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The armor is a combination of the two shown above

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The armor is a combination of the two shown above. The helmet and wing armor on the griffin are used and the armor on the back of the cat along with the tail armor and sickle on the end.


(Kasumi's POV)

The day grew hot and muggy as the three of us trudged on. We made it to the first village we would stay in for the night at about noon. Jiraiya paid for the hotel with his money but only after I forced him. He tried to take Naruto's money again, thinking he could get away with it.

"Alright, we got an apartment with a balcony on the topmost floor." Jiraiya said.

Naruto followed Jiraiya up the stairs and I flew up to the balcony. They opened the sliding door and I entered the premises. Even though it was just after noon, Naruto was already making his bed. Jiraiya was taking out his writing stuff and setting it up on the desk provided. Jiraiya then took Naruto out to do some training as well as find Princess Tsunade. Of course I knew of his habits so I reminded him that I would be watching from the sky. He sighed and scratched his head, saying that he got it. I watched them both disappear among the crowds of merchants and customers. As I had done once before, I began sending out chakra waves to see if I could find her here. Obviously, I do not know what her chakra looks like so I have to check every source of high amounts of chakra. It's easier said than done but It will make searching the 2 villages quicker.

Jiraiya quickly mentioned beforehand that Princess Tsunade had a bad habit of gambling...and losing. We agreed that they would go search gambling areas and I would use chakra waves.

I received an odd wave and began to check out the large amount of chakra. I flew low, my feet almost touching some rooftops. I came across a traditional looking castle, stopping as I see rubble fly into the air. The castle was in ruins, no longer recognizable. The debris that had once laid still had begun to move and shift, parting ways for a rather large creature. Naturally, I assumed that the creature destroyed the castle. What I didn't expect was to see Manda, Orochimaru's summon. His eyes looked as if they glistened but I just know it's the evil glint in his eye. Like master, like pet, both were naturally evil.

"Haaahh, Kasssumi. I wasssn't expecting to sssee you again." Manda hissed into the still air.

"Why are you here? Where is Orochimaru?" I growled.

"Ssso, you're getting right to the point. Why ssshould I tell you anything though?" he chuckled darkly.

"I will attack you if you do not tell me." I threatened.

"Are you sssure you want to battle in a town like thisss? There are many people here." he says, a smirk growing onto his scaly face.

"Why Tsunade?! You know he is just up to no good!" a loud voice shouted from below.

I looked down to see Princess Tsunade with Jiraiya, Naruto, and one other companion.

"It's because I want Dan back, okay! Wouldn't you do anything for someone you love!?" she retorted.

"I'm trying right now! Do not go through this deal with Orochimaru. It will only hurt you in the end." Jiraiya said, calming himself and regaining composure.

I felt the air shift slightly, which was odd. There was no wind at the moment. I turn around just in time to see Manda attempting to bite me. Using my back legs, I pushed myself off the tip of his snout and propelled myself backwards.

"Thought I wasn't paying attention, huh?" I chuckled.

Of course he didn't answer though. Would you answer someone if they ask a rhetorical question?

I could hear the voices talking down below, struggling to put voices to names. I was having a staredown with Manda, neither of us giving way. The shuffling of feet below worried me slightly but I had to pay attention to this leech. To my surprise though, Manda disappeared in a puff of white smoke. Without having to deal with him anymore, I flew towards the voices below. I landed between the two groups of people, Orochimaru and one of his subordinates in front of me. He chuckled darkly as his eyes flashed towards Tsunade.

"Don't forget our deal tomorrow." he said.

Orochimaru now disappeared in orange flames, his subordinate doing the actual jutsu. It seems like he still wasn't able to fix his arms like he said he would. That is definetly good for us but this deal he was talking about worries me. I know that Princess Tsunade is a very skilled healer. I don't want to put two and two together and assume a bad situation.

"Pardon me, Princess Tsunade. What is going on in this deal he is talking about?" I ask, stepping towards her.

"It's none of your business and it's none of your business!" she shouted again, pointing at Jiraiya and I successively.

Naruto was behind Jiraiya, fuming with anger. The Princess had probably said something to him earlier to make him mad. It only takes a couple words to make him mad.

Princess Tsunade walked off with her companion and oddly enough, a pig. The three of us headed back to the hotel to figure out how to deal with this.

"Why are you so angry, Naruto?" I asked as I walked beside him.

"She told me I wouldn't become Hokage. I yelled at her and we got into a fight outside." he grumbled.

"What was the outcome?" I chuckled.

"She flicked me with her finger and I flew away." he growled.

"Well, I do hope you realise that she is a Sanin along with Jiraiya. It's only natural that she would have that much strength." I said, trying to calm him down.

"I don't care if she is a Sanin, she insulted me! That's why we made a bet." Naruto smirked.

"Really? What is this bet?" I inquired.

"Jiraiya is teaching me how to do the Ransengan. Tsunade said I would never succeed and she bet her jewel necklace on it." he said, looking pretty excited.

"What did you bet?" I asked, almost afraid I hear the answer.

"She said she wanted all the money in my wallet." he whispered.

"Oh jeez, Naruto. You really need to get this right. Jiraiya already takes enough of your money." I sighed.

"I can beat that old lady, I know I can. I'm going to be Hokage, dattebayo!" he cheers.

We arrive back at the hotel and I meet them on the balcony. We were going to talk about our plan of action tomorrow. By we, I meant Jiraiya and I. Naruto was going to stay here and practice his new Jutsu while we dealt with the snake.


Sorry if I'm missing any details. If I miss something major, could someone kindly let me know? Thanks!

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