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(Kasumi's POV)

"Okay, so how about you show me some new techniques you've learned." I smirk.

"Absolutely! Let's go, dattebayo!" Naruto rumbles with excitement.

"Not yet, you two. You could destroy the village! I heard Tsunade has picked someone for you to fight with." Jiraiya cuts in.

"So I'm not fighting Kasumi?" Naruto pouts.

"Yeah, I forgot about that. Let's go back and chat with her." I suggested.

"I'll come too, Naruto. She told me that we'd fight as a team." Sakura smirks.

"Oooo, that's right. I can't wait to see how much you've grown, Sakura. I've heard Tsunade has groomed you to be almost like her younger self." I comment.

I put one hand on Naruto's back, and one on Sakura's, pushing them in front of me and towards the Hokage's building. As we walk, the two teammates catch up on each other's lives. As we arrive at Tsunade's door, Sakura reaches up to lightly knock. Naruto kicks the door open with a grunt and bypasses Sakura.

"Who am I fighting? Where are they? I'm ready to show everyone how much stronger I've gotten." He chortles.

"He's on his way." Tsunade says plainly.

The door opens again, showing two familiar looking faces. Sakura turns first, giving a polite wave.

"Guess who's back?" She smiles.

Naruto turns to face the two newcomers, assuming he will be fighting them. He gasps lightly.

"I'm fighting Shikamaru?!" He shouts.

"What? What on earth are you talking about?" Shikamaru responds, an irate look on his face.

"Oh, Naruto. Finished your training?" Temari says skeptically.

"I have, matter of fact! Am I fighting Temari?" He suggests.

"Would you just be patient! Stop trying to fight people!" I growl, slapping his shoulder.

"He's outside." Tsunade says boredly, looking through the new papers Shikamaru and Temari had given her.

Naruto races outside, pulling Sakura along behind him. I hear Naruto talking to someone before I see the person. I walk outside in time to see a silver-haired ninja receive a small present from the blond.

"Ah, and the infamous Kakashi arrives. Late as always." I jest.

He didn't respond as he was too busy drooling over the gift he had received from Naruto. It was the next book in the horrid series of Icha Icha Paradise. Jiraiya must have finished writing it on their travels.

"C'mon, let's go Kakashi-sensei! I'm ready to go all out!" Naruto exclaims.

"I can't possibly fight now, I must read this masterpiece." Kakashi says, excusing himself as he opens the book.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto pouts.

"I would say you could fight me, but I'm still learning how to use jutsus in this form and it really wouldn't be a fair fight." I shrug.

Naruto pouts even more, showing how much he actually grew on the journey.

"Get a grip Kakashi, you're killing the kid." I scold.

It doesn't work a bit. Kakashi continues to read and giggle to no end.

"Pervert." I grumble, just loud enough for him to hear.

"I heard that." He mocks.

"I meant for you to hear it. Pervert, pervert, pervert!" I shout louder.

Minato would not be pleased to see how much of a pervert his prodigy had become. No matter, he will finish it soon and be back to take on Naruto and Sakura.

Just as Kakashi leaves, Shikamaru and Temari exit the main building, talking to each other and looking all coupley. 

"Are you two going out yet?" I comment with a snicker.

Both of their faces turn beet-red and turn away from each other.

"We are together at the moment because we are the representatives of our villages at the upcoming Chūnin exams. I hope you'll be participating, your the only genin in our year left." Shikamaru explains.

As he neared the end of his explanation, I made sure I was out of Naruto's eyesight and began waving my hands around wildly to get Shikamaru's attention so I could get him to stop talking. All it caused was his face to give me a weird look. As he saw Naruto's incredulous face, he realised his error. He looks at Naruto apologetically.

"Is everyone else a Chūnin already?! Even Sakura?!" He whines.

Sakura looks like she's about to beat him to a pulp. I don't blame her.

"Yeah, Neji is a Jonin now though." Shikamaru admits.

"What the hell! I thought you would have had enough brains in there yo realise that telling him that was a bad idea!" I scolded.

"What about Gaara? He hasn't caused anymore trouble right?" Naruto adds in.

"Not at all. Actually, he's become the Kazekage." Temari boasts for her brother.

"You know what?" Naruto starts, "I don't care if everyone is at a higher rank than I am. I'll sow them all up by becoming Hokage. Then I'll rank above them all! Try me, dattebayo!" He announces, pumping his fist in the air.

"Good to hear you still haven't changed that much." I smile, patting him on the back.

Shikamaru and Temari leave after Naruto's outburst, saying goodbye quickly. Sakura urges Naruto to come with her so they can come up with a game plan to use against Kakashi. Jiraiya had left after Kakashi left, presumably to go talk to him about the current Akatsuki situation. No doubt they would make their move soon.

I'm now standing in the middle of the street. Alone again. Seems like I won't be needed for too much longer.


I wish I wasn't trapped in that scroll. I wish I wasn't human. I wish I could've spent more time with Naruto.  Soon enough, he'll be able to take care of himself and he'll forget all about me.

I smile sadly as I look down at my hands.

"Yo, Kasumi! What are you doing? Aren't you coming?" I hear Naruto's voice call.

I look up, seeing his beaming smile. He gestures for me to come over to him.

Maybe he won't forget about me after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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