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The picture above is an amazing piece of what Kasumi looks like. I did not draw this, the amazing tricktheangeldragon on deviantart drew this for me. I just gave her a basic idea and she did the rest. If you have a deviantart account, you should really follow her.


(Kasumi's POV)

I prowled down the hallway and made a b-line towards Itachi. Yes, he was still an ally but he shouldn't have gone that far to make his brother hate him even more. I lunged forward at Itachi but changed direction at the last second. I shot to the right and then vaulted myself off the wall and at Itachi's side. The top of my head made contact with him and we both tumbled to the floor. Kisame, unexpectedly, came from my side and brought his heavy sword down onto my back. I grunted in pain before I jumped off Itachi and back to Kisame. He brought Samehada in front of him defensively before I could make a surprise attack. My eyes quickly searched for an opening before targeting his shoulder. He put his sword to far to one side and left his right shoulder open to attack. If I tore up this shoulder well enough, it would be harder for him to hold Samehada comfortably. I did the same approach as I did before on Itachi. I feigned going one direction before going the other way and vaulting off the wall. I just changed the vaulting angle slightly so I was aiming higher. I came down on his right side, my teeth immediately sinking into his flesh. I reeled my head back as I held on to tear up the muscle a bunch. I repositioned my grip a couple of times before he was able to shake me off. The butt of his sword had struck me on my chest, causing me to fall backwards. I glance back at Naruto to find him just watching in fascination but slight horror. I guess he's never seen me violent before.

"Naruto! What are you doing just standing there!? Run away!" I screamed at him.

My lack in concentration was about to cost me greatly. Kisame was swinging Samehada towards me like a neck cleaver. I jumped backwards but unfortunately it was not quickly enough. The sword tore through the skin on the side of my head. There were many small capillaries in that area so the injury looked worse than it actually was. The blood soaked into my fur and stained it a deep crimson red. I closed my left eye as the blood began to invade my eyelids. I shifted my stance back to the defensive but I didn't have to fight anymore. I could hear the familiar clanking of shoes on the tiled floor. Jiraiya was standing in front of me now but the peculiar thing was that he was carrying a woman over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Don't tell me you were fooled by a woman under a genjutsu!?" I roared.

"Oh shi- I mean, thank God you're here Kasumi! I had to save this woman from the clutches of evil!" he excused.

"Put her down and help me take them out already!" I ordered.

He definetly wasn't going to disobey when I was visibly pissed. It takes a lot to get me to show it on the outside.

"I can take it from here Kasumi, you just get Naruto out of here." he said.

I was reluctant to leave him to battle alone but I think he should be able to handle these two now. I took the brute force of the first attack and tired the two out a bit. I turned to Naruto and ushered him out the opposite side of the hallway.

"What about Sasuke?" Naruto said, looking rather worried.

"I can only carry one. You were more important than Sasuke right now so I had to get you out of there." I explained.

"How could you say that!?" Naruto growled.

"I said it due to the severity of the situation at hand Naruto. This is not a game anymore! Those people will kill you!" I emphasized.

After I scolded him harshly, he looked a little down and in the dumps. I silently cursed myself for lashing out at him.

"Listen, Naruto. This is more serious than I can convey to you in one short sentence. You're going to have to trust my judgement and just listen to me for right now, okay?" I sighed

He nodded his head to signify his compliance. I allowed him to climb on my back and sit on me as we flew back to Konoha.

"Kasumi, you have kunai in your shoulder! Are you okay, dattebayo?" Naruto exclaimed.

"I'll be fine for now. Will you do me a favor and pull that out for me?" I asked.

Naruto reached down and tugged on the knife. It slipped out easily but the wound opened up a bit more than I expected. Naruto looked at the blood trailing down my leg.

"I'm sorry Kasumi." Naruto apologizes.

"There's no need to apologize. I chose to step in and defend you. These injuries are much more superficial than they look." I assured him.

After that, I pumped my wings and took off into the sky. After getting at a decent altitude, I just held my wings out straight and let the wind do all the work.

"Did you ever think about getting armor?" Naruto said randomly.

"No, I haven't. It's not a priority at the moment. We can think about it at a later time." I responded.

The flight back took a lot more energy out of me than I thought it would. When I landed by the gate, I was quite out of breath. Naruto got off and I stood up again. We walked into the village, getting some stares because of the blood.

"Go on back home Naruto. I'll be back a little later." I told him.

"Can I come with you?" he asked.

"Do you really want to? I'm just going to a nearby spring so I can clean up." I chuckled.

"Yeah! I can keep you company, dattebayo!" he smiled.

I shook my head and laughed a bit.

"Alright, don't complain if you get bored." I breathed.

I walked back out of the gate with Naruto in tow. I headed into the woods I knew all too well and to a secluded spring where I could clean my fur and clean my wounds. Naruto kept his promise and talked to me the entire time. He brought up the most random of things, quickly bringing my tension down to an all time low. I smiled in relief as Naruto was still the same old Naruto.


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