4 days

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It's been four days since anyone has seen or heard from Rain. They have tried putting food trays under her door, bottled water outside, and even tried her favorite candy sour straws. Nothing has been touched. Ritsu has started to really stress since she won't even open the door for their father. Ritsu was walking the through the school headed to class. "Ritsu-chan!" Honey called out pulling Ritsu from his thoughts. "Have you heard anything from Ra-chan? I've tried calling her and texting her but she hasn't answered. Is she still mad at me?" Honey asked in a panic. "I haven't even heard or seen her in 4 days Honey. I'm actually really starting to worry about her." Ritsu admits as he slumps against the wall. "Maybe Haruhi has talked to her. They are really close you know." Honey says trying to reassure Ritsu. "I think I will swing by the host club today and talk to her. Hey where is Mori-sempi?" Ritsu asked. "He's running late this morning he should be here soon." Honey smiles. The bell rings signaling everyone to head to class.

Ritsu walks into the music room. They have no guest as they plan their next cosplay. Ritsu walks straight to Haruhi. "Hey Haruhi have you heard anything from Rain?" Ritsu asked hopeing for the best. "I haven't heard anything from her. Why is something wrong?" Haruhi asks concern wrote across her face. "No one has heard or seen her in four days. I'm worried Haruhi! I have no idea what to do or say. She won't even let dad in the room. We leave food outside her door but it's never touched. I don't know what to do?!" Ritsu says fully panicking. Haruhi wraps him in a hug. "I will come over tonight and try to talk her out ok?" Haruhi asks. "Yea maybe she will come out for you." Ritsu smiles with a glimmer of hope. They sat there talking and eating cake. Ritsu's phone started ringing. "Hello" "Wait slow down. What happened?" "Send the car for me. I will be there as soon as I can be!" Ritsu hung up the phone turning sheet white. "What's wrong Ritsu?" Haruhi asks quickly. "She didn't push the food tray back out immediately and Asuma didn't hear any noise on the other side of the door. He panicked and broke down the door. He found Rain collapsed on the floor. She's breathing and everything. They won't tell me anything else. They have her at the local hospital. I'm leaving now if anyone wants a ride!" Ritsu says quickly. All the host and Ritsu pile into the limo.

Tatsuya meets them outside leading them to the waiting room. Ritsu's father and Asuma sit there starring at the floor. "Dad what is going on? Why aren't you with Rain in her room?" Ritsu asks. "I need you all to take a seat. Rain has not ate nor drank anything in the past four days. She has lost weight. Right now the doctors are doing test. She hasn't woke up yet though. We can all see her after the doctor comes out." Ritsu's father finishes. Everyone takes a seat waiting to at least see Rain. The doctor walks into the room "Kasanoda Family?". Ritsu and his father are immediately at his side. They talk for a moment before Ritsu waves for everyone to follow them. Everyone in the group slowly makes it to the room 206. Ritsu and his father enter first quickly followed my the others. Ritsu's father took one of Rain's small hands holding it in his large one. Everyone slowly gathers around the bed. "The doc said she's in some sort of coma like state. He thinks she can hear us. Shes a little malnourished but other than that her vitals and every thing are perfect though." Ritsu says taking her other hand. Hours passed as the host had to head home along with Ritsu and his Father. Haruhi assured Ritsu she would stay the night tonight with Rain. "You two have to get home. You have to do her job of keeping all those guys in line." Haruhi laughed. "Hey we aren't that bad!" Asuma said defending the guys. "Do I need to remind you of the omelets. Yea Rain has told me all about you guys trying to cook!" Haruhi said. They all laughed as they knew she was the cook of the house not them.

Haruhi sat next to Rain's bed shaking her head. Rain was ghostly white, her hair a dull red not her normal vibrant color, and she had IV's and wires hooked up to her everywhere. A knock sounded from the door. "Come in!" Haruhi said. Honey and Takashi walked into the room in their casual clothes. "Haruhi we came back to stay with you ladies!" Honey exclaims. Haruhi smiles as the boys pulled up chairs around Rain's bed. "I think I caused all of this." Honey said sniffling "If I hadn't went to her house that night. Then you wouldn't have gotten in a fight. Rain would be fine. She wouldn't have gotten upset like this!" Honey finished crying his eyes out. Takashi had his head in his hands. "Mitskuni it's not your fault." Takashi said trying to comfort Honey. Honey laid his head on Rain's lap still crying. The three had their heads hung low Haruhi looking at the floor, Honey had his face hid in Rain's lap crying, and Takashi had his hands over his face. Takashi was consumed with guilt. He knew this was all his fault. He hadn't meant anything he had said. He was so mad at everything and he took it out on her. She didn't deserve anything he had said.

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