Coming home

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We all made it to the syndicate shortly after. "Why are all of you here?" Rain asked confused. "Well you have to be watched 24/7 so we have all chosen to take turns. We will be your babysitters till your fully healed Miss Rain." Kyoya states with his business smile. "I have plenty of people to watch me here. You guys don't have to stay here." Rain stated feeling like a burden on everyone. "Oh don't worry. We are only staying the weekend again. We will still continue school as usual. Though I have no idea what you already had planned for the weekend?" Kyoya asks. "Training the men and myself as usual." Rain answered flatly. "Well the men can train but you will not be doing any training till cleared by the doctor." Kyoya says writing in his book.

*Rain POV*
We get out of the cars heading toward the house. I feel a little awkward having everyone watching my every move. I walk into the syndicate with Takashi standing very close. We make our way to the to the living room. I plop down in my oversized recliner. As everyone takes their seats around the room. I stand up slowly starting to leave the room. "Where do you think your going?" Honey says blocking my way. "I have to pee so unless your gonna hold my hand please let me just go." I sighed. Honey's face goes pink as he steps out of the way. I head down the hall but soon hear a pair of footsteps following me. I turn into my room and froze. My room was destroyed! Kimonos ripped to pieces, books thrown and cut, and my weapon designs thrown everywhere. I sunk to my knees looking at everything. I slowly start to pick up my designs. I see someone out of the corner of my eye. I turn and see Kyoya looking at some of my designs. "Do you design these weapons?" Kyoya asks with a hint of curiosity. "Yes I design for a couple of families. Honey and Mori's families are some of my best customers." I state as I grab more papers. "Well I would like to see some of your product some time. My family has their own police task force. Some of these designs are quit intriguing." Kyoya says flipping through the papers. "You have seen two of them the other day. Honey'a stars and Mori's staff are both my personal designs." I say handing him my other designs.

Kyoya sits on my bed going through my designs. I hear more footsteps coming down the hall. "We are in my room guys. Enter at your own risk it's a disaster!" I yell down the hall. I see Haruhi, Honey and Takashi stop at the doorway. Haruhi and Takashi look shocked as Honey just looked at it sadly. "If you want to stay please just sit with Kyoya." I say handing Kyoya more designs.He continues to look through them as Honey and Takashi join him. Haruhi start picking up books and placing them back on the shelves. "Haruhi you don't have to help me."I say. "We are gonna be here all night if it's only you." Haruhi states simply. Takashi starts picking up the rags that were once my kimonos. He looks to me asking what to do? "Just trash them. I guess you boys will be shopping with me some time soon." I laugh. Soon enough we have the room back in order. Kyoya has sorted through all my designs having a large stack he wants to see.

"Your design for Mori's staff was not in the stack. Is there something special about it?" Kyoya asks. I look to Mori with a closed eye smile. Mori gives me a hard look telling me I'm not playing with the staff today. I pout looking back to Kyoya. "Well when I'm no longer grounded. I will happily show you." I pout. "I would like to set up a demonstration. My father would be very interested in your designs." Kyoya says writing in his book. "Let me know when your family is free. I'm sure Honey and Takashi would have no problem helpings with it." I smiled happy to have a business prospect. I looked at my closet at the few clothes I now had. I go to stand up a little to quickly. The room starts spinning again as I fall back into a broad chest. Im quickly picked up by very muscular arms. "I'm sorry Takashi. I think I pushed myself a little bit." I say weakly resting my head on his chest. We all head into the living room again. Father sees me in Takashi's arms again he shakes his head. "Pushed yourself to much didn't you?" Father states more than asks. Takashi nods his head as he sits in my recliner sitting me on his lap. Honey quickly joins us in the chair. "I'm starving dad what's for dinner?" I ask. "I have already taken care of dinner. It should be here soon." Father states simply.

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