They've arrived

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Waking up early the next morning, just as the sun was peeking over the horizon. I soon heard a knock on my door. I answer quickly seeing my father in his business attire. He quicklyj
informs me that he will be out of town for a few weeks, to take care of the place while he is gone. I smile laughing a little knowing he means don't let the guys destroy the place. He hugs me quickly before going to inform my brother he will be leaving.

I start my morning routine, after finishing the bathroom essentials I go to my closet. I choose a shorter kimono for today since it's a little to warm for a long one. I nearly roasted yesterday. I put the kimono on (picture) and put my hair in a bun holding it with 2 chopstick hairpins. Leaving my room, I go to the kitchen as I reach the door I smell burning  and see smoke. Busting through the door I see the guys attempting to cook omelets. I open the window then grabbing the their failed attempt at omelets and trashing them putting the pan in the sink. I look to the boys who are all looking down in shame. "We only looked away from them for a second and the next thing we know there's smoke." I raised a hand cutting him off as he hung his head once more. I chuckle and soon start helping them restart breakfast before Ritsu leaves for school.

After breakfast is done and Ritsu is off to school. I soon see everyone working on their chore list they received the previous night. I go into the kitchen then to the pantry and realize you can tell nothing but bachelors live here. I begin to get ready to head to get everything to cook dinner, having Asuma bring the car around. Hey the guys might not be the best cooks but their good at carrying groceries. Stopping at a few of my favorite stores in town. We are quickly back at home. I decided to cook Italian since it's one my favorites. 

The day seemed to have flown by. I had the prawn cocktails in the fridge, the hand made lasagna in the oven, I would start the grilled asparagus later, and the final item the strawberry cake chilling in the freezer so I could icing it before they get here. I suddenly heard the men say "Welcome home young lord and guest." I hadn't expected them here this early, I thought they would of stayed for club activities. I haven't even had time to change into a longer kimono! Oh just great I'm about to go greet our guest no tea made and in a short kimono, I can here my etiquette teacher screaming now. Hey at least I left the apron in the kitchen and straightened my kimono first.

"Welcome everyone it's very nice to see you again." I smiled and bowed slightly. Honey randomly screamed "Cute" before I heard 2 identical wolf whistles. The twins leaned their elbows on my brothers shoulders askin"Why didn't you tell us before your sister looked like that?" Thankfully before my brother could answer Kyoya hit both twins in the back of the head. "Please forgive their manners Miss Kasanoda. I can't believe they would be so rude to our host of the evening." Kyoya quickly stated. I laughed lightly "Miss Kasanoda? Please you all may call me Rain. Any friends of my brothers are friends of mine.". Tamaki quickly wrapped me in a death hug babbling something bout me being his daughter. Haruhi pried him off soon after giving him a scolding bout being rude and personal space. Honey grabbed one of my sleeves catching my attention. "Did you remember the cake?" He asked quickly. "How does a strawberry cake with whipped buttercream icing and fresh strawberries, sound to you?" I asked back. I swear I saw stars dancing in his eyes as he was soon picked up by Mori. Mori gave me a quick nod saying hello. I turned back to the group realizing we were still standing at the front door. "Please excuse my rudeness you may all come in. There are slippers for everyone, Ritsu will lead you to the living room as I make tea." Quickly turning opening the doors, I go to walk back to the kitchen. "Care if I join you making tea?" Haruhi called out following behind me. "If you would like I would never turn away help." I smiled.

We make it to the kitchen I put the kettle on quickly. Me and Haruhi begin to talk about schooling, the host club, and how their tryin to help brother. In this conversation I find out my brother is Mori's pupil something major he forgot to tell me. The kettle soon whistles grabbing it quickly making the tea me and Haruhi share a smile. I give her a questioning look before grabbing the tea tray containing the drinks and finger sandwiches. "So Ritsu know your a girl yet?" I asked with a straight face. I see her go rigid before "Huh.... What are you talking about Rain?" Haruhi shakily asks. "Haruhi you don't have to lie, I could tell the first time I met you. You have no Adam's apple and you have to much of a feminine face." I sigh.  She let's out her own exhausted sigh "No Ritsu doesn't know but it doesn't really matter to me. It would just make it harder to pay back my debt.". I look at her a little lost before she quickly tells me her story of joining the host. I laugh a little with her before we walk out of the kitchen heading to the guys. "You know it's nice being able to talk to a fellow girl about all this. You know Rain I feel like we've grown a little closer in the short time it takes to make tea." We both chuckle knowing this would be the start of a hopefully good friendship. We turn the corner to the living room seeing, Ritsu and Tamaki arguing with twins over what show to watch. Kyoya and Mori sat quietly on one of the couches while Honey was giving a play by play of the argument.

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