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(Kasumi's POV)

Nothing else really happened during the chunin exam. I was waiting at the gathering place of the teams. This is where the preliminary fighting will begin. I was currently sitting in the waiting room. This is the place where the participants go to if they finish the test early. I was only alone for a good 15 minutes before a team actually came in. They had absolutely no injuries and didn't look tired whatsoever. This is the fastest time anyone has finished the test. As the three of them walked past me, one of them emitted a bloodthirsty chakra. My eyes snapped to his, his eyes staring back into mine. I didn't really glare at him but my stare told him that I meant business.

"Shukaku, calm yourself." I growled.

All three of the children looked at me with shock. The jinchuriki of Shukaku was a short red-haired boy who carried a gourd on his back. I guessed it was filled with sand, with the three of them being from Suna and all. There was also a boy who wore all black with a hood over his head. The edges of the hood stood up like cat ears, giving him a funny appearance. The last was a girl with four pigtails. She was holding a large fan, presumably to attack her opponents with.

"What did you say?" the red-haired boy threatened.

"You heard me, Shukaku. There is no need for bloodshed." I scoffed.

His two companions were standing behind him and slowly backing away. They must have a great fear of this boy. His chakra is menacing, but that is mostly Shukaku's chakra. He seems to be in one of his moods again. The boy's eyes narrowed as he continued to look at me. I could feel the movement of the sand around my front legs. With an agitated sigh, I pulsed some chakra through my legs to dispell the sand away from me.

"G-Gaara, we don't need to fight in here. We're b-being watched." the girl stutters.

Her voice told me about her fear of upsetting him. This child must have caused a lot of trauma for people to be this scared of him.

Gaara turns away from me with a soft growl and stands in the corner of the room. Now the other two kids looked at me strangely.

"What are you?" the cat-boy asked.

"I am a Mist Spirit. I am the Protector of Konoha. I can tell easily what you guys are planing to do during the final phase of the test. I am not afraid of killing anything." I threatened.

The two looked at each other other their eyes wide with more shock. Next they just sat on the couch and refused to meet my gaze.

Well at least I know why Orochimaru showed up, besides marking Sasuke. He came to attack Konoha using the sand shinobi to fight for him. He has probably been masquerading as their Kazekage to get all this to happen. I sure hope they make the right choice. I can't stop them from deciding but I can stop them from what they are doing.

I quickly grew bored as I waited in the room. My claws clicked against the floor and I moved my paws. I was lying down now, I didn't need to stand up. The concrete floor below me is quite chilling. To get my mind off of it, I began scratching designs into the concrete with my claws. I don't really know what the designs were derived from. They just kind of popped up in my head. As my gaze lifted from the floor, a couple more teams entered to room. Some of them gave wary looks to Gaara and I. I shake my head and lie my head down on top of my paws. I knew Team 7 wasn't going to finish anytime soon so I could catch up on the sleep that I had missed.

~sleeps for 3 days~

The next time I awoke, there were many people in the room. I looked around for the familiar blonde haired boy but I did not see him. I walked out into the arena to see Naruto conversing with Iruka. I smiled a bit at the kids. They finished a very hard test. They should be proud of themselves. I hopped my way up to where Hiruzen was sitting, greeting him with a slight bow.

"You received my message, correct?" I whispered into his ear.

His head nodded while his expression grew grim.

"I figured he would be coming back sooner or later. I just wish it was later." Hiruzen sighed.

I nod in understanding.

"Do you have everything under control here? If you do, I would like to leave the arena and try to find Orochimaru once again." I asked.

"Yes, we should be good here. There are many Jonin as well as some skilled Genin." he said with a wave of his hand.

I bowed as I left his side. I approached the door, wishing Naruto the best of luck in his match. He gave me a cheeky smile and held a thumbs up. I chuckled slightly at his enthusiasm. Even when he is tired, he still has the energy to stay positive.

I give Kakashi a look before I leave the building. He nods, mentally understanding the situation. Hiruzen must have alerted all the Jonin who are helping with the test about the current situation. Now, I can make this problem a lot better if I could just find this sly snake. His chakra is easy to track. He is so full of himself that he thinks he can beat anyone. That's why he doesn't bother with covering up his chakra trail. Also, it tells inexperienced shinobi to turn tail and not bother him. Orochimaru is excellent at thinking things through, I will give him that. He is just way too egotistical. Someone needs to knock him off of his high horse. That someone, will be me.


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