The beginning of a long weekend

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I'm back in the dojo with the guys. Asuma and I tried the dance together but neither of us could do it. We would laugh at each other or it would just be plain weird and both of us just walk away freaking out. I laid on the floor in a kinda star shape. I soon hear the dojo doors open seeing the host and brother. "Why are you laying on the floor? And like that none the less act more lady like!" Ritsu blabbers out. I sit up my hair falling over my eyes "I wanna see how you act after being dropped 5 times! Then realizing your gonna fail at the dance competition because all the options are pervs, awkward or they can't hold me for a lift. Tell me Ritsu how I'm supposed to be ladylike right now when I'm pretty sure my whole right side is bruised purple!" I look at him daring him to say something. I toss my phone to him so he can read dad's text.

"That's a lot of work for one person." Kyoya says giving me a sympathetic look."I'm used to it since I was 6 I've been the only girl here. The few years I wasn't here they couldn't enter so now I'm back to work." I simply state standing up and hooking my phone back to the screen. "This is the dance dad chose and none of the guys here can do it." I play the video. "That was so beautiful Ra-chan you have to do it!" Honey cries. "I have no partner at the moment Honey." I state sadly. Asuma walks next to us. The next thing I know he grabs my waist throwing me in the air before I can react. Asuma screams "Catch her someone!". I'm caught by a very muscular chest and arms. I flinch instantly as my right side makes contact with his chest. I look up already knowing these arms. "There is your dance partner Lady Rain I'm glad I could help see you later!" Asuma sprints from the Dojo knowing I'm gonna kill him.  

"Thank you Mori." I pat his chest as he sets me easily on the floor. I sit on the floor. He quickly sits beside me and presses on right ribs. I hiss in pain quickly smacking his hand away. "Mitsukuni?" Mori say with a frown tugging say the corners of his mouth. Honey walks over quickly walks over pressuring on my ribs as well. I hiss again "The next person to press on my ribs without permission is getting their ass whooped!". Honey looks to Mori sadly and nods his head yes. "Ra-chan Takashi called me over because you've actually bruised 3 ribs. I'm surprised you've been able to move so much. We need to set them or there gonna heal wrong." Honey says looking like he's about to cry. "Don't worry I can set my own ribs. Haruhi I may need help with the bandages though if you don't mind." Haruhi agrees to help as we all walk inside. Kyoya goes to his bag pulling out compression bandages. "Who dropped you when it hurt the most?" Ritsu asked. "Asuma did but it was because he caught me wrong not really trying to hurt me in anyway." I say taking the bandages from Kyoya thanking him. Haruhi and I walk to my room the guys following. "Ok guys I know we are all close but you are not seeing me get naked so stay out here." I state bluntly. They soon turn red before taking seats across the hall.

I take off my kimono with the help of Haruhi. I was right my whole right side is purple. I put on a regular bra instead of the sports bra I normally wear. We work on my top ribs not getting far before we both realize Haruhi is to scared to hurt me. "Haruhi your not gonna hurt me. I need the bandages tight to hold my ribs in place." I say looking at her. I realize it's no use she has no idea what to do but she's trying. "I'm sorry Rain. I'm not good at this stuff at all!" Haruhi states about to cry. I grab her hugging her into my left side. "Well on to plan B. Your gonna cover my front half with my kimono. While Honey helps me wrap my ribs. I think he may be the most mature of the group, right?" I look to Haruhi for confirmation. "I think that's the best course of action." Haruhi says walking to the door. I sit on the bed so no one can see me through the door crack. Haruhi opens the door only wide enough to poke her head out. "Honey-sempi can you come help us real quick. I can't wrap the bandages tight enough" Haruhi says quickly. "No way is a guy entering my sisters room with her naked!" Ritsu exclaims. "Ritsu unless you can handle setting my ribs and wrapping them I would shut up!" I scream from the bed soon whimpering. Screaming and bruised ribs do not mix! I hear a little arguing for a minute before I hear Haruhi slide the door open more than enough for Honey. Haruhi walks in front of me "Mori is gonna have to set your ribs it was your brothers compromise." She holds my kimono so he won't see anything. I swear I turned redder than my hair at hearing those words. "Ok Mori you can open your eyes she's covered." Haruhi states. I start wrapping my ribs again with Mori's help. As we finish he secures the wrap to itself on my back; note to self will need help removing for a bath tonight. Mori's starts to look at the bruise going down my side along with a few scars on my back. "Ok my ribs are wrapped and I'm still kinda naked Mori. So can you excuse us girls for a moment." I say nervously. He hmm'a in understanding stepping outside once more. "The Takashi blush where's the camera!" We hear Tamaki scream from outside the room. 

Haruhi helps me put on a tank top and comfy pants. I give her a tank top and pants too so she can get out of her uniform. Me and Haruhi die laughing after Tamaki's scream. "Well at least I wasn't the only one blushing in that situation." I laughed. "Oh trust me Mori was giving you a run for your money on reddest blush!" Haruhi informs me."I think he may like you Ra-chan." Haruhi says wiggling her eyebrow at me. "Oh don't even start we both know you have a thing for Tamaki." She flashes red instantly and mumbling stuff I can't understand. I hear shuffling outside the door. I look at Haruhi realizing she heard it too. We walk to my door and press our ears to the wood. We hear the boys arguing on the other side of the door. They were eavesdropping on our conversation. I look at Haruhi wide eyed and she returns the look.We quickly cover our mouths realizing what we had said they probably heard. I mouthed 'what do we do?' She shrugs her shoulders blushing madly. I get an evil glint in my eye and Haruhi soon catches on.

*Boys POV*
"You know Haruhi I got an outfit the other day but it to small for me. I think it would look great on you maybe help you with the boy you like." Rain said. We all  pressed to the door trying to hear what was going on."That is not an outfit Rain that is nothing but string!" "Oh come on Haruhi! It will be fun I'm a little bigger than you in the chest but we can fix that!" With this we all looked at each other then became glued to the door once more. "Uhh Rain don't touch me there!" Haruhi squealed. "Oh their small but still just as squishy!" Rain giggled. "Not so rough Rain! How would you like it?" Haruhi exclaimed."Haruhi!" Rain giggled.
I suddenly felt the door lurch forward.

*Rain POV*
Haruhi and I stared at the furiously blushing boys. Whom are now laying in a pile on top of my bedroom door. "Bathrooms down the hall boys. You might wanna get yourselves cleaned up." I state winking at them. Haruhi and I step over them leaving for the living room. As soon as we get their we bust out laughing! I can't believe it worked so well and all their flustered faces!

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