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(3rd Person POV)

Soon after arriving in the village, Tsunade couldn't help Kasumi right away. She needed to become the new Hokage and care for the mourning village. Naruto, of course, was very, very angry with Tsunade's course of action. He wanted any and all resources working on freeing his best friend. Many times during the following weeks, Naruto would barge into Tsunade's office and begin to reprimand her on how horrible she was being to Kasumi. After a couple of outbursts from Naruto, you could see the guilt wallowing in her eyes. She knows it isn't the right thing to do but she also needed to take the village into consideration. Soon enough, Jiraiya was even scolding her. The guilt gnawed at her conscience and after 3 weeks she called Shikaku into her office to begin to work on the scroll.


"Shikaku, I've called you here to discuss something that is of the utmost of importance now." Tsunade began.

She would now be focusing in on the scroll more than running the village for the time being. Of course, she would still have to do her Hokage duties, but she worked on getting Kasumi free every spare moment she had.

Tsunade places the scroll on the table and motions Shikaku to come and take a look at it.

"This scroll contains someone very important to Naruto. I assume that you've heard of or even met Kasumi?" Tsunade asks.

"It's hard to miss her." he remarks.

"But, if I may ask, can I know the means of how she got into the scroll?" he adds.

"It was during a battle with Orochimaru that he sealed her within. I'm asking you to solve this because you have very high capabilities. The scroll cannot be destroyed or damaged unless you want to harm her." Tsunade says, pulling the scroll open.

She keeps the scroll open by using paper weights to allow Shikaku to begin to investigate the seal.

"This is a highly advanced seal that will be difficult to break." Shikaku comments.

"But it can be broken?" she asked, some light coming back into her eyes.

"Yes, it can be broken. I don't know how much time it will take to break it.  It could possibly be months or even years." Shikaku states grimly.

"I'll break the news to Naruto. You just focus on what you can do. Thank you for this." Tsunade smiles.

"It is my duty to serve you and the village, Tsunade-sama." Shikaku confirms, bowing.

He wraps the scroll back up and places it in his jacket.

"Keep that scroll with you at all times. Only leave it within Nara hands when you have a mission." Tsunade enforces.

Shikaku gives a curt nod before bowing once more and leaving the Hokage building to begin working on the seal.

"It's going to takes years?" a voice cracked.

Tsunade quickly turned her head to the source and found the yellow-haired boy.

"N-Naruto, you're taking the extreme end of the situation. It could take months, yes, but I doubt it will take years." Tsunade said.

"But it could take years?" he whimpered.

"Unfortunately, Naruto, it could. For now, why don't you work on getting stronger so you can surprise Kasumi?" Tsunade encourages.

Not just to surprise her, but give her less work to do...

"Do you think there's enough food in there for her? Should we put some in?" Naruto asks as is own stomach begins to make its presence known.

"She'll be just fine. Now go on." she said, waving him towards the door.

"I'll be stronger than Sasuke in no time, dattebayo!" Naruto cheers.

He runs out the door, barely remembering to close it behind himself. Jiraiya would most likely be taking him out of the village to train again.

Naruto runs about the village looking for the familiar white-haired pervert. In his mind, several things were rolling through his thoughts. He wanted to go train so he could be stronger than Sasuke, but he also wanted to stay here until Kasumi was freed. For a moment, he slows his run to a walk and points his head towards the ground.

"I'll be back soon Kasumi. Don't make me wait too long, dattebayo." he whispered to the wind.

With a nod, his head rises and his eyes flash with vigor. He continues his search for Jiraiya.


Okay, so I was thinking that Kasumi would be trapped in the scroll until Naruto come back from training with Jiraiya. The reunion will be emotional, I'll make sure of that ;)

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