Time to work

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Mori followed me inside. I shrugged off his coat "Thank you." I smiled. Mori took the coat and smirked at me! "Shouldn't be worried if I can dance. The true question is can you keep up?" Mori asked raising an eyebrow at me. "Is that a challenge?" I ask with a sly grin. "Let's make a wager! If I win your my servant till the end of the school year." Mori smirked widely. "Sure why not. But if I win you have to compete in the syndicate showing as my dance partner!" I shake his hand sealing the deal. "Good luck you will need it!" Mori states cockily. "I don't need luck! I'm just that good sweetheart." I wink at Mori before climbing into my bed.

I woke up abruptly to screaming! "They have me! Dear Kami someone save me!" I heard Tamaki scream. I look up to see the twins dragging Tamaki from his bed by his feet. I quickly grab my shoes from the foot of my bed throwing them. They hit their targets aka the twins faces. I rub my eyes looking around. My focus falls on a very pissed off Kyoya and then Honey whom has a very dark aura flowing from him. Mori is trying to calm Honey but is failing. He looks at everyone in the room for help but the host along with Ritsu are already cowering in the farthest corner from Honey. I crawl out of bed walking over to Honey. I bend down next to him. He shoots me a glare clearly meaning leave me alone! "Honey I know the baker down the street. It's Saturday so she's making fresh cake donuts with strawberry chocolate filling! Would you like to go get some with me?" I ask with a closed eye smile. Honey looked at me sceptic ally then broke into a wide grin. "So there is a breakfast cake I didn't know about! I must be the judge of this breakfast cake!" Honey exclaim jumping up in the bed clutching his bunny tight. "Rain is truly fearless!" Haruhi stated. Everyone nodded in agreement. I turn to everyone else "Well let's all get dressed and head to the bakers!".

We all were dressed in our casual clothes, well except me I was wearing one of my usual kimonos. We all load into a limo Kyoya had called as soon as we made plans. "Well guys I have an announcement! Tonight my dad has asked us to check out a local underage club. So after breakfast a tailor is coming to the house to suit you boys up for the night. Haruhi and I will be leaving and meeting some of my friends from Tokyo. We will all meet at the club later tonight so don't destroy the house ok?" I say smiling. To be honest I just needed to figure out if they were selling something they shouldn't be. Then I have to report back to father. "Haruhi I hope you don't mind but we are gonna have to look girly tonight?" I look to Haruhi. "I don't mind since your gonna look girly too." She winked at me. I giggled as we arrived at the bakery.

I didn't know they could eat so much!Honey just had to have every cake she had made! I already feel exhausted and the day has barely begun. We arrive back at the syndicate and go our separate ways. Haruhi and I get in my car jamming out on the way to get pampered for the day. A few hours later we finished showering, getting our hair and nails done, having make-up lightly applied and now are going to get our outfits. "I feel weird like this!" Haruhi exclaimed. "All of this will only last about 12 hours. I made sure your nails will easily come off before school. The hair is just clip in extensions." I hear her sigh in relief. "Where are we going now?" Haruhi asks. "We are going to see old lady Gigi. She's pretty cool but her dresses can be a little on the short side." I state shaking my head. We arrive at a cottage looking house outside of the city limits. Two girls our age run out and bombard me and Haruhi with questions. "I called you two here because I have a bet to win. I hope you remember our final dance number because we will be using it again tonight!" I smile evilly. As we walk inside I explain everything to the three girls including what the main goal of tonight was. "Gigi where are you? You old hag!" I tell walking through the door. "I'm in the fitting area waiting on four girls who need to hurry the hell up!" Gigi screamed back. I walk in seeing the outfits my jaw drops. "Gigi I will not wear that!" (corset dress and thigh high boots) I scream. "Your dad picked the dresses. I have spanks for you to hide your ass don't worry. I wouldn't do that to you." Gigi states simply. I feel a blush just looking at it "My boobs are gonna pop out of that top if I dance!" "That is why they invented double sided clothing tape!" Gigi retorts.

After some very long hours Gigi was happy with her work. We all three got in the car. Haruhi was the only lucky one out of the group she got a full covering dress but my friends didn't fair so well. They basically had the same dress as me with longer skirts and bright colors but they got normal heels not boots. I officially do not want to get out of the car at the club. "How much you want to bet when the guys see you they freak?" Haruhi asks trying to lighten the mood. "Oh yea, what about you in that little sexy number?" I wiggle an eyebrow at her. She blushed 5 different shades of red and I laughed. "All right girls we are almost there. When we get there I want you to be confident. We have to fit in and we look damn good so why not feel sexy tonight! Also I want to win this bet at all cost. Haruhi all you have to do is make sure out song gets played we will take it from there." I smile as they all yell 'yea'!

We arrive at the club. I park the car and we pile out. I walk in front leading our little group Haruhi directly behind me and my friends on Haruhi's left and right. We make it to the door I swear I heard every guys jaw hit the ground. I walk up to the the bouncer who is still openly starting! I snap my fingers in front of his face and he snaps back to realty. We get in without a hitch but a soon as we walk in I see every eye in the room was on us. I catch a certain pair of eyes and wink. I'm guessing Mori has something up his sleeve since the host didn't immediately come meet us. Within 2 hours I had everything father needed. They openly sold you anything you could want as long as you smiled real cute or flirted a little.

I soon find Mori and I have to be honest I had to keep myself from eye raping him. The boys all had slacks on with only a blazer over their chests mad a collar of a shirt with a tie. They had jackets as well. "Business is done. Let the games begin!" I smiled as I walked to the dance floor finding my 3 girls dancing together. I soon see Ritsu go to the DJ booth. I send Haruhi to make sure our song is played right after theirs. I soon see the host make their way to the dance floor quickly clearing a circle. Mori in dead center giving me that damn sexy smirk! (Can't add two videos so look up Magic Mike It's Raining Men) After they finished their dance it took everything I had not to drool. I smiled widely knowing this is about to get interesting. I take my place in center as we wave the boys to the side of the floor. (Play video) I looked at Mori and winked as the music began. After we finished our dance they looked at us with mouths wide open in complete shock. I walked over to Mori shutting his mouth and straightening his tie. "I told you I don't need luck. Oh and we will start practicing every Sunday till the meeting ok?" I ask looking at his eyes. He blinked hard before turning bright red and nodding slowly. My friends left soon after in their limo heading back to Tokyo. Tamaki and the twins soon ended up arguing over Haruhi. I just laughed. Everyone was having a blast dancing with random people and just relaxing. Soon though we had to leave I had already sent father everything and the cops will be here in bout and hour. I soon gathered the host and Ritsu getting the boys in their limo. Haruhi and I jumped in the car squealing tired as we left.

* Author note please feel free to comment! I really want to know what you truly think.

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