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I guess Shizune had a pretty good idea where they were meeting up. She didn't hesitate for a single moment when she ran. I followed above her, diligently surveying the area. From my vantage point, I could see much farther than Shizune could from her own. Sooner rather than later, I saw three specks in the meadow.

"Shizune, I think I see them." I shouted to her.

She didn't respond but I knew she heard me from when she picked up her pace. With a large flap of my mighty wings, I caught up to Shizune and raced ahead of her to the small group of people. I slammed down in between them, making them fly in two different directions. Cracks surrounded me on the ground due to my heavy landing. The shinobi obviously weren't fazed by my landing. I turned my head towards the two whom have caused all this trouble.

"Orochimaru, what did I say the last time we met?" I growled.

"I don't know, it seems to have slipped my mind." he snickered.

"While you think of what I said, I'm going to attack the crap out of you." I said blatantly.

Orochimaru didn't even blink as I threatened him.

"Kasumi, don't interfere!" I heard Tsunade yelling from behind me.

"I don't want to hear another word out of you Tsunade!" I ordered.

Kabuto stepped forward, his weapon in hand. It may seem like just a ordinary physician's scalpel but he knows how to do some deadly things with it. He can sever the nerves and muscles of his opponents without even breaking their skin.

"You're not backing out now, are you Tsunade?" Kabuto sneered.

He ran past me and at Tsunade. Just before he reached her, he sliced his hand and flicked the blood at her. It landed on her face and chest, making her scream in horror. Her fear of blood is greater than anything she has ever feared. She gained the phobia of blood after her lover and younger brother were killed during the second Shinobi World War. Shizune tried to calm her friend down but it was practically impossible.

"Hmm, I figured you would show up Kasumi. I have a little something for you too." Orochimaru sneered.

"Henkan Rokku: Ningen!" Orochimaru shouts, pointing his palm in my direction.

(Transformation Lock: Human)

I wasn't fully aware of my surroundings as I was paying too much attention to the vanguard, Kabuto. I heard the ground crack right beneath my feet and just as I jumped up, a snake launched itself from the ground and it bit into my lower half. It was there and gone, as quick as a flash.

You know that feeling you get in your body when something doesn't feel right but you don't know what it is yet? Well, I have that feeling. My head begins to feel light and airy too.

"Kasumi?!" Shizune shouted from behind me.

"What?!" I refuted.

"You're a...um, how do I put it lightly?" Shizune mumbles.

"You're human!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Again, what?!" I cracked.

I lifted my paw up to my face and instead of seeing the white fur and claws as I had expected, I was shown a human hand. I turned it over, growing ever more panicked.

"How am I supposed to fight like this!?" I muttered.

"Hey, for your information, I happen to be human and I'm doing just fine." Jiraiya yells.

"I think you need to rethink about what you said about yourself being 'just fine'." I pointed out.

"At least she's wearing clothing." Shizune sweatdropped.

While we were bickering, Orochimaru had now gone on the offensive. He was able to summon Manda in a relatively short time. Manda had a relatively short temper still so he yelled at Orochimaru.

I tried to stand on my new legs but I was as wobbly as a newborn fawn learning to walk.

"Hmm, I remember something about the Akatsuki saying something that involves you. I wonder what they would do if I gave you to them? Would they finally leave me alone? Eh, I could just get rid of you. It'll make things easier for everyone." Orochimaru pondered.

Orochimaru waved Kabuto on and he raced towards me. I couldn't move away fast enough because I wasn't used to this body. Kabuto opened a scroll and then trapped me in that scroll. He rolled it back up and pocketed it with a smirk.

"Kasumi!" Naruto shouted.

I couldn't hear him, I couldn't answer him and I couldn't escape. I was at the mercy of my captors.

[Naruto POV]

"Kasumi!" I cried.

I couldn't lose her, she was my family! There was no way I was leaving this fight without her.

It felt weird without her around me now. She's been around me so often that I feel sort of an empty space without her.

"Pervy-Sage! We have to save her!" I begged.

Before I was able to speak another word, he had summoned Gamabunta

"Hmmm? Where's Kasumi?" his deep voice echoed.

I pointed and glared at Orochimaru, totally ready to give him a major beat down. Kabuto stepped towards me and we began to fight. I couldn't afford to lose this fight. I had to win for Grandma Tsunade but most importantly for Kasumi.

The ground shook as the two giant creatures battled each other, their summoners on their backs. Shizune had seemed to calm Grandma Tsunade down considerably. The look on her face meant business, and she was pissed.

Kabuto had given me some pretty bad injuries but I was able to hold my ground and I was even able to make him stumble. I could almost hear Kasumi praising me.


I, uh, I'm just going to leave this here. I haven't updated since October and, yes, I feel horrible about it. I hope you guys are still interested in this story and aren't too mad at me. Let me know if there is anything I can improve on.

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