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Engraved in a dynamite. Exploded after reading. This guy's good at bombs.

Hi. This is a top secret information I, Dolgrim the demolitionist, am about to say. Don't tell any NPC about it. Especially Brandon. Yeah, not Brandon.

I am a spy. I've been ordered to spy at the Chosen and tell "boss" about the information I got everyday. My boss, well, is a pirate captain. I wasn't informed of his name, but the pirates said I will know him, at the right time. Yeah, maybe when this bomb ticks. Joke, it will not explode until something provokes it.

Back to the topic, after spying at the Chosen's residence, I got a new information. Jas was about to kill the Skeletron. If he wins, he can go to the dungeon to have items and weapons that will make him stronger. He then could kill WoF, which will signal the pirates to attack. Then I'm done. Usually, every demolitionists were spies to a specific group. I got into the pirates, while others could be a spy of Chthulu. Yeah, the worst-case scenario is that. Spying the Chosen for that squid. I will kill him, but I only have bombs and explosives. Plus, I am not allowed to kill the Chthulu. I can't even hurt him. Only the Chosen can.

Now, keep this info for you until needed. For now, I'll just keep on testing my explosives.


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