Getting ready to host the host!

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I look at all the host waiting to see if they would except my offer. Honey screamed "Will there be cake?" I smiled tilting my head slightly answering "It wouldn't be a proper dinner without cake for desert!" Honey smiled happily while climbing on Mori's shoulders "Me and Takashi will be there, right Taka?" Honey looked at Mori which he nodded agreeing to come. Haruhi smiled "I wouldn't mind helping you cook if u need help." I grabbed his hands thanking him "I have the boys of the syndicate to help but trust me they aren't the best cooks so I would happily accept the help!" I scratched the back of my neck a little embarrassed having a guest help cook. Tamaki agreed soon rambling about tasting Haruhi's cooking again. Kyoya simply stated he had nothing planned for tomorrow the twins agreeing with him. I smiled from ear to ear happy that my brothers friends would be joining us tomorrow afternoon.

We all bid our farewells as Ritsu and I found Tetsuya waiting patiently outside for us. Returning to the syndicate we were greeted by the guys as Ritsu and I went inside.
"Hey why didn't I get informed u were moving back?" Ritsu exclaimed.
"I wanted to surprise you baby brother! I made the boys keep it from you for a month." I smiled happily. "They freaked out at first for keeping a secret from the 'young lord'" I laughed saying the last bit.

After catching back up on everything that we had missed in each other's life's the last few years. I made dinner for the whole syndicate after arguing with many of the guys trying to say they were cooking tonight. After almost having to throw them out of the kitchen literally. I made hibachi style steak, chicken, shrimp, and fried rice. The boys became so excited at the sight of the food. I thought I was in a house full of toddlers instead of men, since after my brother and I fixed our plates and sitting with the rest of the guys to eat, they started fighting and arguing over the food I had fixed. In the end I fixed all their plates for them to stop the fighting after hitting most of them over the head.

After dinner was done along with the dishes. I sat outside on the small porch with my feet hanging off the side. Soon being surrounded by most of the men in the house all sitting in front me as if expecting something I look at them confused. Asuma at the front soon asked "Aren't you gonna sing for us like you used to before u left?" I laughed my little brother soon joining all the men in front of me. "You really want me to sing after these past years I would have thought y'all had forgotten about my singing." I laughed one of the guys standing up stating "We've been kinda missing it when u was gone.Hearing you singing your songs really lightens up the place!" All the boys cheered agreeing making my smile grow as I blushed from his words. ( play song: Safe and Sound by Taylor swift) I sang as though no one was listening pouring my heart into the song. I watched as the men in front of me swayed and a few cried. As I finished the last note they erupted in cheers before I calmed them down.

Demanding they all get baths tonight because we had company coming tomorrow. I gave each member their list of things to accomplish tomorrow before our guest arrived. We soon saw head lights pulling in front of the house. Everyone was on edge not expecting anyone else to arrive this late. The men instinctively pushed me and my brother behind them but soon a familiar form stepped out of the car. "Father" I called out as all the men hurried to stand on either side of the path. I ran to him hugging him tightly "Theirs my girl now where is my son?" He spotted Ritsu at the doorway ruffling his hair as he walked by. I spoke to father of my plans to have the host club over for dinner tomorrow. He happily agreed with me thinking it would be nice for both me and Ritsu to have friends outside the syndicate.

I soon made my way to my room unpacking most my boxes. I had gotten so wrapped up in the events earlier in the day. I completely forgot about my room still being in boxes. I wonder what tomorrow will hold Ritsu's friends seem interesting to say the least.

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