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I look back at Hiruzen with a guilty conscience. I know I should be able to trust him to take care of himself, but I did promise Jiraiya to protect him. Any attempt would be futile now that the barrier is up. The best thing I can do now is take on the two-headed snake summon. I push off the roof with a heavy heart and soar towards the large enemy.

(I'm going to put what the spell/Jutsu translates to so you know kind of what she is doing.)

"Saizu o Okiko!" I shout as I dive into the snake

(increase size)

I grow immensely larger so that I am now the size of the enemy. I take one of the heads into my jaw and destroy it with a sickening crunch. The summon hisses in fury then rears up to strike at me. I do not know if Orochimaru has made this snake venomous but I wouldn't put it past him. I avoid the snapping fangs as it strikes a couple times. I lunged in to grab the second head but the beast had gained some intelligence. It would not allow me anywhere near its remaining head. The second head, which was hanging limp, was ripped off by the snake itself. When I tried to grab its head again, he batted me away like a fly with his massive tail. It coiled around itself, increasing its defense and offense simultaneously. I guess this has to be a Jutsu battle. I don't want to cause any more collateral damage to the village so I decide to take this fight elsewhere. I ran at the snake and barreled through it, knocking it out of the village walls. The noise and dust that this fight is spewing is making it seem more colossal than necessary.

"Misutokabā." I whispered.

(mist cover)

Mist instantly began forming in the air around the summon and myself. There is basically zero visibility, for the snake at least. My eyes can see through mist as easily as they can see in light. Even though I have cut off its sense of sight, it can still pinpoint where I am because of its anatomy. It can feel even the smallest vibrations when its underbelly is touching the ground. The mist had absolutely helped with nothing, it might have even given the snake a slight advantage, very slight.

"Denki Misuto." I said.

(electric mist)

The mist condensed and packed itself around the snake. It had an electric blue color to it. When it tried to move out of the mist, the mist would follow and swallow it again. There was no way it could run from this.

"Raitoningu!" I shouted.


From the clouds in the sky, there came a massive electric bolt that hit the electrified mist, causing a major explosion. I was sure the target had to be dead. I know of nothing that can survive a magnified lightning strike.

"Bunsan sa semasu." I finished.


The mist cleared within a minute or two, showing the completely charred remains of the snake. I walked up to investigate but, horrible choice by me, I let my guard down. The 'charred remains' were only the snake's shed skin. It was still alive! I flung my head up in time to see the snake lunge from beneath the ground and bite my neck. Luck just happened to be on my side though. The snake was not venomous as I had previously thought. Its jaw strength was a different matter entirely. If I hadn't braced myself, it could have easily broken my neck and ended me here. I growl at the snake, still latched onto the side of my neck. My front paws pin the snake to the ground and I rip myself from its grasp. It was going to leave a mark but it would heal in time. There were probably a couple teeth left behind as well because I can feel sharp, pinpoint pains in my muscles surrounding the laceration.

Without skipping much of a beat, the snake has risen again, prepared for another strike.

"Doragonburesu!" I countered on the fly.

(dragon breath)

As soon as I opened my jaws again, large flames spewed from seemingly nowhere. The snake screeched as I roasted the life from it. I closed my jaws and waited for the flames to die down before I went to investigate a second time, this time with my guard up. I sniffed the ashes and I could confirm that the summon was defeated and it either was killed completely or it went back to its home world. With my action completed, I shrunk down to normal size and raced back to the arena where Hiruzen was battling Orochimaru. The purple shield was still in place so I assume that the fight is still ongoing. I fly next to the barrier and see exactly what I didn't want to see. I never wanted to see that damned Jutsu ever again. Hiruzen managed to seal the soul of Orochimaru's arms into himself before dying. Half was because of a pact with the demon, but Orochimaru had pierced him through and through with his sword.

The 3rd Hokage died under my watch.

I watched him fall.

I put the last nail in his coffin.

Now I had a new to do list before I dealt with Kurama. I'm going to seal the white snake so he can ever cause harm to anyone ever again. Because he has basically completed his immortality jutsu, there is no way I can kill him. His soul can hop from body to body, making whoever wants to kill him, kill others instead. I still don't know why his mind grew so sick and twisted, and I still wish I knew.

It doesn't matter anymore anyways. The white snake is as good as dead.


Was the battle scene okay? Did I not add enough detail or is there anything I can fix?

Thanks for reading my book! I love hearing from you guys, it makes me feel all bubbly inside.

P.S.- there is no way to say 'bubbles' angrily, try it, it's entertaining


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