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(Kasumi's POV)

"Where is Kurama!? I need to have a word with him!" I growled.

Not waiting for an answer, I landed on the closest building. The ANBU immediately surrounded me. How stupid were they? I whipped my tail back and forth as I bared my teeth to threaten them. I would not kill them, my fight is with Kurama. To my left, 3 kunai were thrown in succesion. My tail instictively swiped them away leaving no injuries.

"Leave me alone ANBU!" I yelled at them.

Of course they wouldn't listen to me. As of now, I was considered a threat to Konoha. The shinobi began closing in on me, making me feel claustrophobic. I tucked my wings in, protecting my soft and vulnerable sides. I widened my stance as I prepared for a close-quarters battle. One by one, the ANBU began to jump at me, trying to land a hit. I was hit a couple of times after they began going two-by-two. One reached his arm out towards my head. I opened my mouth and bit down on his arm. He had wrist guards but they were no match for the force of my bite and the sharpness of my teeth. I held down on his arm, not letting him escape. It seems as though this was part of their plan. The ANBU to my right began to beat down on me while I was preoccupied. I dropped the man's arm letting a small yelp of pain escape my maw. One of their kicks had hit me on my head, making my vision blurry. They must have hit a vital point, making my eyes react this way. Now being barely able to see, I was relentlessly attacked from all angles. I growled louder with every hit. Even though I was taller than the shinobi, they were still able to overpower me.

"Hold it!" a demanding voice shouted.

Everyone backed off immediately, allowing me to catch my breath. I was pretty rusty on fighting, I must train more.

As my vision began to clear, an old man wearing the Hokage's garbs stepped foreward. He was the 3rd Hokage of Konoha.

"What do you want Hiruzen?" I spat.

"I would like for you to calm down. I know you are upset, you clearly showed it. Even though Minato is no longer here, would he like what you are doing now?" Hiruzen said in a soothing voice.

"No, I guess he would not." I admitted.

With a wave of his hand, the ANBU dissapeared, leaving whisps of smoke in their midst.

"People can see you now, it would be nice if you would keep it that way so they know you are no threat. They were terrified by what you just displayed. You must regain their trust." he explained

"Hai, Hiruzen." I responded.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to not be an introvert anymore. I needed to find out how much I missed in the time I was asleep. I also needed some sparring practice anyways so this would be a good time to find someone new. I could possibly try some of the sensei at the ninja academy. With my mind set, I hopped down from the building, bidding Hiruzen farewell. I landed on the ground nearby making some dust kick up around me. I sort of remember where the academy was but I wasn't sure if the school had moved. I tried the first place I thought it would be. With some luck, it was there, larger, but there. I pounced on the roof, lying down just above the door. My head lowered onto my front paws as I waited for the final school bell to ring. I didn't have to wait too long though. Soon enough, parents arrived and children poured out of the building. All of them were carrying their headbands, showing that they had passed through the academy. All but 1 were happy and leaving with their parents. The boy who was painting the heads was sitting on a swing underneath the lone tree in the yard. He was very depressed, I could feel his emotion from here. I noticed he did not have a headband so maybe he did not pass. I felt pity for the boy. I also felt like I knew him from somewhere. His hair was familiar along with some of his chakra. They were closely similar to Minato's. I leapt off the building, landing with a soft thud a few yards from the boy. He stiffened at the sight of me, probably from my actions from before.

"I'm not here to hurt anyone. What you saw earlier will never happen again unless I am defending the city." I softly said to him.

He relaxed slightly, some curiosity showing on his peachy face. I stepped closer to him until I was a mere 2 feet from him. I sat down in front of him and began to study him. He looked up into my bright green eyes with more curiosity than I have ever seen.

"Have your parents come for you yet?" I asked.

His face darkened and he looked back down at the ground.

"I don't have any parents. I don't know them." he mumbled.

My eyes grew slightly wide in shock. I somehow felt responsible for him after he told me that.

"Do you at least have a home to live in?" I asked.

"Yeah, the old man hooked me up with an apartment. It's not the best but it works all in all." he smiles.

"I am Kasumi, you will most likely see me around more often." I told him.

"Naruto Uzumaki, dattebayo!" he shouts excitedly.

The name clicks with my memory. Kushina Uzumaki, Minato's wife, was pregnant before I fell into the slumber. Naruto must be Minato's son, there is no mistaking it now. Something just wasn't right with him. I sense a stronger and different chakra locked away inside him. Even knowing this, I will still guard him for Minato. He is the next generation of the Namikaze/Uzumaki clan. I will be his guardian. I have found a new goal to add to my list. I must watch over Naruto.

"Naruto! C'mon!" Iruka shouted.

He must be Naruto's current sensei.

"YEAH! RAMEN! I'll see you later Kasumi!" he shouted, hurrying off after Iruka.

"I will see you again, Naruto Uzumaki. I promise you that." I say to no one in particular.

On the first day awake from my unknown sleep, many things happened. Jeez, I'm in way over my head.


Author's Note

The single comment by, Dragonwarrior104, totally made me excited to keep writing. Thank you!!!

If you guys see any grammar or information errors, please let me know. It will help a bunch with editing.

I do not own the Naruto characters or ideas. I only own Kasumi and the story's plotline.



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