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I had a soccer tournament today, I am the only goalie. Go me! I got 4 mvp medals but we didn't win the tournament...oh well. It was so much fun:)

(Kasumi's POV)

I went to the first place I thought Naruto would be. He was there, naturally. I landed outside of Ichiraku's, looking beneath the fabric covering the top of the booth. Naruto was on his 3rd bowl of ramen.

"How much can you even eat, Naruto?" I asked, a little shocked.

He had to have a hollow leg.

"I jmush lov romon fo mush!" Naruto yells, food still in his mouth.

"Chew, Naruto, chew. Then talk." I sighed.

He turned back to his meal, swallowing it like a whale would suck down krill. He turned back to me and told me he was finished. He payed the man and they said their goodbyes. Both of them knew each other very well I could guess. When he comes out, he stretches is the afternoon sunlight. It wasn't a terribly warm day, it was getting colder as the night drew closer.

"Naruto, something came up. I will begin tutoring you immediately. This will happen everyday after Kakashi's training, do you understand?" I explained.

"Yeah, but what is the big deal anyways?" he said.

"You need not worry about it yet. You will learn in due time. Trust me." I smiled.

"Alright, I trust you, dattebayo!" he smiles back.

It seems he even has Kushina's habit of ending her talks with that word. Kushina would always say 'dattebane'. Naruto worded it diferently by saying 'dattebayo'. I don't think that these words mean much to the conversation. It was just a way that the Uzumakis expressed their feelings.

Anyways, I took Naruto right back to the training fields. I wouldn't push him too far today because he had that intense test tomorrow. I was excited to see the outcome but I more or less knew that the genin were not going to take the bells from Kakashi.

"Alright, let's start basic. We can work on your Shadow Clone Jutsu and improve its' performance. Demonstrate to me this technique." I instructed.

Naruto didn't even wait. The hand signs were formed before my eyes.

"Kage Bushin no Jutsu!" Naruto shouts.

Smoke flies around him but soon dissipates, leaving 4 Naruto clones standing beside the real Naruto.

"Good. It seems to me that when you are in a rough situation, you can produce many more clones than originally thought. See how many clones you can summon as of now."

He repeated the process, summoning 46 more clones.

"Alright, 50 seems to be your baseline number. It is a good amount to have. It is better with clones because instead of one-on-one fighting, you are helping yourself fight."

Naruto nods then dissmisses his clones. I was surprised he hadn't interuppted me yet.

"Kasumi! Teach me a new Jutsu!" he shouts, stomping his foot.

I spoke too soon.

"I don't think you are ready enough yet." I said with a smirk and a chuckle.

"Of course I am! You have to help me beat Sasuke so I can become Hokage much faster, dattebayo!" Naruto yells to me.

"I was fooling with you Naruto. Yes, I will teach you a new Jutsu. It is very simple and easy to master, I assure you."

"Misuto o Nagaremasu." I said calmly.

A thick mist begins to swirl up from my feet. It soon covered my entire body, not one point of me is able to be seen.

"Woah! Sugoi!" Naruto said, running in circles around me.

The Jutsu fell after a minute or two.

"This Jutsu does not use that much chakra so it is an excellent techinique to use. It's perfect when you need stealth to be on your side." I explained.

"I'm gonna get it right, dattebayo!"

I chuckled a bit and watched him do as I demonstrated.

"Misuto o Nagaremasu!" he shouts.

A single puff of mist came out from underneath his feet. It wasn't very impressive, it just shrouded his feet. I sweatdropped. Maybe it was easy for me because my chakra nature was mist.

"Um, it's ok Naruto. It takes a lot of conce-"

"Misuto o Nagaremasu!!" he shouted even louder.

More mist spilled out and shrouded up to his knees.

"Naruto, it's ok. We can try something else." I say.

He doesn't listen. His skull is as thick as a brick wall. Nothing can get through to him when he is determined to do something. He repeats the Jutsu over and over, the mist getting thicker each and every time he performed it. By the time the mist covered his entire body, he had used the Jutsu 13 times. He must have had incredible chakra stamina. It is probably from Kurama's chakra residing inside of him. His chakra is his own but I haven't sensed that much of Kurama's chakra. It was comforting to me that he wasn't relying on Kurama.

"Great job. You will have to work on it so you can create this much mist in 1 shot." I chuckled.

"I will do it soon enough." Naruto huffed.

"I am most positive that you will." I smiled.

He sat down, cross-legged and let out a sigh. It seems that the Jutsu had taken a bit out of him. It wasn't too much because I could still see his chakra signature.

"Do you want to try a different one? This time it is a fire technique." I enticed.

This made him shoot right back up to his feet.

"Heck yeah, I am!" he yells.

Does this kid ever not yell. It would be a lot nicer if he would actually talk.

"Alright, this Jutsu requires some movement as well as hand signs. I do not require hand signs, I just complete the movements." I explained.

"Hi no Ringo." I said.

I slid my paws across the ground, sweeping dirt as they went. I completed a circle and then slammed my paws into the ground. A crackling sound emanated from the circle. A red light spewed up from the circle my paws ran across. The red light exploded, creating a ring of fire around me. It did not fan out and stayed around me. It moved as I moved, a circle of advanced protection. I turned back to Naruto, his face bright with excitement.

"Are you prepared?" I mocked.

"Completely, dattebayo!!" Naruto laughed.


Author's Note

The Japanese words I am writing for the Jutsu are taken from Google translate. If they are wrong please let me know.

I do not own any of the Naruto characters or ideas. I only own Kasumi and this story's plotline.


Misuto Seishin: The Mist SpiritTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon