The Next Day

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*On film. In present moment.*

The men in the dojo start to slowly wake up. "What happened last night?" Tamaki asks holding his head. "Last thing I recall. We were coming out here to check out the music playing." Kyoya states. "Hey look at the drop down screen." Honey exclaims. A huge play me sign is on the drop down screen. Asuma stands up clicking the play button.

Rain and Haruhi pop up on the screen. "Hey guys! We left you headache meds and water on the back table. We thought you might need some help remembering last night. So we decided to make this little film." Rain says as both girls laugh.

The men start to pass out the meds and waters as the film comes on. The film starts as the twins take the stage. "We killed it!" The twins call out high fiveing each other. Tamaki and Kyoya pop up singing to each other. "Note to self. Do not let Tamaki choose the songs." Kyoya says jotting in his notebook. "We did so good Kyoya!" Tamaki cheers shaking Kyoya. "We may even be able to use this for profit." Kyoya says with a smirk. The camera turns to the host dancing with the people along with Taka and Rain. Taka starts to blush as the camera zooms in on him and Rain. Taka and Honey take the stage. The men are all cheering having a good time watching everything. "That's right even at Karaoke the Haninozuka and Morinozuka rule!" Honey exclaims.

"This is where the night gets interesting boys." Rain says giving commentary. The men fall silent as they watch the syndicate men start to sing. They see the camera pan over all the groups. It stops on Haruhi, Takashi, Honey and Rain just as Taka and Rain are called to the stage. Taka goes sheet white as he hears his dad has picked their song. They watch as Taka and Rain take the stage. Taka covers his face with both hands as he hears the music start. He peeks through his fingers as he hears Rain singing. He turns bright red seeing her trace her finger down his chest. They watch as the battle of the voices commenced. Taka's eyes go wide as he sees the moves they were doing. Rain's father and Akira high five saying "We are getting grand babies!". Taka starts to turn even redder as he sees their faces moving closer together. Rain turns Taka to something out of view. The camera pans over as Taka takes off after Honey. Honey goes sheet white as he sees himself. Honey starts babbling finally saying "Everyone saw my Usa-chan undies.". Taka faints as his soul starts to leave his body floating just above his mouth.

Kyoya quickly shoves Taka's soul back into his body. "If I have to relive this so do you!" Kyoya states firmly. Taka sits up shaking his head. The camera turns to a staggering Kyoya putting on a song. "Oh no!" Kyoya say watching himself. They see everyone dancing having a good time. Then they here 'Take it off' and see clothes flying into the air. The camera lands on the host about to take their pants off. The whole host club turn to petrified stone in udder shock and horror at their own actions. Haruhi and Rain grab the host belts before they drop their pants. Rain yells at Taka as Honey dances by in his underwear. The host disintegrate into ruble as they see themselves saved by Haruhi and Rain. Tamaki recovers quickly. "Kyoya take care of this!" Tamaki calls out. "Already taken care of." Kyoya states snapping the DVD.

They all stare at the screen as Rain pops up. "Oh Kyoya you tried so hard but that's not the only copy. That DVD is already downloaded to this projector as well. Now for this next part me and Haruhi were not in the dojo because we had already locked you all in. We were very surprised at what we learned about you boys though. Honey some things we could have went without knowing." Rain says laughing with Haruhi. Everyone in the syndicate falls silent.

The panty dropper competition pops up as Rain's father called all the men in. Everyone's eyes are glued to the screen as the host take the stage. Tamaki walks to the mic giving his line. "Note boys I had to tell him what a panty dropper was moments before." Haruhi comments. Tamaki blushes furiously as he hears this. Kyoya takes the stage saying his. Kyoya shakes his head covering his mouth with one hand. The twins take the mic. "Hey that's one of our best moves!" They call out. "Well it wasn't good enough!" Asuma laughs. Honey takes the mic proudly in his Usa-chan underwear. "I didn't even know I had that move!" Honey exclaims wide eyed. Taka takes the mic. Taka blushes furiously. "Rain has seen my move." He babbles out red as a tomato. Everyone ends up red as a tomato by the end of the video. "Ok boys since we are nice and not hungover. We have left your breakfast in the kitchen." Rain says at the end of the video.

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