asked little annoyed.

He just grinned at me. Leaned down on my ear. "You should go and get that wound clean, I don't want my new precious human to die now~ don't we?~"
I starred at dumbfounded at what he just said 'precious...human..?' I took his hands off from my shoulder And pushed him away from me.

"Ah!! I know now! You work at the Russian sushi! I'm Erika!" Said the girl. I nodded at her " I'm Lena, look I really need to go home" they just nodded at me. So I left. It was getting cold the night. I looked behind me and Izaya was following me. I sigh. 'Great now his stalking me...'

"Am I your new stalking victim?" I asked him, I knew he heard me so I stop walking. When he was at my side looking down on me. With a smile on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him, that made his smile even wilder than it was.

"So~ miss Lena what's your last name?" I starred at him. "Yukihara"
"Ohh~~ what about age?"

"21.." I continue walking and so did he. "What about you?"

"Your age"
"I'm just 23~ so~~ any relative's?"
"Not of what I'm aware of.."
"Hahahaha you can be a bad liar! Lena-chan!~~ you are aware of your family~ if you keep lying you will start to believe them"

"So.. What if.. It's that what I'm aiming for"
"You know theres a Yakuza clan with that last name, here in Ikebukuro are you aware of that?"
I clinged on my jacket and stayed quiet. 'Mother had a journal were she would write everything . She lied to me when she said she didn't know about my father... But I'm not mad at her, she did it out to protect me, even thought it doesn't make sense for her to want me to come here now, maybe she wants me to be found, who knows'

I looked up at the sky and admire the stars.

"You are!" He said while jumping out of happiness.

That made me laugh he acts so childish makes me feel old beside him.

"Hahaha you know you remind me of loki" I said to him
"Loki isn't he a god?~" He exclaimed like a child.
"Loki the Norse trickster God to be exact" I smiled at him "who knew you had this acknowledge"
"So your calling me a God~~~ that's so sweet of you Lena-chan~"
"Hahaha I'm calling you a trouble maker Izaya"
"But comparing me with a God~"
"Easy.. You have a God complex"

He rested his arm around my shoulder and sniffed my head. I jumped with his suddenly action and tried to push him away from me but failed.

"Smells like mmm~ strawberries!! Hahaha"
"Your so weird sometimes..."
We kept walking like this his arm around my shoulder almost clinging on me. Couldn't help but feel comfortable his body heat shielding me from the cold weather. I stopped walking he looked at me down.

I pointed at a two floor medium house. "That's my place, I would thank you for coming with me, but its clearly out for the intention to actually to stalk me. So I won't thank you"

He took off his arm from me.
" hahahaha well hope you have a lovely night my dear Lena-chan~~~~"
I wouldn't admit it out loud but

' I miss him already..'

Gods And Monsters (IzayaXoc)Where stories live. Discover now