The Dinner

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It has been about a week since our little weekend. Tonight I am having dinner with Mori and Honeys families. I was at the school heading to the Host club. I open the doors to Music Room 3 but no flowers or anything. I look around the room seeing them all at a table. I start to head to the table when I'm quickly tackled by Honey! Out of the corner of my mind I see them hide everything they were working on. "Ra-chan I'm so happy to see you! What kind of cake did you bring today?" Honey asks with stars in his eyes. I pull out a strawberry cheesecake handing it to him. I walk to the twins handing them new games that don't come out for another month. I throw Kyoya a new accounting book. I hand Tamaki the newest DVD of his favorite drama. I walk to Mori bringing out a stainless steel box. He looks at me confused as I hand him the box. I motion for him to open it, I hope he likes it. His eyes grow wide as he pulls out a steel folding staff. He just looks at me then wraps me in a hug. "Thank you!" He whispered in my hair as he let go. I wanted to pull him back into the hug but I don't know how he would react. Honey looked at me then at his cake. I knew what he was thinking. I pulled out another steel box handing it to honey as I took his cake. He opened it and squealed in excitement! I had him 5 bunny ninja throwing stars hand made and by that reaction he loves them.

"Hope you are all happy with your gifts!" I smile as I grab Haruhi's hand heading for the door. "Hey where are you two going?" The twins ask quickly. "Well I have a dinner tonight with Honey and Mori's families. So I'm making Haruhi go dress shopping with me." I say twiddling my thumbs behind my back. "We are going too. Haruhi is no good at this girly stuff. Boss, Kyoya we leave them in your hands." The twins say walking to me and Haruhi. "Wait I don't need anymore help!" I say starting to imagine the outfits they would put me in. I am soon grabbed by the arms and dragged outside to my car. We all pile in my car and head to a designer store the twins demanded we go to.

"Mom we have a girl needing a sexy get up!" Hikaru yelled as we walked into the store. I see a tall woman with short hair pop out of the back room. "I'm in town for one day and you bring me a girl. What am I to do with you boys?" She laughs. They push me in front of them and her eyes light up! The next thing I know I'm in a changing room with my arms filled with dresses. "Uhm excuse me, I don't need a sexy outfit. I need a dress for a dinner with business associates of my fathers." I state simply. "Hey don't forget your crush will be there too!" The twins yell from outside the room. I pale questioning how they knew. I peek my head out of the curtain looking at the twins. "How did you know?" I ask questionable. "Oh so our thought was correct! We could really tell earlier when he hugged you. He never really shows affection like that unless it's Honey." The twins state simply. I duck back into the changing room as my face goes red.

46 dresses I had to try on! I finally chose my black dress with Haruhi. The twins and their mom approved after they saw how it fitted my figure. The twin stayed with their mom as I drove Haruhi home. We pulled up to Haruhi's apartment complex as I park, my phone goes off. I see a text from Honey saying they will send a car for me and my family at 5. This gives me only an hour to get ready! I look at Haruhi as I start to panic and I barely blabber out that I only have an hour. She grabs my dress as I grab my bag and she hurries me in her apartment. "Dad! I never thought I would say this but I need you for hair and make up!" Haruhi yelled as we get in her apartment. I see a cross dressing man hurry into the room. "Haruhi I never thought you would ever want daddy to do your hair and make up!" He says almost crying. "Not me dad Rain! She only has an hour to be dressed at her house and ready to be picked up at 5 by her crush!" Haruhi quickly exclaimed. "Then let's get to this girl!" Ranka announced. He quickly put my hair in a very elegant bun with bangs framing my face. He added light make up before Haruhi had to help me with my dress. I quickly went into my bag pulling out Haruhi's box. I held it out to her smiling. Haruhi opened the box jumping for joy! I bought her all the newest study guides and reference booklets. I pulled out a necklace. I had gotten as a grift for myself but I need to thank Ranka for the miracle he just worked. I slid the necklace around his neck quickly.

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