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(Kasumi's POV)

I have to admit, I quite enjoyed training Sasuke. He picks things up so easily that it lifts some weight of his teachers' shoulders. After I taught him the strategic Jutsu like I promised, we went home. I don't think I've ever seen him this tired before. I flew back to Konoha and on the way there, Sasuke slumped over and fell asleep on my shoulders. I landed inside the Uchiha Compound and walked over to Sasuke's house. I let myself in and trekked to his room. It took a couple tries to find it. When I found his room, I rolled him off my back and right onto his bed. He acts pretty mature for his age so I've forgotten how old he really is.


Ah, jeez, Naruto. The yelling.

But Pervy-Sage isn't here and there's a guy that looks like a fish outside my door!

Wait, what?! Where are you!?

How should I know?! I just follow Pervy-Sage!

Don't open that door!

Too late...

I'm coming, don't get yourself killed.

I raced outside, bumping into some walls along the way. I didn't have good grip on the tile floor below me. When I got outside I took to the skies and began to send out chakra pulses. This would help me find the general area he was in. I received a pulse from the west and no other direction. I changed course I flew west for a while before I sent out more chakra pulses. I narrow the search down to a single town. I could sniff out the fish guy from here. The scent led me to an inn. I landed on the roof and walked along the course of it until I heard familiar voices.

"Basuto!" I shouted.


I broke through the roof and landed inside a hallway. Down the hallway, you could see the surprised looks of Itachi and Kisame.

"I see you two did not heed my warning." I growled.

I folded my wings close to my body to make maneuvering inside the hallway easier. My lips were peeled back, showing my pearly whites. One step after another, I stalked towards them with my head low. Kisame stepped in front of Itachi so he could deal with me one-on-one. It seems his ego is rather high.

"I can take her, you deal with the brat." Kisame explained.

Just after he finished talking to his partner, I launched myself at him. This left him barely enough time to hold up his sword and defend himself. Yes, when I touched his sword, it did steal my chakra and cut up my skin. I don't need chakra to attack him physically though. I took the blade into my mouth and shook it to the side to create an opening. The blade's oddly shaped surface left many cuts inside my mouth, staining my lips red. I lunged forward at Kisame again, aiming for his throat, a vital point. My claws dug into his skin to keep him still and to keep him from flinging me off. His hands pushed my head back in a frantic movement. He could feel the pressure mounting on him. He had been defeated and he was pinned, most likely to his deathbed.

"Sasuke?!" I heard Naruto shout in surprise.

I glanced up and in my slight lack in concentration, the body below me squirmed out and stabbed my shoulder blade with a kunai. I jumped back in surprise and winced as I put some weight onto that leg. I couldn't reach the kunai to pull it out so I did my best to ignore it. I looked back up at the black-haired boy I had finished training with just and hour ago. He sill looked tired but his face showed rage and determination.

Misuto Seishin: The Mist SpiritHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin