Scary movies anyone

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We placed the pizza in the kitchen on the bar. The host grabbed theirs first after they had left the kitchen. I stuck my head into the hallway "Pizza is here boys!". I heard people yelling, hitting and shoving down the hall. They came in as a blur leaving barely anything. I see Tetsuya walk into the kitchen looking half dead, yep he got trompled. I hand him his plate I had made before the others made it in the kitchen. "Lady Rain your a saint!" Tetsuya said almost crying. I patted him on the head as I walked out with my plate in the other hand.

I hear yelling from the living room but this time everyone is arguing! "Hey what is wrong in here?" I yell catching their attention. "We all want a different scary movie!" Honey notifies me. "Really that's what all this is about?" I ask sweat dropping. I grab the movies from all of them. I number small pieces of paper before sticking them in a bowl. I shuffle them around before letting everyone pick a number.
1- Kyoya,2-Honey, 3-the twins, 4- Tamaki,5-Honey, 6- me and Haruhi,7-Mori, 8-Ritsu
Me and Haruhi laughed after we realized we picked the same movie. The twins took a recliner, Haruhi and Tamaki on the love seat, Kyoya in my recliner, Ritsu,Mori,me, and honey on the sectional. We was halfway through Tamaki's soap opera horror movie. I felt a weight on my lap I looked down and saw Honey sound asleep. Mori went to move Honey and I waved my hand at him signaling for him to leave him alone. We skipped Honey's movie since he was asleep.

Haruhi put in our movie 'They' I could already feel the goosebumps. Honey is now wide awake since I kinda jumped a little. Tamaki and the twins now are huddled in a group with Haruhi. Kyoya has pushed himself deeper into the recliner and brought his legs up. Ritsu is hiding behind a throw pillow. Honey had one of my arms in a death grip! It came to the scariest part of the movie! Everyone jumped as the creatures got the last girl. Without thinking I had grabbed Mori's arm and buried my face in his shoulder. Honey was now freaking out in Mori's lap as Ritsu hid behind us all on the couch. The movie finished as the lights came on in the room. Mori patted my head and I realized I'm still holding onto him for dear life. I blushed lightly letting go of his arm.

"Why would 2 girls choose the scariest movie of the night?!" Ritsu asked. Haruhi scratched the back of he neck "Well you said to bring the scariest movie we had.". The electricity suddenly went out in the room. I heard an ear piercing girlish scream! "Haruhi are you ok?!" I asked own icing a little. "That was Tamaki not me." Haruhi laughed. "They are coming to get us! What are we going to do?" The twins screamed. The emergency lights came on a few seconds later. I heard steps coming down the hallway. "I don't want to be taken Ra-chan don't let them get me!" Honey screamed. I patted his head reassuring him. "Lady Rain, young Lord where are you?" We heard the group in the hallway call out. "Living room boys!" I yelled out as the whole syndicate soon piled in the living room. "What caused the power outage do any of you know?" I asked looking to the men. "One of the old transformers down the road went out! We won't have power until tomorrow morning at the earliest." Nio notified me. "Well I guess we are all going to the dojo then. Boys grab the mattresses move them to the right wing of the dojo for our guest. You boys will have the left wing. Since the power is out though we can't have the chocolate fondu I had planed for us. But I have a better idea!" I exclaimed. "Why are we going to the dojo?" Kyoya asks raising an eye brow. "We installed a generator for the dojo in case of stuff like this." I answer as we walk to the dojo.

I show the guys where we will be staying tonight. "Hey guys you mind helping me build a fire?" I ask pointing to the old fire pit a few feet behind the dojo. "We will start a fire Lady Rain you guest don't need to work while we are here!" Asuma states. I nod my head grabbing Haruhi's hand walking back to the house. Haruhi looks at me funny but says nothing as we enter the kitchen. I hand her boxes of graham crackers as I grab the chocolate bars and marshmallows. I see a twinkle in Haruhi's eyes as she looks at our ingredients. "Rain I'm pretty sure none of the host have had s'mores before." She laughs. "I know I can't wait to see their faces." I laugh.

The host look at us questionable as Haruhi and I start roasting marshmallows. Haruhi and I have a good sized stack of s'mores as we set them in front of the host. I look at the syndicate guys who are all staring with puppy dog eyes. "Go ahead make you some but no fighting!" I say pointing my finger at them. Haruhi grabs a s'more her eyes light up in joy! The host slowly take one each. "This commoner sweet is amazing! What is it?" Tamaki exclaimed. "S'more" I simply state. "Yes I want more but what is it called?" Tamaki asks. I dead pan "It is called a s'more Takaki!". "Oh why would they name it something so easily mistaken?" Tamaki asks no one in particular. "Cause you will always want s'more!" Honey exclaimed with a s'more in each hand. I looked t Mori as he ate one looking a little less than satisfied. I walk over to Mori and pull out a set of sour straw I had picked up in the kitchen. I take one from the pack sticking it in his mouth. I turn putting a straw in my own mouth. I soon see a hand go over my shoulder as Mori steals another straw.  

It was late in the night by the time we went to bed. The order of the beds Haruhi, me, Ritsu, Mori, and Honey on one side of the room. Tamaki, Kyoya, and the twins on the other side of the room. Everyone was asleep when I was woke up by my phone vibrating like crazy. I grab my phone and walk out the dojo doors quietly. I start to shiver as my father informs me of a situation that needs investigating. I guess the host club will be clubbing with the Yakuzu tomorrow. I feel a jacket slide over my shivering shoulders. I look up to see Mori standing next to me. "I hope you can dance big guy cause we are going clubbing tomorrow." I laugh heading back inside.

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