Doing the right thing

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I stayed in the middle of the street seeing his figure disappeare into the darkness. I clenched the front part of my tank-top where my heart should be. 'Why it feels empty..' I went to my house, unlocking it and entering. Heading to my bathroom were I had my first aid-kit. Taking my jacket then following my grey tank-top. Looking at the mirror my chest covered of blood. I ignored it and took off the rest of the clothes. Entering to my shower, turning to hot water. I went head first to the shower watching how the water turned to red to transparent. I sigh. Took the sponge and putted some liquid body wash and started to scrub the dirt out of my body. Being careful when I got near the wound. Taking the soap out of me. I got out of the shower, putted a towel around my body and sat at the toilet getting the first aid on my lap I started to clean and dress my wound. 'I don't think I can work like this tomorrow...' I sigh already skipping work I deserve a pat on the back.

Heading to my room and dressing up. Went to my bed, as soon I touched the mattress my eyes closed on its own. Sleep took over me.

Woke up by the sunlight shining on my face, I pulled the bed sheet to my face trying to hide my self from the light. When I knew I couldn't sleep no more. I got up from my bed checking my phone it was 10:23 I sigh. I went to text Dennis that I won't make it to work today. Got his reply fast [don't worry about it]
I sigh and laid in bed again.

I stayed as much I could in bed, till I grew bored so I got up once again and went to my kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Grabbing my 3dsXl turning it on to continue my game, its been few months ago since I got it, monster hunter 4 couldn't help but get happy with just listening the song of the game. I played a while I drank my coffee on my sofa. But...couldn't help but feel 'lonely..' I looked at the window watching few birds flying by. I got up and put the empty coffee mug and ds at the counter. Going to my bathroom. Taking a quick shower. And going to my room, picking an old pair of jeans, a white shirt and a random grey jacket. Took my house key and wallet, headed out of my house going to a pharmacy to buy a new hair dye.

Walking till I found the pharmacy, looking for the aisle that holds the hair products and hairdyes. When I found went to check what they have of blondes
'The whitest color they have..' Find it grabbed like 3 boxes of it and going to the cashier to pay. And heading back home.

Getting home, changing to an old big T-shirt that's its tainted from the past colors I have dyed my hair of.
Making the mixture and putting on my hair. The 3 boxes were gone on my hair, having long and thick hair doesn't go easy when it comes to dying it. I went and sat at my desk where I had my PC. Turning it on and clicking at the logo of a dragon named elder scroll, started to play a little while I wait for the time to take my hair dye off.

Looking at the clock it said 12:30, saving the game and heading to the bathroom, to wash my hair dye off.

When I was done I got out and stared at the mirror. Its a pale blonde almost white, satisfied with the color went to my room to get dressed, got a white dress, my black leather jacket and combat boots grabbing a messenger bag, checking if everything I might need was inside. When I was sure nothing was missing I headed out of my house.

Since yesterday I couldnt go and visit her, well ill go today,
I passed by a flower shop, noticing they have beautiful ones I decide to buy some, getting out of the store satisfied with the flowers a brought white roses.

I kept walking when I saw a conventional store, went to inside and picked a pack of cold beer and two packs of cigarettes. Paying and getting about of the store and continue my journey.

Walking become eternal. But I made it. The cementary. Looking for her grave, and found it under a big old tree, "hello mom, isn't today a lovely day? Haha I bet you would love and go outside and read an old good book don't ya!" I said as I sat on the ground front of her grave. Laying down the flowers, "I was passing by this nice shop, couldn't help but notice they had white roses and I remember how you liked roses the most" I smiled, my eyes getting watery. "Ma I met an odd group of people... 3 of them are still highschool make me feel like their older sister I will stick around them I bet they need guidance of someone older than them." Tears started to slip "ma... Maybe I need guidance too.. I never noticed how lonely and pathetic I am.. I never spend time with people I always clinged at you.. I'm sorry I was such a clingy child... Ma.. I thought mothers were meant to be forever..! Ah... I'm such a mess mama.. How am I gonna deal this on my own.. You didn't taught me how to deal with loneliness.." I cried, drinking the cold beer.
I stayed like that for hours I checked my phone it said 4:12.
I got up and picked up my belonging. "I'll take my leave mama, I'll pass by once again next week its a promise.."

Decide to go to Russian sushi to eat dinner. Seeing tall figure of Simon, "hey simon!" I screamed at him, don't wanna admit it but I'm was kinda tipsy already.
"Ah its Lena! How you feeling? Are you gonna eat Russian sushi? Fish its fresh today" I nodded at him as I patted his back "ah Izaya! Gonna eat Russian sushi? Fish its fresh today!" I looked and he was passing by, hands in his pockets. 'If he knew how attractive he can look sometimes
.. Who am I kidding he gotta be completely aware!"

"Not today simon" he said but when he looked at me something in his eyes gleamed. "Mmm~ never mind, I'll go for some fatty tuna today~ are you gonna eat too Lena-chan?~"
I just nodded at him. "Well let's eat together since you look sooo lonely~" he came to me and putted his arm on my shoulder. "Ahh Lena-chan! Did you dyed your hair?"

"No its a wig" but suddenly I felt a pain at the top of my head. I slapped his hand from my shoulder. "Did you pulled my hair!?"

"But Lena-chan~ you said it was a wig!" He said with a fake sad tone, but his eyes said other emotion. An evil glint in his eyes.
Couldn't help but sigh.

When suddenly felt a pair of hands grabbing my face and pulling me up, just to see his reddish colored eyes. There's something of them that are quiet comforting.

"Lena-chan! Your eyes are red! Were you crying? Did my lovely human missed me that much that it couldn't help but cry!~"
He said with an evil grin.

"Yours?!? Since when I'm yours!" I said as I putted my hands on over his mouth to hid his grin. He laughed in my hand when out of nowhere I felt something wet in my hand.

"Ewwww Izaya!!! Did you licked me!?! Your so gross!"
He just laughed and pulled me inside of the restaurant. Sitting me beside him, too close to him too.

Gods And Monsters (IzayaXoc)Where stories live. Discover now