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I held my phone in front of me, I bet my vein in my forehead was popping out. But I couldn't help it my phone hasn't stopped beeping.

I was outside of the restaurant giving away flyers with Simon.
I would say it was peaceful, but the damn phone wouldn't stop beeping. I know so damn sure it was thanks to Izaya who was messing around with it.

I have checked what it was beeping, it was a chat. Its obvious that Izaya was the one to adding me, but now I dont have any idea how to leave this chat. I sigh.

I continued handling flyers to people who passes by some taking them other completely ignoring my presence.

I checked my phone to see it was 9:20 already, I handle the rest stack of flyers to Simon. And went inside the restaurant, Dennis was cutting some fish, I sat infront of him.I heard the door opening I looked to see our customer. But it was just Izaya so I continue looking at Dennis cut.

"Would cutting human flesh be that easy as fish" I wonder out loud.

Dennis continued cutting "it can be hard sometimes" he answered me.
I smiled didn't actually expect him to answer. Izaya sat beside me and started to use his phone.

"Ah! It is true that human flesh taste like pork!? I read once that this German cannibal said that!"

"Why you read this kind of things Lena?"

"I like it, mama would call me a weirdo haha but actually she was the one of the bright idea of me studying psychology and then psychiatry." I said while smiling.

"Now that you mention it, do you live alone?"

I nodded at him.
"Where's you parents?"

"I only knew my mother, but she passed away two weeks ago"

Izaya stopped typing at his phone and looked at me.

"Its okay, I mean as much it might sound cruel I was counting her days down, she was getting sicker there wasn't hope left for her"

Dennis nodded at me.

"Now what about some sushi dennis!"
I exclaimed happily, started hum a random tone as I see Dennis make my sushi.

"Make them two" Izaya said lazely.

My phone beeped I glared at it and passed it to Izaya.
"Sign me off that chatroom its annoying"
He laughed And pushed the phone back to me.

Dennis handle us our plates of food. I grabbed my chop-sticks and started to eat.

As I ate the las piece of sushi. I felt the urge to puke. I stand up and ran to the bathroom, falling to the toilet puking all my guts off. I leaned at the wall wiping my tears off.

"This is the second time you puke this week."

I sigh putting my hands on my face.

"Maybe I'm dying and this is just my body shutting down, Izaya"

"I would think your suicidal Lena"

"The thoughts are there somewhere in my little troubled mine.." I stood up going to the sink and splashed water in my face. Starring at the mirror Izaya was behind me smirking at me.

I pushed him out of the way but he grabbed me from the back of my neck, he lowered himself to my level he grinned at me "I don't think I will ever get bored of you"
I starred at him wide eyed, putted my hand on his face covering his eyes I leaned closer touching our foreheads. "If you say things like that to such a vulnerable girl as me, I might fall to your games, Izaya"

I uncover his eyes, now both of us grinning like a pair of lunatics.

"I should get going." I walked out of the bathroom and entered to another room where I had my bag and jacket.

Taking my things and walking out the room, izaya was there waiting typing in his phone.

"Your gonna hurt your sight if you keep using your phone that much."

He just laughed and followed me out of the restaurant. I walked to the direction to my house he just followed me from behind typing on his phone.

I noticed he had another jacket 'heh.. He has more than one pair of this jackets maybe it won't hurt if I claim this one for me.' I putted my hands its pockets when I felt something hard, when I took it off it was a pocket knife. 'Yep this is sure is his jacket' I laughed.

I bring my arm on my nose breathing in his scent. I would die of embarrassment if I ever admit it out loud I think Im creating an addiction for this scent.

Lost in my own thoughts I didn't have the time to react when I felt the sudden force. Pinning me between a wall I looked it was Izaya. He just grinned at me.

"Well I have a few question for you lena if that's your real name mmm~"
I couldn't help but smile at his statement.
"Well Izaya isn't your work to know everything?"
"Mmm just spit it out"

I smiled at him, snacking my arms around his neck pulling him a little closer. I rested my forehead on his shoulders, I inhaled "I would drown my self happily with your scent Izaya.."

We stayed like this for a few minutes.
"I would tell you, but I do not want to be a pawn of one of your games Izaya, I could be your personal entrainment but not a piece of a boardgame"

I opened the space between us more. "So.. Izaya would you keep my name just for you.?"

He laughed out loud, I smiled at him.

"It will be our dirty little secret then Amaya-chan!~"

I like it how it sounds my name when it comes out of his mouth, felt the heat in my cheeks.

"I'm keeping this jacket"
I pushed him playfully, waving his pocket knife.

"Mmm.. Can I keep this too?"
I smiled at him.
He just walked to me, putting his arm on my shoulders taking the knife from my hand.

We continue walking like this.

Gods And Monsters (IzayaXoc)Where stories live. Discover now